The Third Reich

Chapter 998: Hero Mother Award

"Our empire is becoming stronger day by day. At the same time, we can also see that the strength of our empire is the result of the hard work of every citizen of the empire." Standing on the rostrum, looking at the meeting below The crowd gathered in the hall, looking at the 4d flag and portraits of Hitler and others on the wall of the conference hall, Cyric was passionate at this time.

"In order to defend our country, in order to resist oppression, we have fought indomitable battles again and again. In battle, there will be death. How many heroes and martyrs we have fell on the road of charging." Cyric said: "Heroes will not be forgotten. Even the lowest rank soldiers are also German heroes, and his mother is the hero's mother. Today, let us welcome these heroic mothers with warm applause!"

Osivia, who was in her fifties, was wearing a black robe. When she came up from below, her heart was so excited that she made her legs tremble. The handsome and handsome middle-aged man in front , Is the greatest head of the empire!

Behind her, one woman after another came up, they were all as excited as Osivia, and there were even one or two people with tears in their eyes.

"Our empire’s heroic mothers have many more. I’m sorry, but I can’t invite everyone here, your son, fighting bravely for the empire, the empire will not forget every soldier who sacrificed." Cyric said, come. Arrived in front of the first woman.

"We can only select some of them to participate in this awards. Their deeds will not be forgotten by the Empire." Cyric looked at Osivia in front of him and said: "Your son Neltz was in the Polish battle. Sacrificed. He killed five Polish devils all by himself, all cavalry, and the last one was killed with a grenade. He is our hero!"

There were tears in Osivia's eyes. She would never have thought that the head of the empire was so familiar with an ordinary soldier below!

He will remember every sacrificed soldier of the Empire!

Osivia lowered her head and asked Cyric to hang the medal around her neck. The medal of the hero mother was shining.

Then, the second, the third...

For everyone, Cyric can tell the heroic deeds of their sons. There are infantrymen, tank soldiers, sailors, and pilots. They represent the spirit, blood, dedication, and fear of sacrifices of German soldiers, and their mothers, and therefore And received the respect of the people of the whole country!

When these people walked down, the audience burst into enthusiastic applause. This award ceremony has inspired countless German soldiers and German fighters. They will fight bravely for the empire!

As long as one person survives, the war will continue!

"Okay, next, we have the second award." Cyric's words made the people below stunned, what else is the hero mother? Isn’t all the awards over?

"Although they did not participate in the first-line production, they did not create wealth for the empire, but they created a huge population for the empire." Cyric said: "With the expansion of the empire, the population of our empire also needs to expand. That’s right, they gave birth to one strong next generation for the empire. They are also the heroic mothers of our empire!"

Birth population!

Unlike Hitler, Cyric did not preach nationalism, and what pure-bred Aryans are the best. In order to win over elites of all kinds, Cyric did not mind granting them the title of Holy Aryans.

At the same time, as long as one parent is Germanic, their children are Germanic, which can greatly expand the number of Germans.

Even in the previous life, when Wang Weiguo was talking about it, one of Germany's big disadvantages was its insufficient population!

Whether it is the Soviet Union or the United States, the population is several times that of Germany. Even if it is a small island country, the population is larger than that of Germany. With such a tiny population, Germany almost won the World War. miracle.

And now, Cyric will not let this short board continue to exist.

Workers can be found from other countries and flooded with all aspects of Germany's needs. German women can be free to give birth to more children in the empire!

A war, when it hits the end, is not aircraft or artillery, not tanks and rockets, but population!

Encourage women in their country to have more children!

"Next, we will invite these heroic mothers to the stage." Cyric said plainly: "Each of them contributed at least five children to the Empire!"

In this era, there is no such thing as family planning, but the average family will not have children one by one, especially, they will have more than five children!

"Madam, go up." Goebbels sitting below said to his lover.

Magda Goebbels is less than 40 years old this year. She has been educated in the upper class and is an elegant and quiet lady. She had a failed marriage when she gave birth to a boy, and her second husband was the Minister of Propaganda of the Empire, Goebbels!

The Goebbels have set an example in this regard. In the past few years, Magda has given birth to five children, her figure is still perfect, and she is fully qualified for this honor.

In later generations, when commenting on the first lady of the empire, many people did not wear it on Eva’s head. After all, Eva married Hitler at the last moment, and this "first lady of Magda" The appellation of "is completely based on her culture, education and identity.

This is a noble woman. Like her husband Goebbels, she is the benchmark of the empire's external propaganda. When the empire disappeared, she resolutely chose to die for the empire.

It can be said that she is one of the most loyal people in the empire.

"Madam, you are so beautiful today. You are the kindest mother in our empire." Cyric said, putting the heroic mother's gold medal on her neck.

Magda was also very happy: "I am still young and can continue to serve the empire. Goebbels and I will have ten children for the empire."

What is five? I am only forty years old, and in another ten years, I can give birth to five for the empire!

"Thank you for your contribution to the empire." Cyric said, moving to the next one. This is a fat woman. She has already contributed eight children to the empire, and seven of them are boys. ()

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