"Heh~, don't make trouble~, be careful that Uncle Li's ruthless calamity affects us, it won't be good-"

That's what he said, but Su Gu Bai hooked his little girl's arm and waved at Hong Luan.

"Hey~, the big devil of the red luan girl~"

Instructor: "!!"

What the hell! This kid is great! How dare you call Professor Hong what they occasionally mumble in privately? Even the few men and women in white coats who were sweating profusely behind Hongluan also had horror on their faces.

? ?


Hong, the big devil of the red luan girl?

Straight, just call Professor Hong by her name, and even call her the big devil in front of her?

I have a big hole!

Who is that kid?

Are you so afraid of death?


So long, so beautiful, ah ah ah-

However, as soon as I heard the very familiar voice and tone in my memory, and that no one dared to call her by her name, the red luan with the female devil's head, the blue veins on her skull, directly skipped her rationality, suddenly straight Jumping made her turn her head abruptly, cursing through gritted teeth.

"What? Is there any size left?"

As a result, after a roar, she noticed that Li Chen, who was petrified into a statue, made her brows twitch and twist.

"Why are you here?"

listen -


Is this the expression and tone of a man who sees his relatives?

In an instant, Li Chen, whose heart was cold from the inside to the outside, turned around expressionlessly, walked back under the big tree, sat there, and said nothing, like a machine without emotion.

Such indifference makes the three people present who know him well know that this is just being awkward and temperamental.

However, it is also natural to think about it.

As my own daughter-in-law, the first thing I saw was not my own husband, but another wild man, and this wild man also had a terrifying identity—the ex-boyfriend of his own daughter-in-law!

Then you say, as long as it is a man, which one has a good expression?

Not to mention, her daughter-in-law's expression towards her ex-boyfriend is just like a warm spring breeze, but she treats her man like autumn wind sweeping leaves. This comparison before and after, not beating people on the spot is already a good training and education, right? ?

As for Li Chen, who looked like a big inflated puffer fish, the corner of his mouth twitched, he reached out and pinched his eyebrows, and sighed.

What did she do wrong?

Just come out to let the wind out and be lazy, why do you encounter waves of people who come to her?

Besides, there are still several difficult ones, really—slots!

"Do you all know each other?"

However, it was the devil who had experienced great storms and waves. Looking at the ex-boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, and Hongluan, who is the ex-boyfriend who is now her current boyfriend, she calmly nodded to both sides.

"Do you need me to introduce you to you again?"

"Need not."

Xiao Fu smiled and shook his head.

"Patriarch Li, long time no see, and, classmate Su, classmate Shu, the first time we met, I am Xiao Fu, Xiao with the surname Xiao, repeating Fu, it's a doctor."


Shu Qianluo nodded at Xiao Fu, and Su Gu Bai also nodded at him, bending his lips and smiling gracefully.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao, or ~, how is the big devil's ex-boyfriend?"

Xiao Fu: "…"

Instructor: "…"

Hongluan's attendant: "..."

Li Chen: "…"

Hongluan himself: "…"

To be honest, none of the people present would have thought that this young man would actually spit out such a sentence, which is very difficult to describe. Only Shu Qianluo gloated over the misfortune and took out the strawberry-flavored melon seeds. Kacha's cheerfulness, listening to everyone, can't help but want to beat people!

However, as one of the parties, or the most important party, the Red Devil—

The blue veins on her skull stopped the moment she heard Su Gu Bai's voice, and she was jumping more cheerfully now, which also made her take a deep breath, but she couldn't control her anger and pulled it out of the hands of the people behind her. I don't know what the file is and smash it at him.

Shouting and scolding.

"Can you speak human words?! It's been a long time since you don't want me, and you dare to harm me like this? What do you want to do!?"

"Oops~, see you say-"

Yingying took the folder with a smile, and threw it back to the demon king in the hands of the young man whose face was white with fright. He flicked the little fox's tail behind him, and fanned the little devil's wings behind him. , gave her a big hug with a bright and bright smile.

He was stunned to hug Hong Luan, but he subconsciously reached out and hugged 'him' back, frowning, his voice low, fierce and cruel.

"Did something happen? Or was someone bullying you? Tell me! Kill him!"

... This is really a devilish word, which made everyone speechless, only the young man laughed out loud, came out of her arms, and winked at her.

"What happened~, there are many, but I can handle it myself~ As for who will be bullied~, let's take a good look at how many lives he has, right? So~, no need for Aunt Hong to take action. ~, while—"

Su Gu Bai's voice paused, and then, in addition to wiping a handful of oil on her waist, everyone's eyes were about to pop out, and Li Chen and Xiao Fu's faces were turning green, smiling. Throw out a sentence in depth.

"Give Aunt Hong a loving hug, just to celebrate, Aunt Hong's ex-boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, and even the current boyfriend meet each other on a narrow road~ I don't know which boyfriend Aunt Hong finally hugged to completeness? Which one to leave behind? Does her boyfriend let him go to the west?"


I, I fucking—

Hong Luan, who really didn't dare to expect to hear good things from the mouth of this stinky girl, beat her chest fiercely and cursed furiously.

"What a sin! I know what kind of thing you are, and I expect you to be a good person! It's so **** naive!"

Hongluan, who wanted to turn her head and leave after leaving those words, was caught by the stinky girl in her mouth, and she opened her mouth cutely with narrow, innocent fox eyes blinking.

"Auntie~, I'm hungry~"

! !

As soon as this foul came out of the sky, everyone's blood tank instantly skyrocketed. Even if he had seen him maliciously acting cute, but Shu Qianluo, who was actually a fool, was still cute, not to mention, he couldn't stand it at all. She is a cute and coquettish red luan.

Because, since she saw Su Gu Bai, a stubborn thing, she has never seen anyone coquettish with her, not even in front of Su Yechen and Yun Shu.

And now, she actually acts like a spoiled child in front of herself, and she still uses such a cute and completely unbearable expression, really—

"Let's go! Eat and eat!"

I want to give her everything!

People are good too!

good heart!

Good luck!

Give it all!

Give it all!

So, the big devil, who was instantly appeased by a little coquettish, left everyone behind and led her little sweetie to the cafeteria to eat. This one made the first step back to the school flower, tsk tsk and shook his head. , glanced at Li Chen with great sympathy, and then glanced at Xiao Fu.

Then, he put the unfinished melon seeds back into his pocket, clapped his hands again, and followed the two of them, while slowly and leisurely.

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