Seemingly noticing his overly focused gaze, the beautiful and delicate young man looked sideways at him, then met his eyes, bent his lips and smiled, and nodded lightly as a greeting.

Subconsciously, Xiao Fu also made the same move, and after that, his mind froze.

Because, this is probably the second time, no, it should be the fourth time. He was unconsciously drawn to his mind by others without his own control, releasing the same response, and even his senses and instincts were all subdued, which made him willing of.

And, what can make him have the same reaction——

One is the head of the Su family.

In the era that belonged to him, he was at the top of the all-powerful situation, but he left everything recklessly, from the emperor of the Xia Kingdom, to living in the deserted capital of the Xia Kingdom, and gradually became an existence that was almost forgotten by everyone.

The second is the old and young.

During their period, he could almost be nominated by the head of the Su family, and he was also admired and followed by countless people and regarded as a person of faith.

The third is his wife, Miss Yun.

The extraordinary woman who can walk side by side with her husband and never fall behind.

However, the fourth place is this young master.

These four people are all from the same clan and ancestral temple, and they have the strongest and purest genetic blood. I really couldn't help feeling—

Dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix, not without reason.

Moreover, ordinary people say that they can only flourish for three generations, but in the ever-changing and uncertain world, they don’t seem to be within such a routine.

So amazing, so weird.

From this, it can be seen that this young man, who was a little earlier than the previous three, who gave him the same awe-inspiring reaction, has long been qualified to be a king and overlord, and the reason why he is still unknown is nothing more than It's about-

He wants or doesn't want to.

That's all.

How arrogant and arrogant?

No wonder, this boy will always be in the heart of A Luan, even if it is the dog, he can only tend to it, and even when this boy and that dog are in danger, A Luan will definitely not hesitate. Go find the boy and throw the dog aside.

But, in the end, Ah Luan will definitely sleep with the dog forever.

Xiao Fu is very clear about this.

It is also clear that he and A Luan are only destined to have no relationship, and the fate that he and A Luan are forcibly implicated is all created by him. married home.

But, at that time, A Luan was no longer A Luan——

He really didn't want to see the woman who was as dazzling as the sun in his eyes eventually fall into the dust. What's more, he caused all of this with his own hands. This is the most unforgivable thing for him.

Xiao Fu, whose heart is jerky and bitter, refuses to accept his fate in many matters, but he accepts his fate in the matter of his fate with A Luan.

Really serious.


Fate is accepted, but fate cannot be broken, let alone let A Luan be put into his kennel by that dog so easily!

The gentle smile on his face disappeared for a moment, but Xiao Fu rekindled his smile, but that smile made the instructor who swept over a little horrified.

Yi also subconsciously took a step back, rubbed the goose bumps on his arms, and suddenly remembered a rumor from a long time ago.

It is said that this young master of the Xiao family is notoriously good-natured. He is almost the same as the sixth young master of the Wen family, or even worse, but he seems to be able to be flattened and rounded at will. Man, on a certain day, with the power of one person, he stabbed a certain dark force entrenched in the imperial capital.

Moreover, it is said that it is only that dark force, there are a few short-eyed boys who insult the girl he puts on the top of his heart, that's all.

Of course, it was at that time that everyone suddenly realized that this gentle and temperate son of the Xiao family is a ruthless character! It is also an existence that does not dare to be provoked at will!

Even, that incident has been forgotten for many years, and even the son of the Xiao family has grown from a boy to a middle-aged, and he is even more temperamental than before, but I don't know how to respond. The thing, he even showed such a hair-raising smile after so many years, I really don't know which unlucky **** provoked him.

The instructor, whose eyebrows twitched, subconsciously followed his gaze, and saw that the direction he was looking at turned out to be the direction of the teacher and two students of the Hanlin Academy.

This made the instructor's expression stop, and he suddenly reacted.

Oh slot!

This sweetheart seems to be the famous red professor with eccentric temper?

However, there is a teacher from the Hanlin Academy who is poking under the tree a little far away. If he remembers correctly, last time, this teacher came to see the red professor?

At that time, he glanced at it from a distance, and was still curious, which man is so capable, and can get the woman who the eldest son of the Xiao family has not recovered.

At this moment, after a careful identification, isn't it a person?

This time, the instructor's face turned green.

It is a famous saying no matter where you place it, you are jealous when you meet a rival!


Isn't the unlucky boy targeted by Young Master Xiao the concubine, bah, boyfriend of Professor Hong?


This is so **** up!

These two must not fight in front of him!

He really can't stand the fights of the great gods!


The instructor, whose brows trembled, tried his best to straighten his expression and opened his mouth to Xiao Fu.

"Previously, Elder Xiao was waiting inside—" You go over—

Before the instructor's words were finished, he stopped abruptly, his eyes popped, and he wanted to curse on the spot!

Because, in the direction they were going to go, there were several figures, one of whom had long messy hair, slanted glasses, and a lollipop in his mouth, and his expression was also very awkward. The impatient woman in a white coat walked over with her hands in her pockets.


Really, God is going to kill him.

The instructor, who wanted to reach out and rub his face, didn't want to talk at all.

However, Xiao Fu, who also saw the woman, opened his eyes with a smile, and controlled the wheelchair to walk in her direction, his voice was clear and full of joyful smile.



In the same way, Li Chen, whose eyes lit up when he saw Hongluan appeared, left the two little cubs and strode towards her.


Seeing Xiao Fu's Hongluan first, he instantly cast aside the impatience on his face, raised his eyebrows, and turned back his footsteps, walking towards him, and said as he walked—

"What are you running here for?"

"Naturally, to meet Uncle and you—"

They laughed very happily, and there were also two people who were talking and laughing, as if they didn't see the dog that was suddenly petrified over there.

This made the instructor who worked hard to be the background board, his expression twitched, and it also made Shu Qianluo, who was watching the joke openly, grin out.

"Yo ho? The status of this main palace is really - at stake?"

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