It looks like a face that has been properly traced by a master painter's fine brush, handsome and full of aura.

Just, a little pity.

The young man who made people feel good and close at first sight was in a wheelchair just like Gu Jiu.

"That person is—"

Keenly aware that the young man was very unusual, Shu Qianluo frowned and asked the two beside him.

However, Li Chen, who was focusing all his attention on the young man at this time, did not hear what she was saying, but Gu Bai nodded, pondered for a while, with a smile on his face, but with a touch of Different kind of thrilling.

This made the school flower adults suddenly feel blessed.

"Fuck! Wouldn't it be a rival in love?!"

After the subconscious words were blurted out, Li Chen, who was next to him, was shocked back to his senses, his face was twisted fiercely, and it was sinister and complicated.

This look-

All right-

Enemies are perfect!

Shu Qianluo twitched the corners of his mouth, biting his ears with his own dog in a tone he couldn't speak very well.

"I can guarantee it! It's definitely not my illusion. That young man not only looks very contemptuous, but also has a very comfortable smile. Even, he is definitely the Prince Charming in the eyes of most women—"


God **** Prince Charming!

This **** is definitely a real black core!

The kind of black core that is blacker than you!

Teacher Li's words made Teacher Li furious!

Of course, before he could refute, I saw that stinky girl who could slap him and irritate him when she caught her, her mouth was like a machine gun, and the biubiubiubiu made him completely unable to intervene and continued to stab him. heart of!

"—A man like this, even if he has physical defects, will still attract countless women to chase after him. Then, compared with others, our uncle Li is a little bit worse in terms of natural charm—"


Where did he miss him?

He is clearly very strong!

Great, okay? !

Blind, this stinky girl can't see? !


Li Chen, whose fingers were shaking a little with anger, slapped the elbow to death!

However, as if he could sense that he wanted to make a move, Shu Qianluo flashed directly behind Su Gu Bai, who was constantly laughing, and continued to slash Li Chen's heart.

"Who let, a bright and warm like spring breeze, um, without knowing who he really is—"

"A cold and stern like a sharp blade, tsk, in the case of not arguing like a person, then you look at it, as long as you are not blind or self-abuse, why will you choose the former instead of the latter? "

"! You can shut up!"

Li Chen, who couldn't bear it any longer, raised his foot and kicked her, staring at her fiercely with a dark face of Uncle Mei.

"Who the **** are you?! Are you really not a spy sent by the other party!?"

"Bah! You are the spies! Your whole family are spies!"

The school flower-sama, whose aura did not lose at all, also glared back fiercely.

"If you want me, I'll choose him over you! Not to mention Aunt Hong!"

"you you-"

Seeing that Li Chen was going to be mad at him, Gu Bai was overwhelmed and pressed the head of the irritating little girl who wanted to continue to take revenge and patted her helplessly.

"Good~, don't make trouble~"

They are here, because of the war caused by an outsider, the boys from the Hanlin Academy who were taken away by the youth to change their clothes also returned to the training ground, which made it happen that they had to pass the training ground and go deeper into the National Defense Academy. ' Xiao Fu asked with a gentle smile.

"Huh? How come there are foreign students? Also, are they from the Hanlin University? It seems that I haven't heard of academic exchanges between the two?"


The instructor who sent Xiao Fu to the back shook his head and explained to the students who were walking towards the training ground not far away—

"It was sudden. Because of this international preliminary competition, Hanlin Academy won the first prize, and the number of first prizes won is still quite large, so we made an exception to let them come to visit."

It is said that it is a visit, but in fact, everyone knows that it is recruiting talents.

However, Xiao Fu, who seemed to be unaware of this kind of thing, nodded.

"No wonder, speaking of which, these students have a lot of momentum, and their eyes are very clear. In addition, they can win the game beautifully. I think they are not weak in all aspects. In this case, there are indeed The value of soliciting them."

"Well, indeed."

Xiao Fu is not an ordinary person. Although he is not the five dragons in Kyoto, he is second only to the six dragons under the five dragons. In addition, his own medical achievements, as well as his uncle Xiao Ming, are the first of the National Defense Academy. They are domain-level experts in the second category, so many things are known to them through their own news channels.

Then, relatively, there is no need to conceal, and a direct and honest response is the most correct thing.


Xiao Fu, who seemed to be very interested in these students, stopped his wheelchair, looked at them, and asked.

"Do these students, now, want to play with your students?"

"Yes, whether it is us or them, they all have this plan."

The instructor nodded.

"Most of these students' physical qualities are really suitable for our line of work, so the instructors want to see again where their limits and drawbacks are, so they are ready to let the students from both sides show their hands, but —”

After a pause, the instructor looked in a certain direction with a pity, and said—

"Among these students, there are two most eye-catching, whether it is Wenbi or Wubi, they are tied for first place, but they may not be very comfortable today, so they did not participate in these gestures—"

"Is that so?"

Xiao Fu, whose eyes flashed for a moment, followed the instructor's gaze, and it happened to meet and raised his head, looking over here - the dog.

Yep, it's a dog.

That wild dog who stole his girl!

Xiao Fu, who cursed in his heart but did not show the landscape on his face, took the lead to smile at Li Chen and nodded, but let Teacher Chen glance at him with indifference, and then turned his eyes, arguing with the little girl next to him, his face was red and his ears were red. , as if not seeing him, more like ignoring him as rude.

This made Xiao Fu raise his eyebrows.


He wasn't angry yet, but the dog was angry?

That feeling is good, and there will be a time when he will continue to suffer!


The fiery little girl who was fighting with Li Chen was probably Shu Qianluo, classmate Shu, who was in He Er's mouth, so that classmate Shu was beside him with a grinning smile, but—

Xiao Fu's eyes paused for a while, gradually revealing surprise.

No matter who it is, anyone who has taken a look at him can infer his personality, but this young man, he, can't see through, and can't see through.

He clearly has the most perfect face like a god, and he also has a magnificent and refreshing smile like a sea wave, but why did Xiao Fu subconsciously have a chill on his back, and even suddenly felt that he The previous judgment on this young man was too arbitrary.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be surprised now.

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