The Third Reich

Chapter 1197: The task is won

Head Cyric is here!

Walter said that just now, and he didn't really want to go to Cyric for comment. After all, the head of Cyric has everything to do with every day. He has to deal with many military and political affairs every day. Why would he come and listen to a technician in one of his factories?

And now, Cyric actually came, which made Walter aroused, and immediately stood up from his seat, raised his right arm to Cyric, shouting slogans.

Cyric replied, took a few steps, sat on the chair, and said, "What's the matter?"

"Head of State Cyric, the Alado company wants to put the latest jet bomber into this bombing mission." Marshal Erhard said: "This type of bomber is not yet finalized and cannot perform combat missions."

Hearing Erhard's words, Cyric immediately understood that the jet was prohibited from entering the battlefield. That was an order issued by Cyric himself, because he was afraid that the technology of the aircraft would leak.

It's just that Cyric didn't expect that this method of suppressing the aircraft company too much would make the people of the aircraft company feel that they were not taken seriously, and then came to fight.

"Our aircraft has gone through more than 300 test flights, flying for a total of more than 400 hours, and it has fully met the requirements set by the military. We even installed the bombing targeting equipment in place. Even a few days ago, we had We conducted high-altitude bombing experiments, and the accuracy has also met the requirements. This time, we are going to bomb Petersburg. This is an important event. Our Lightning bomber should no longer be absent, Head Cyric, all of us Technicians, request the Lightning bomber to participate in this battle, even if it only drops a bomb, we can still be satisfied."

As Walter said, he took out the signature from his briefcase, including designers, technicians, workers who participated in the manufacturing of the factory, and test pilots, and signed thousands of names on it.

With this list, even Cyric felt the weight. This jet bomber should really show its majesty.

Originally, according to Cyric’s vision, the jet bomber would only be on the battlefield later, but the fuel consumption rate of the jet bomber is higher than that of the propeller plane, so the long-range intercontinental bomber that bombed the United States may take a long time to achieve a breakthrough, maybe It will be ten or eight years.

As for the technical leaks, the route along the way of the bombing of Petersburg was already in its own territory. At the same time, the height and speed of the jet bomber made it unnecessary to worry about any interception. As long as there is no mechanical failure, there will be no leaks. risk.

Since the people below are so eager to fight, it is better to agree to this action.

Thinking of this, Cyric nodded: "Okay, then I can approve the bombing of the Lightning Bomber. Only one plane is allowed to take off. After the bomb is dropped, it will return immediately."

"But, Führer Cyric..." Hearing Cyric's words, Marshal Erhard immediately objected, but Cyric's eyes stopped him.

"That’s good. The Soviets wanted to use bombing of Berlin to create momentum for their resistance and increase people’s confidence. Let us use this special bomber to tell the Soviets that in front of our German war machine, they There is only one way to be destroyed!"

The bombing of Petersburg was actually aimed at hitting the confidence of the Soviets. The Soviets knew that they were like ants in front of Germany, and the German war machine was extremely powerful.

Now with Cyric's crossing, Germany is stronger than at any time in history, and in the current war, the technologically advanced side will take the absolute initiative.

"Yes, we will definitely complete the task!" Walter stood up excitedly, made the gesture to Cyric again, and hurried away.

He must be fast, because the Junker-290 of the Air Force has already taken off, and they must also speed up their departure. They can't wait for the bombers of the Air Force to blow Petersburg into ruins, and their jet bombers arrive in a hurry, right?

Lightning bombers, to appear above the enemy like lightning and make the enemy tremble, they must be the first to fly to Petersburg!

The telegram that issued the order quickly reached the Arado factory in Brandenburg.

On the runway outside the factory, the Lightning bomber had already completed all the preparations. Just yesterday, they re-checked the entire bomber. It was full of fuel and bombs. Even the pilots became familiar with the route to Petersburg. Up.

They have been preparing, and now, they finally got the order to take off!

Walter Klegel and John Uber Janssen, carrying their flying caps, ran out of the preparation room, jumped into the commuter car next to them, and said, "Take us to the plane immediately. We are about to take off!"

Both of them are the test pilots of Araduo and both fly lightning bombers the most times. The two have already been gearing up, and now, the task is finally issued.

The Lightning bomber was getting closer and closer to them.

This bomber has a smooth appearance, with a glass nose that looks like a big-headed fly. It has a good view and is different from other bombers. This bomber is two-seater side by side. The bomber's pilot and bomber sit separately. On both sides, the bomber was not at the nose of the normal bomber.

This is entirely determined by the size of the aircraft. The current bomber is at most classified as a medium-sized bomber. Its take-off weight does not exceed ten tons. Even in history, it was completely controlled by one person.

Now, in order to complete the high-altitude bombing mission and operate sophisticated high-altitude bombing equipment, an additional bomber is added.

The fully transparent nose makes the control of the bomber easy.

The upper single wing, the wing is an all-metal structure, the internal structure is composed of two main spars and 29 wing ribs, and the outside is wrapped by a bearing skin. With four large bolts, the wing body can be separated. The hydraulically driven **** on the trailing edge of the wing are divided into two by the engine. The Fischer aileron on the outside of the flap has a very small chord.

From the outside, the biggest difference from other airplanes is that there are no propellers. The two cylindrical engines hung from the wings are fixed to the spar by three bolts.

The volume of these two engines is quite huge, it looks a bit cumbersome, at the same time, on the outside of the engine, there is a special take-off booster rocket.

The landing gear at the first three points, the wheels are not small, the whole aircraft looks even more cute, not like a weapon of war, but some of it looks like a Christmas mascot. ()

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