"Um~, this one?"

Looking at Kasahiko, who was very curious, and Sugu Bai, who had a longing look in his eyes, chuckled softly and sold out.

"You'll know then~"

"...let it be-"

Although he really wanted to know right away, and to see it right away, of course, this young man doesn't allow it right now, so he can't do it, right?

who let-

In that place, he really didn't find any clues, so he really didn't know where it was!


In front of others, even in front of his own father, the prince is a dull, even a little unresponsive, in front of Su Gu Bai and Shu Qianluo, but his disguise is unconscious. To withdraw a clean.

I don't know if he found out about this.

Anyway, let Onozawa, who came back from buying clothes, softened his expression.

Because the current master is a lot more lively, and even occasionally shows his playful temperament when he was a child. These have not appeared since Mr. Mei Zhizi left.

However, for the current cheerful and bright Lord, the mother who wants to come to the Lord must be the most favorite.

Because of the angle, Kasahiko, who didn't notice Onozawa's return, asked the boy like a child of 100,000 why -

"Are you looking for anyone else besides me?"

It's not that he is overhearted, but that he has some understanding of this young man's temperament, knowing that he is not the kind of person who calls everyone out for fun when he has nothing to do.

What's more, once he finds someone, it means that he has something to do, so even though he is very curious about the world this young man talks about and wants to find out, he will not lose his minimum vigilance and vigilance because of this. calm down.

Therefore, some words and some things are better to ask.

After all, it's always right to go first with the military, isn't it?


To Kasahiko's tentative questioning cliché, the boy nodded in agreement.

"Besides you, there should be a few more—"

"...So, what are you trying to do?"

Kasahiko, whose heart skipped a beat, took the clothes that Onozawa handed him, put them on, walked out, sat opposite Sugu Bai, frowned, and looked at him.

"Why did you come to me and the others with you? And—"

He paused and said his suspicions.

"Those people, are they ordinary people, or—"

what is this else?

Kasahiko didn't say it clearly, but who didn't know what he meant?

nothing more than—

The remaining few people, do they have the same abnormality as him?

However, for Kasahiko's very alert intuition, the young man suddenly smiled evilly, full of ghosts and animals, and, accompanied by his smile, the whole bright room seemed to have suddenly darkened, gloomy and cold. tingling scalp.

Even, he spoke slowly in a very low-pitched tone.

"Aiya~, the intuition of the prince is very incredible. Even if the Lord hasn't said anything, he can keenly perceive some crises. Then, what should we do? Do you want to——"

He made a gesture of wiping his neck, accompanied by a strange smile on his bright red lips, like a devil who came out of **** wading a river of blood!

"Murder and kill?"


Instinctively, Kasahiko and Onozawa's stiff bodies, and countless cold sweats on their spines, also gathered together and rolled down.

As for, looking at their frightened faces, and the young man who couldn't hide his frightened eyes, he laughed out loud, happy and happy, and blinked like a bear child who had succeeded in mischief.

"I lied to you~"

Kasahiko: "..."

I'm **** scared to death! You said it was a liar? !

Onozawa: "..."

With all due respect -

I really don't see how you look like a liar.


Looking at the frightened, angry and helpless master and servant, the young man who took a sip of tea, couldn't help laughing.

"Although, it is indeed for some reason that you have to go there with you people, but it is just to borrow what you have, but—"

He looked at Kasahiko who frowned slightly, and the corners of his lips curved.

"There are still risks. As for what kind of risks, I can't guarantee you right now, and, there is one thing you need to know, that is—"

The young man shook the teacup in his hand, raised his eyebrows lightly, and smiled in a subtle and different way.

"The risk will be too great, and it is very likely that it will affect your life. Therefore, the Prince still has the opportunity and right to choose. It is also possible not to go."


Kasahiko was silent, looked at him indifferently, and said:

"Why did you give me one, if I dared not to go, you would cramp my skin and even smash my bones into ashes?"

"how come?"

The boy laughed, and slowly added in Kasahiko and Onozawa's disbelieving eyes.

"The Lord will at most make the Prince lose something, but his life will still be reserved for the Prince~"

...that's pretty scary too, isn't it?

Kasahiko, whose face shook fiercely, turned his head to look at Onozawa and asked seriously.

"Otherwise, let's go. After all, he has the most words in his mouth. In our eyes, it is no different from the collapse of the sky!"

Of course, Onozawa, who was questioned by him, looked at him silently, and then made a calm judgment.

"I think, if the Lord refuses, the third master will not kill you, but the fourth young lady might—"


He even forgot that there was still a demon, Kasahiko, looked sideways at Shu Qianluo with a frown, and saw that she was wiping the gadget in her hand, which was extremely lethal, while hanging it. His eyes were as cold as frost and snow, and they stared at him like a dead man.

This made Kasahiko choked hard.

Well, this time, he just climbed out of the wolf's den, but fell into the tiger's den again?

And, was he willing to jump in?

That's the worst part!

Kasahiko, who was very heartbroken, stood up expressionlessly and walked towards the door.

"I'm tired, I want to sleep, and, live next door to you, call me-"

Look, his last stubborn resistance has reached such a humble level. You say, what else can he save?

Seeing Kasahiko whose life seemed to be completely in darkness, the school flower-sama grinned, and the old **** stabbed him again.

"There is one thing that you have a high level of awareness, that is, Xiaobai's at most, for others, the sky is definitely falling. Then, Your Highness Prince, I wish you good luck!"

...you can shut up! A schadenfreude thing!

Kasahiko, who was choked, almost hit the door, his face darkened, and strode out of the room, for fear that he would stay for another second and go directly to see Amaterasu!

Not long after Kasahiko and Onoze went to the next room to self-isolate, Li Chen came back disheveled, huddled on the sofa under the dark clouds, with a look of dejection, and even suspected of wanting to cry.

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