The Third Reich

Chapter 992: Kill invisible

Compared with the University of Chicago, the guards here are much stricter. Such a large number of scientists must be well protected. Just outside the venue for their meetings, there are more than a dozen policemen with live ammunition, even on the opposite side. On the commanding heights of the roof, there are snipers.

For any country, scientists are the most precious wealth.

Now, these scientists are deciding the future of the United States. They want to build a laboratory here, integrate the resources of several universities, and work together to conduct nuclear bomb research here.

They didn't know that at this moment, just above their heads, in the ventilation duct, a person was crawling gently.

This person's body is very thin, so that he can crawl slowly in the air duct, but he wears a burden on his head.

Rubber products cover his entire face, only the two front lenses allow him to see the outside situation, and there is a large filter canister under his mouth.

Anyone familiar with it will know that this thing is a gas mask!

He was very careful every time he acted without making any sound. Finally, he stopped. Through a blind below, he could see the light below, and there was a meeting going on inside!

Using his rubber-gloved hands, he carefully took out a small bottle from his body, and gently turned on the switch. In it, colorless and odorless gas slowly evaporated.

He crawled again with difficulty, backing backwards in the ventilation duct. It was impossible. He could only continue to climb forward and climb into the room at the corner of the corridor to get out.

At the same time, he must speed up, because that kind of poison gas is too powerful, and it will kill all the people below in just a few minutes.

During the First World War, poison gas was used on a large scale. Even Hitler was a victim of poison gas, causing temporary blindness in his eyes.

However, in World War II, there was no case of large-scale use of poisonous gas, because World War I has made people realize that gas warfare is a game that hurts both sides, and even sudden changes in the wind direction will lead to bad luck.

Therefore, no one is devoted to the development of new poison gas, and only the islanders have a soft spot for it.

Just two years ago, researchers G. Schrader, O. Ambrose, G. Rudiger, and Van Del Linde of Fabien in Germany discovered the by-product of a new type of pesticide for the first time. It is very toxic, so they named the poison "Sarin" using the five letters of the last names of four of their own.

Yes, this is the famous sarin gas! It was only in World War II that no one used it. It was not until the end of the war that this poison began to be produced worldwide. The US military code is GB, and the Soviet military is P-35.

And now, Germany is only used in secret agents, because it is the latest development, even if you do it, there is no direct evidence that Germany did it.

The poisonous gas has slowly spread.

Generally speaking, industrially manufactured sarin is light yellow or yellow-brown, and has a fruity fragrance. However, pure sarin is absolutely colorless and tasteless, killing invisible.

"Since we have agreed to establish a laboratory here, we must be fast." Oppenheimer said in the conference room: "I propose that the research institutes of several of our universities should be relocated within a month. It will become a paradise for our scientists across the United States, where doctors are nothing."

After Oppenheimer said this sentence, everyone present laughed, but at this moment, Oppenheimer felt that he was a little out of breath?

He wanted to continue talking, but he couldn't help but breathe twice. Following that, he felt that the more he breathed, the more he couldn't breathe, his feet were also unstable, and he fell to the ground with a puff, and then his legs began to become violent. The ground twitched.

"Quickly, call someone..." Oppenheimer's words were not finished, he could not speak, or that he could not breathe at all.

When he breathed in sarin, the acetylcholinesterase in his body was irreversibly inhibited, his pupils began to shrink, his breathing was difficult, his bronchus was shrinking, and he was convulsing involuntarily.

At this time, everyone else present had the same reaction. Everyone realized what had happened. They wanted to call for help, but no one could.

In order to protect them, there are guards guarding them outside. However, for the sake of confidentiality, their rooms are soundproofed. After all, the guards are not completely reliable, at least not allowing them to hear what they shouldn't hear.

But now, this is counterproductive. They want to call out for help, but no one can speak!

When sarin poisoning occurs, it will suffocate and die within a few minutes. It is a neurotoxic gas with a very powerful lethality. Even if rescued, this gas can cause damage to the nerves, brain and liver~www.wuxiaspot .com~ has attracted countless sequelae and complications, and finally people die from this complication.

And now, the people present died very painful and walked fast...

Half an hour later, Robert's secretary hurried over.

"I have urgent information to notify Secretary Robert." The secretary said, holding a document just sent by the White House in his hand.

There was a terrible explosion at one of our bases, and that base has connections with these scientists!

After checking his credentials, the guard let him go, and the secretary was dumbfounded when he opened the door.

In the room, all people are dead!

The secretary pulled his leg and rushed in. As a result, after walking a few steps, he fell down. The guard outside reacted, put on a gas mask and walked in. Unfortunately, there was no need to call an ambulance.

The entire scene was sealed off. The agents of the FBI investigated for a few days but did not catch the murderer. They even didn't even know what kind of poison was in these people.


"This is definitely not an accident, it was completely premeditated!" In the White House, one by one bad news came almost like a revolving lantern, making all the top Americans dumbfounded.

Roosevelt was angry.

When he was awakened from his sleep, it was the Oak Ridge base that exploded, and when he came to the meeting room, more murders were reported.

Obviously, this was aimed at the Manhattan Project in the United States. At this point, the Manhattan Project was broken and even risked a miscarriage.

Who did it? Not an island country, but Germany! These two countries will not look at the development of nuclear weapons by the United States.

Wait, how did the US nuclear program leak? ()

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