"Although the place where she works is in the National Defense Academy, it is actually '108,000 miles' away from here!"

? ?

These words made Shu Qianluo give him a strange look.

"what's the situation?"


Li Chen, who really wanted to have a smoke with a cigarette, sighed in a heartbroken manner.

"Because, the National Defense Academy is not only a school, but also a base for the official cultivation of various talents, and even, after it, there are countless excellent geniuses who are conducting various in-depth research in the depths. so--"

He looked at the stinky girl who suddenly realized, and then pointed to a place that looked like a spire in the distance.

"Hey, she's there—"

"……very pitiful--"

Seeing that even if it is not 108,000 miles away, there is still a place for thousands of miles away, the school flower adults tut their heads and pat him on the shoulder sympathetically.

"Forget it, don't ask for a daughter-in-law or something? Anyway, before this, you lived well without a daughter-in-law, didn't you?"

...what the **** are you talking about? !

Li Chen darkened his face and glared at her angrily.

"Go! It's fine if you don't give me an idea for me to see her, but it's still there to provoke us to finally settle down, and even have a chance to get married? What the **** do we hate? You are so cruel. me?"

"Huh? Getting married?"

The school flower-sama, who keenly caught the word, looked at him in amazement.

"You and Aunt Hong are getting married?"


As soon as this matter was mentioned, Li Chen's brows softened, and he really put Tie Han's tender side in Hong Luan's palm, making it her exclusive.

"We are not young anymore. We can still have the opportunity to make up for the regrets of our youth. Although it is difficult to make up for it, we also know how to cherish each other and understand each other more, and—"

Li Chen rolled his eyes and laughed.

"If we can, we would like to have a child after this. In this case, our life can be considered complete, so it is really good to take advantage of the fact that everything is going well now, to realize the dreams that we missed when we were young. "


Looking at Li Chen, who was suddenly gentle like a green leaf floating in the spring breeze, fluttering across from a distance, and fell into a small puddle, but he refused to leave Li Chen, Shu Qian. In the heart of Luo, there was some envy.

It also made her wonder, what kind of feelings would make two strangers who had nothing to do with each other look forward to each other, stare at each other, think about each other, and even take care of each other, and even, You give birth to me, and I also follow you when you die?


Looking at the dazed and smiling young man, Li Chen spoke unceremoniously at them.

"You guys are going to give us a super big red envelope! You know? Rich people!"

... but you can be so tender-hearted--

Shu Qian, whose mouth twitched fiercely, was stunned.

"Aren't you a rich man yourself? You still want to hack us when we get married? Is it too much?"

"Am I going too far?"

Li Chen pointed back at his nose, looked at her with an incredible expression, and sneered.

"School students want to come, they want to leave, and they are lazy to write leave slips, but they don't leave any smudges on their files. Who helped you cover up?"


The school flower, who wanted to explain, was interrupted by Li Chen's unceremonious wave, and continued to sneer.

"The follow-up of the death of the student's life case, and even the subsequent Tianyuan incident, plus the fact that you have been away for several months without any faith, how many exams you have missed, and do you have no idea in your heart? Again! This time, it is necessary to It's not that I tried my best to delay and comprehensively, so you can come back in time to participate in the competition?"

"What? How many times have I wiped your buttocks for you? Right now, it's just a super big red envelope for you to get married, and you're still pushing three, blocking four? I'm digging my heart out for you!"


Rarely, the school flower-sama, who was silenced by Li Chen, opened his mouth but didn't know what to say, and finally cursed in a low voice.

"I give it! I can't give it!"

"It is necessary!"

The old man, who was able to measure an inch, raised his head arrogantly.

"I won't say it anymore. Your auntie Hong also takes good care of you! No matter how polite you are, you can't be thin. Otherwise, when we settle down and find out that you are lower than others, I will be ruthless!"

"You, me, I fucking—"

Shu Qianluo laughed angrily at this shameless old man.

"I've never seen someone like you who gets cheap and sells well! You don't say it? Let's seal a super big red envelope? Then add your wife? Is that a big red envelope that can stop it? It's clearly You want to **** me and Xiaobai dry!"

"It's impossible to **** dry—"

Mr. Li, who was calmly scolded by the school flower, took out his ears, blew his earwax, and the old **** babbled.

"Other people don't know how much money you have in your hands? Can I still guess? Take a look at the few goods that you killed, shares, dividends, and these are definitely several times richer than me, so , I finally got a chance to kill you, why not?"


This, **** bastard!

Shu Qianluo, who was almost unable to control his violent temper, let the young man who was laughing beside him reach out his hand to stop her, rubbed her head, and smiled.

"Isn't it a red envelope? Let's give it, anyway~"

The young man looked at Li Chen, who had suddenly become very vigilant, and the corners of his thin lips couldn't help but rise.

"Uncle Li seems to have forgotten that the business field he has gradually expanded in recent days is basically Hua Er, He San, Gu Jiu and the others who supported him. Then, when we look back, let's talk to the three of them, If you settle the cost of clearing the way for Li Chen, it can be considered as a return, right?"

! ! !

What the **** is this talking about? !

Sure enough, the vigilance was absolutely right, Li Chen, his face turned green!

And, the school flower-sama laughed unceremoniously.

"This idea is very good! That's the decision! Isn't it a super big red envelope? I will definitely prepare a lot for Uncle Li! Even, it will definitely make Uncle Li - Yong, live, difficult, forget!"

The last four words were almost squeezed out of the gap between the teeth, and they gave Teacher Li a stab, and he quickly shook his head and slapped his face in rebuttal.

"No! Don't take it seriously! I'm just kidding you—"

However, before the words were finished, Li Chen stood up in a swish, staring at a certain figure in front of him, and there was something unspeakable in his eyes - gloom.

With such an appearance, Shu Qianluo, who was biting with him, froze, turned his head, and looked in the direction Li Chen was looking at, and saw that there were several people walking far away, one of whom was obviously conspicuous.

White cashmere sweater, white pants, white sneakers, short chestnut hair, the side face is very beautiful under the light of the sky——

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