The Third Reich

Chapter 993: Who did it

This incident is definitely planned and premeditated, and it must have been arranged for a long time. If it does not move, it will be a mountain and a crack!

Up to now, the number of scientists killed has reached 56. Almost all of them are famous figures in nuclear physics. You can think with your toes that the US nuclear program has been hit hard.

As for ordinary people, there are more casualties. The number reported now exceeds 10,000. It can be said that the damage caused by this attack is greater than Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor only lost some old ones. It was only a battleship from the World War I era, but now, it is the disappearance of America's top scientists and a large number of skilled workers.

Roosevelt was extremely angry, but now, his anger could not vent.

The Manhattan Project suddenly expanded in scale, leading to disputes over interests. For example, the Army and the FBI were in dispute over the security work here.

But now, with such a big mess, it just happens that they can shirk each other's responsibilities. Hoover and Marshall, both of them have quarreled so hard that they have scolded each other's mother many times.

What's the use of this? What should I do now?

"First of all, we have not yet made a clear investigation result. What is going on in the tragedy in Oak Ridge?" Secretary of State Hull remained calm, and he thought of a more terrifying situation.

Whether it is Germany or an island country, if they directly attack Oak Ridge, it must be throwing bombs from the air. Thinking about this is enough to make people break down.

U.S. bombers went to the top of the island country to drop bombs, almost all of them died in nine deaths. In this way, the United States rejoiced, because they could directly retaliate against the island country!

The pride of Americans also comes from their new world, which is isolated from the old one. In this way, whether it is an island country or Germany, it is very difficult to directly attack the United States.

Although they slandered Germany using bombers to bomb New York last year, it was just a whimsical thing. The range of the Junker-290 bomber was not that far.

It's impossible in Germany. How can an island country have such a technology?

If it weren't for bombers, what was the situation that allowed the nuclear base to be razed to the ground?

It's really terrible!

If an accident occurred inside the nuclear base, causing a chain reaction of the explosion, this is acceptable, but everyone knows that this is impossible.

Such an explosion can only be a nuclear explosion. Where can nuclear explosions be so easy to produce!

In later generations, terrorists can make dirty bombs and buy radioactive materials. However, they absolutely cannot make atomic bombs, because a chain reaction requires a fairly high purity of nuclear materials, even for nuclear power plants. The degree of enrichment of raw materials is only 50%, and in nuclear weapons, it must be more than 99%.

The best way, of course, is to ask the person concerned, but what is even more frightening is that there is no more livelihood at the scene.

Hull’s words calmed Roosevelt. Even if Roosevelt had no scientific knowledge, he knew that this was not an accident. What's more, so many scientists who were not on the scene, including his scientific adviser Oppenheimer, were also simultaneously victimized. Assassination, is this still necessary? It's definitely a conspiracy!

Hull’s words also reminded Marshall: “In this tragic explosion at the scene, all buildings were destroyed. This attack mode is almost the same as the situation in Exeter, England. what!"

When Marshall said so, everyone around him also reacted, yes, yes!

Back then, the British still wanted to resist the German invasion. Among them, Exeter was the most determined. They wanted to use the cruel street fighting to cause the Germans to suffer heavy casualties and eventually had to evacuate. The result? The Germans destroyed the entire city, including the civilians!

The scene at that time was still fresh in everyone's memory. After seeing the photos, they were amazed at the brutality of the Germans and left a deep impression on this weapon.

This situation is very similar!

"Could it be that the German Juncker-290 can fly to our United States?" Roosevelt murmured, "How is this possible!"

They don’t know the Junker-290, but this kind of aircraft was born out of an Atlantic airliner. The United States has already thoroughly studied this kind of airliner. The range of this kind of aircraft is less than 8,000 kilometers, which means traveling to and from Europe. With the Americas, it can only meet the one-way trip, and the round trip is absolutely impossible.

"It is said that the Germans are studying aerial refueling technology. If there is aerial refueling, will they be able to go back and forth?" said the Secretary of the Navy.

"As long as you simply count, you know it's impossible." Roosevelt interrupted him unceremoniously.

Although Roosevelt did not understand military, Roosevelt was at least a very clever man, and simple calculations would still be possible.

If this kind of aircraft needs to refuel the Junker-290, how much fuel should it carry?

It adds the fuel it brings to Junker-290. If it is less and not enough, how can it fly back by itself? Will there be a funny scene of another tanker refueling this tanker?

Moreover, this kind of aerial refueling is also very dangerous. What if the weather conditions are not up to date and it is impossible to refuel in the air?

This thing is definitely tasteless. If this kind of aerial tanker refuels several fighter jets, it's almost the same. Refueling the bomber is definitely tasteless.

Then, if this is impossible, there is only another possibility left. The Germans already have terrible intercontinental bombers that can set off from Europe and fly directly to the United States to bomb them, and also return to Germany!

The moment this thought came to Roosevelt's mind, his face changed. He looked at Hull, and Hull nodded. It seems that he also thought of this terrible situation.

"Intensify the development of our night fighter! Deploy a large number of air defense radars on our coastline. This matter must be a top priority and has the highest priority!" Roosevelt shouted: "We will be fully armed on our east coast. Get up, this kind of thing can't happen again!"

The night airstrike was just an accident. The same thing must never happen again!

Just as Roosevelt had just finished roaring, his most trusted intelligence officer came over with the information he had just received: "The island nation announced in high profile that their G5N deep mountain bomber has entered service in the army and has just completed a combat mission." ()

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