The Third Reich

Chapter 1124: Crossfire

There are Soviet troops ahead! This made the paratroopers suddenly stunned. In the last two days of fighting, the Soviets had been beaten to a daze. It was very easy for the German paratroopers to control every bridge. Unexpectedly, they encountered an accident here.

But it doesn't matter, as proud German paratroopers, they are not afraid of anything. The more difficult the task, the more capable they can be displayed.

Just when the first paratrooper was hit, the other paratroopers behind had already reacted in the first time. They turned off the accelerator, put the motorcycle aside, and quickly searched for cover.

This kind of small parachute motorcycle does not even have an outrigger in order to reduce the weight, so when you want to let it go, it is lying flat.

Gade lay on the ground, looking at the machine gun fire spot in front.

The opponent's shooter took advantage of a soil slope. If one's own assault rifle was used to fight back, it might cost a lot of bullets to kill the opponent.

It is not cost-effective at this time, after all, the number of bullets carried by paratroopers is limited.

One of the shortcomings of paratroopers is that they must always calculate the number of bullets they have. Running out of ammunition and food is the most terrifying thing for paratroopers.

To deal with such a machine gun position, of course, there is no need to use an assault rifle.

Gade took off the trolley towed behind his motorcycle and quickly opened the parachute step, exposing the aluminum alloy cartridges on it. As the fire support personnel in the paratrooper unit, Gade belonged to the gunner.

The LG40 recoilless gun is the favorite of paratroopers. When needed most, it can even be fired directly using the barrel. In the equipment of paratroopers, this kind of small individual cannon is also a powerful weapon.

Very light, the entire cannon weighs more than one hundred kilograms. After this parachuting scooter, hung on the back of the scooter and maneuvering with the paratroopers, it is more convenient.

When needed, this recoilless gun will let the other party know what is terrible!

Gade quickly adjusted the angle of fire, and even before he could plug his ears with earplugs, he opened fire!

"Boom!" There was a huge roar like this, making Gade's ears buzzing, and for a moment, he couldn't hear anything.

The principle of recoilless guns is that while the shells fly forward, some gas is expelled backwards to offset the recoil, so that the weight of the gun body can be greatly reduced, but the movement is greater.

In the night, the flames that it spewed backwards leaped out more than fifty meters, almost like a flamethrower.

When this type of gun fires, it is quite dangerous in the tail smoke area behind it. At the same time, the tail smoke lifts up a lot of dust, and there is almost nothing in the whole gun position. If the opponent’s firepower is more powerful, then slightly The rear position will be the focus of the opponent's attack.

Now, Gade can't manage so much.

In the huge sound of the artillery, a 75mm grenade flew to the opposite machine gun position. This gun has a low initial velocity and a curved trajectory. If you want to hit the target, you must be the most experienced gunner.

Gade is such a gunner, his shells flew to the machine gun position accurately.


A 75mm grenade exploded about three meters away from Korolev's side, and countless fragments were flying around. Korolev felt his back numb in an instant.

The blood ran down from his body, staining the ground around him blood red. With the air currents raised by the explosion, his machine gun was also blown up. With both hands, he crawled forward, crawling one centimeter by one centimeter. I want to grab my machine gun again.

With his fingers still a few centimeters away from the machine gun, he no longer had any strength, and he fell into the boundless darkness.

The machine gunner was killed!

"Quickly, go up, we can't let the Germans break through our defense!" Badakhov shouted loudly, his machine gunner was killed, then the Germans will definitely rush over.

The situation is very critical. If the Germans are allowed to control the bridges here, the German tanks can easily drive over, and the tanks of one's own side have not been refueled. If they encounter German tanks, the consequences will be It's pretty scary.

The bridge here must be broken!

Several agile soldiers had already climbed down the bridge, and Schadlin stood on the pier below, quickly following the explosives package handed over from above.

If you put the explosive pack directly on the bridge, the damage to the bridge will not be particularly large. The Germans will repair it soon, and the bridge legs must be broken.

Fast, fast!

The space on the bridge pier is not large, it can only accommodate Schedlin alone, and he then placed the dynamite bag that he handed down on the pier.

On the bridgehead, fierce battle is underway.

In terms of numbers, a Soviet reconnaissance platoon with more than 30 people surpassed the German paratroopers on the opposite side, but in terms of firepower, it was different.

The German recoilless guns, after knocking out three machine guns one after another, the Soviet soldiers were left to shoot with their own Monashingan rifle. This single-shot bolt-action rifle was used at this time. The effect is small.

On the contrary, the Germans all have automatic firepower. Everyone has a 6.8mm assault rifle. Below is a drum and ample bullets so that they can sway the rain of bullets.

At this time, the German airborne troops had already anticipated something. Every minute of delay in time is dangerous. The Soviets must be thinking about blowing up the bridge!

"Da da da da." The 6.8 mm bullet made the Soviet soldiers unable to lift their German paratroopers here took advantage of this opportunity to rush forward.

"Suddenly." Suddenly, the sound of a submachine gun sounded on the opposite side. The German paratroopers in front hurriedly fell down, and the bullets flew over their heads, almost killing them.

Badakhov carried his PPD34 submachine gun, rushed over, and participated in the deterrence of the German paratroopers. His submachine gun was also a large-capacity drum, and the firepower was quite strong. A shuttle bullet passed by and abruptly suppressed it. other side.

Then, he quickly moved to the side. There was a cannon on the opposite side. He didn't want to be killed by the cannon.

Hold on, hold on to the explosives!

The gunfire of the opponent stopped suddenly, and the battlefield fell silent for a while. This silence was even more frightening.

Badakhov knew that this was just the other side's changing plan, and once the battle resumed, it would be terrible.

One minute, two minutes, time just passed slowly.

On the back pier, the explosive pack was finally finished, Schedlin inserted the detonator in, and then slowly climbed up.

"Platoon leader, the explosives are ready." Badakhov in front of him heard this voice.

"Immediately detonate," Badakhov said without hesitation.

Now, they are intercepting the Germans. If they retreat, the Germans will follow. They may not be able to detonate the explosives. Therefore, they must blow up the bridge now and the back road is interrupted. They can only rush past the Germans. Their defenses, break through, even if they can’t get out, as long as they blow up the bridge, they will complete the task!

Badakhov was quite firm, Schedlin behind, dragged two thin wires to the defensive line, then connected the battery and turned the detonation knob. ()

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