The Third Reich

Chapter 1123: Children's toys for paratroopers

Half an hour ago.

The Junker-52 is flying low in the sky with the quiet moonlight. As the proud aunt Junker, this sturdy transport aircraft has always been the favorite of German paratroopers.

Throughout the war, the output of this transport aircraft was also quite huge.

At this time, the three engines of the transport plane made a rumble, and in the cabin, a famous German paratrooper had excitement on his face.

In this kind of national war, paratroopers will of course also participate in it, and they will be deployed more forward. They are the first troops to fight.

Just the night before, they were dispatched one after another, destroying the enemy's transportation lines, destroying their telephone lines, controlling various bridgeheads, and waiting for the arrival of their own troops on the way their own troops were advancing.

And tonight, the same is true. The task of their team is to control the bridge on the Sterry River.

Aunt Junker made a low whine, and after flying over the Sterry River, she finally found a suitable open space.

"Attention, prepare for parachute landing at an altitude of three hundred meters." The voice of the pilot came from the cabin.

Hearing this sound, the corrugated aluminum door of the cabin was opened, and Gade pushed the bucket containing his small motorcycle and strode out of the cabin.

The Junker-52 transport aircraft can drop 18 paratroopers by air, but now, in order to transport these small motorcycles, only 12 people are mixed, and each of them is carrying a small motorcycle.

This is equipment for paratroopers.

The biggest flaw of paratroopers is that they cannot carry heavy equipment. When destroying behind enemy lines, they almost rely on two legs. In this case, the maneuverability of paratroopers is too poor.

The German army is equipped with a large number of motorcycles, so they decided to make a small motorcycle for paratroopers.

The whole motorcycle is just like a children's toy.

This kind of motorcycle is very small, the whole length is less than half of the ordinary motorcycle, and the height is also very low. The average person sits on it, almost curled up, the kind of children's bicycle of later generations.

This is of course for the convenience of airdrops, after all, the space on the transport plane is precious. This kind of motorcycle can be installed in a special bucket for parachuting, and after going down, it can be deployed in eleven seconds.

In order to reduce the distance of the parachute landing, Aunt Juncker flew very slowly at this time, circled on this flat ground, and Gade pushed his motorcycle out of the cabin, and then he jumped out.

Behind him, a famous paratrooper jumped down likewise.

The height is very low, their parachute rope is hung on the cabin of the cable, as long as they jump out, the parachute will open automatically.

In the moonlight, Gade could see his colorful parachute motorcycle. He constantly adjusted his parachute rope and chased his motorcycle.

The earth was getting closer and closer, and Gade shook his legs, and the paratrooper boots quickly stepped on the solid ground. His legs were bent and cushioned, and then he untied the parachute.

In normal training, precious parachutes must be protected, waiting to be recycled and used again, but on the battlefield, parachutes have become disposable items, and their mission is to fight!

He quickly ran to the cylinder containing his motorcycle, opened the lid, and the cylinder became two halves. He pulled the motorcycle out of it. The whole body of the motorcycle was made of steel. Yes, there is no shock absorption, two thick tires are also very small.

He quickly assembled the handlebars, seats, accelerator and brake cables, and then quickly pushed forward.

The wheels started to turn with the engine. This was the most primitive way of starting a motorcycle. A puff of black smoke came out from the lower part of the engine, and then there was a booming sound.

The motorcycle is on!

A 3-horsepower engine is definitely pediatric compared to motorcycles used by the army. Therefore, the way that paratroopers drive this motorcycle is, of course, the throttle is full and the horsepower is fully opened.

After a half-turn on the parachute field, Gade finally found the last car that was thrown down. He hung the car behind his motorcycle, which seemed even more uncoordinated.

The other people also assembled their motorcycles one after another. The 12-person team quickly moved towards the bridge.

Although they are curled up and look funny, their speed is definitely much faster. This kind of motorcycle can run more than 100 kilometers with full fuel, which is enough for paratroopers. .

The sound of motorcycles echoed in the night sky. At this time, they didn't know that Soviet soldiers were already holding hands on the bridge.

Paratroopers are not slow in their actions. Generally speaking, they will not enter the battlefield prematurely. If they drop the paratroopers by air one day in advance, it is simply to let the paratroopers go to death. The paratroopers almost always arrive at the battlefield two or three hours earlier. Control the traffic arteries and persist in this way for an hour or two, just in time for the striker of our own troops to arrive ~ Their calculations are very thorough, but it is a pity that the Soviets acted more quickly this time.

The motorcycle was bumping on the ground, and the bridge was already far away.

"Quickly, go and load the explosives, I'll stop them!" Korolev shouted loudly. He set his machine gun on a soil slope. His eyes were sharp. Under the quiet moonlight, he was already watching. The motorcade of motorbikes coming over there.

Is it your own?

It's obviously not like it.

Their motorized infantry division does not have a few cars in total, let alone motorcycles. It would be nice to have bicycles like theirs. Now, these motorcycles that are coming in fast cannot belong to their own troops.

Although they are in the wrong direction, they should come from the west. Suddenly appearing from the east makes them feel surprised, but at this time, they must not underestimate the enemy.

Korolev pulled the gun and placed the **** on his shoulder. The other party has become clearer and clearer. You can clearly see the proud paratrooper uniform and the circular paratrooper hat on his head. , Even if you can’t see the other party’s badge, you can be sure.

Can't wait any longer, fire!

Korolev pulled the trigger, a crisp machine gun sounded, the turntable on the top of the machine gun turned, and amidst the green smoke, one by one 7.62 mm bullets flew past.

The soldier riding a motorcycle in front of the bullet hit his body backwards. The small motorcycle was still advancing, as if it was still inheriting the soul of the dead, and rushed towards this side.

"Boom!" The motorcycle's fuel tank was in front. It was exploded by Korolev's machine gun and set ablaze all over the sky. This sudden encounter broke out. ()

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