The Third Reich

Chapter 999: Iran in crisis

In the deciphering of later generations, the empire has many top-secret plans, such as the source of life, which is to create the best Aryans, after a few generations, they will even become the gods.

Cyric is not so superstitious. For him, the Protoss are all remote, and the most important thing is to increase the population of the empire.

This awards ceremony will cause a sensation throughout the empire. A large number of women will be stimulated to provide a large population for the empire. They do not have to worry about the burden. The empire already has sufficient funds to solve these problems, and their children can grow up. He received good education and medical care, and when he grew up, he became the most useful generation of the empire.

In the past, Cyric wanted to vigorously encourage childbirth, but the conditions were not met at that time, because after the birth of a population, the empire would need to expend a lot of resources to raise these populations, and at the same time, the number of people on the production line would be reduced.

And now, as the entire Western Europe falls under German control, Germany has more resources at its disposal. With sufficient industrial workers, the women of the empire can be liberated. Their main tasks in the future are: It is to give birth to the empire!

Well, I should also lead by example. Just one boy is not enough. I have to give birth to a few more.

After the meeting, Cyric saw Reinhardt on the way back to the Wolf Den. At this time, he was very nervous.

"Head of State Cyrik, our intelligence personnel, have observed the unusual actions of the Soviet army." Reinhardt said: "The Soviet army is massing at the Iranian border."

The war was one after another, and the battle of the empire almost never stopped. Now, just after the bombing of the United States has just ended, while the Finnish battlefield is still in the process of confrontation, the Soviets actually stretched their hands to Central Asia!

Cyric frowned immediately. His own journey has changed history, and more new changes have followed.

The Soviets were defeated in Finland. Obviously they would not be willing to lose. Now, the Finnish war has not ended, the Soviets want to continue to annex more territories!

From the map, Iran is next to the Soviet Union. On both sides of the Caspian Sea, there are Soviet territory. If the Soviet Union wants to invade Iran, it must attack from these two directions.

As for the motive of the Soviet invasion, it is also very obvious. Of course, it is to protect their Baku oil field and expand the depth of defense with Germany!

In the Caucasus region of the Soviet Union, it is the main oil producing area of ​​the Soviet Union, the Baku oil field.

Located on the Apsheron Peninsula on the west bank of the Caspian Sea, Baku is a very old city. Its earliest history can be traced back to the 5th century. It became the capital of the Baku Khanate in the 18th century.

Baku was incorporated into Russia in 1806 and became the capital of the Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan in 1920. However, at the beginning, this place was just like the others, it was a backward city without much development.

The change here began with the discovery of oil, and the first drilling rig was started between 1871 and 1872. By 1873, there were more than 20 small refineries operating here.

After the establishment of the Soviets, the area became the property of the Soviets. The Soviets increased their mining efforts here. When it reached the beginning of the 20th century, the Baku oil field became the world’s most productive oil field, becoming the industrial center of the South Caucasus and Russian oil. base. Since then, Baku has always been known as the "oil city" of wealth.

Especially now that Baku’s oil production has reached its peak, how high is it? Just look at this figure and you will know that the oil production here accounts for 71% of the total production of the Soviet Union!

With the German blitzkrieg sweeping across Europe, military strategists are aware of the beginning of change, using the assault of armored mechanized troops to make the previous trench warfare into history, and all of this requires oil!

And Baku is too close to Iran!

In history, the Soviets did not worry too much, because Rommel did not cross Egypt in his footsteps, but it is different now!

Rommel's army has swept all the way from North Africa and has entered the Middle East! They have conquered Saudi Arabia, which is full of yellow sand. They are now advancing towards Iraq and will soon reach Iran!

What does it mean if German troops arrive in Iran? German bombers can visit the Baku oil field at any time!

In history, after Germany invaded the Soviet Union, it hoped to reach the Baku oil field and obtain the precious oil there. Now, Germany does not have this need, but this does not mean that the Baku oil field is not important.

This is the heart of the Soviet Union. Without the Baku oil field, the Soviet Union's oil production would drop significantly, and the Soviet Union might be at an absolute disadvantage in the confrontation with Germany!

Therefore, the Soviet Union must protect the Baku oil field. If it obtains a greater strategic depth, it can deploy more interceptor fighters along the way to prevent German bombing!

On the other hand, of course, it is the greedy nature of the Soviets. They are thinking about expanding their territory all the time. Now, there is an absolute good opportunity for them to occupy the entire Iran!

For the Soviet Union, it is more than one kill and you can get revenge. Compared with Khrushchev’s proposal to engage in trouble in the Brest Fortress, this is obviously a bigger hand and easier to achieve. After all Iran is a soft persimmon, so good!

"We must not allow the Iranian conspiracy to succeed!" After returning to the wolf's den, Cyric left behind the idea of ​​giving birth to more children in the empire, and one by one unexpected events waited for him to make a decision.

Iran was not in the sight of Cyric's officers, but now, it is suddenly the most important thing in the entire empire!

"We must do our best to ensure that our allies are not harmed. We can support Iran more than Finland. Moreover, we do not hesitate to tear our skin with the Soviet Union here." Cyric said: "I suggest, we We must immediately hold a joint military exercise with Iran."

Cyric's attitude is very determined.

In this world, weak countries have no say. If it is a small country and has nothing, it will be nothing to continue living and developing in the primitive age. However, many such small countries have resources.

For example, some places in Africa where birds don’t shit, but there are important minerals, gold, diamonds and so on. For the locals, these things are the source of their suffering.

The same is true for Iran. Iran’s treasure is oil.

As early as the time of Suro Asdism, the ancient Iranians already knew about the use of oil. They use oil to light the sacred flame that represents the light and maintain it for a long time. Later, oil fields were often found near these fire temples of Zoroastrianism. (The hero of East China thinks of Mingjiao, the blazing sacred fire, burning my remains, this sacred fire is oil.)

Iran is now a close ally of Germany, and the two countries have joined hands after going through difficulties. ()

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