The Third Reich

Chapter 1198: Lightning bomber taking off

The two quickly got into the cabin and prepared for takeoff in an orderly manner.

Kregel flipped the switches one by one, and then his eyes looked at the engine of the left wing.

"Oh, hum." A burst of black smoke came out, and the engine roared.

This did not start the engine, but only started the two-stroke engine in the "bullet" cone in the middle of the engine's air intake.

The jet engine cannot be turned on its own. It must be driven by other power to reach a certain speed before it can be started. The current way of starting the jet is to use this special starting engine.

During the roar of starting the engine, the fuel pump began to pressurize, and the highly efficient aviation fuel was pumped to the six independent combustion chambers in the middle of the engine. At the same time, the 8-stage axial compressor in the engine was rotating and began to continuously Agitate the air into the combustion chamber.

When the engine had been driven to three thousand revolutions per minute, Kröger toggled the ignition button. In an instant, fuel was ejected from the independent combustion chamber. When the spark plug ignited, it burned. High temperature and high pressure gas, Push the unipolar turbine behind, and then spray out from the tail nozzle.

The ground crew was observing from a distance, the inner flame was orange red, and the outer flame became lighter. This is normal.

"Left hair is normal." The ground crew shouted on the radio.

Kröger continued to start the right engine. A few minutes later, the engine on the right also burst into flames, and both sides started normally!

After receiving the confirmation from the ground crew, Kruger observed that the various instruments were normal, and then pushed the throttle sticks on both sides forward together.

The turbojet engine made a peculiar whistle. This sound made Klergel very intoxicated every time. He stared at the dashboard in front of him. The engines on both sides had reached the maximum speed of 9,000 rpm. At that time, the thrust on both sides exceeded one ton.

The whole plane was shaking, it seemed to be able to fly at any time.

Kröger relaxed his breath and shouted on the radio: "Lightning Seven, request to take off."

"You can take off, I wish you all the best."

Klegel released the brakes and simultaneously pressed the four linkage buttons on the side of the operating lever together.

Below the wings on the outer side of the engine, there are two external hanging points, which are specially prepared for the Walter 109-500 take-off booster rocket.

As he pressed the button, the booster rockets ignited violently. Each booster rocket can burst out 500 kilograms of thrust. With two engines, a total of four tons of thrust can propel an eight-ton aircraft. Glide quickly on the track.

(Explain, the unit of force should be Newton, and ton is the unit of mass, but in many terms, I like to use how many kilograms of thrust to express. In fact, it should be multiplied by 9.8 to get the thrust value. It is not a layman in East China. That’s what everyone calls it.)

The lightning bomber began to roll on the runway, faster and faster.

In fact, even if there is no booster rocket, the lightning bomber can fly, but that requires a longer runway. After all, the jet needs a very high take-off speed, and the addition of booster rockets can effectively shorten the take-off distance of the aircraft. , Reduce fuel consumption and extend the range of the aircraft.

In this era, the limit of the piston engine has allowed the thrust-to-weight ratio of the whole aircraft to reach about 0.4, while the thrust-to-weight ratio of the ordinary propeller bomber is only about 0.2, and the thrust-to-weight ratio of the current lightning bomber has reached the sky-defying 0.5.

Both felt a huge force coming from behind, pressing them on the seat backs, and at the same time, everything on the ground on both sides was retreating rapidly.

The bomber began to accelerate.

The jet's speed is fast, which requires a more sensitive response from the pilot. Klegel glanced at the speedometer from the corner of his eye, and when the speed reached 250, he pulled the joystick backward.

The front wheel was lifted in an instant, and the bomber held its head high, and continued to slide tens of meters forward on the runway. Then, the main landing gear at the back also left the runway.

In history, Lightning bombers have used pitted tackle to take off. Now this method has not been used, it is completely normal landing gear.

At this time, the four booster rockets have reached the end of their work. After they continued to burn for a few seconds, the fuel ran out. Then, Klegel pressed the release button and the four booster rockets fell from the wings. When it comes down, the parachute opens automatically, and under the action of the parachute, it slowly falls towards the ground.

These booster rockets are liquid fuel and can be used for dismantling and inspection after landing.

Recovering the landing gear, Klegel took the lever and continued to climb upward at a small angle. From now on, in addition to speed, he also needs to consider fuel consumption.

Compared with mature piston engines, jets are quite fuel-intensive. Historically, the ME262 could only fly near the airport. Compared with the range of several hundred kilometers of piston fighters, it was impossible to catch up.

But now, the progress of German jet engines is quite rapid The fuel consumption rate is much lower than that of historical engines. At the same time, one of the advantages of bombers is that they are larger and can carry more fuel.

The total fuel load of the Lightning bomber reached an astonishing 4,200 liters. The fuel was stored in three fuselage tanks. The two front and rear tanks were self-sealing, and the middle tank had no protective measures.

This fuel is enough to support the Lightning bomber to and from Petersburg, but it still needs to be used sparingly.

The altimeter continued to rotate. Soon, it rose to an altitude of 10,000 meters. Klegel leveled the plane, pointed it at the direction of his partner Janssen, and flew straight to Petersburg.

Ten thousand meters high in the sky, the lightning bomber turned into a bright spot. The hot gas emitted from its tail spread rapidly in the atmosphere and cooled, causing some water vapor in the atmosphere to condense, and a white strip was pulled out in the sky. Track.

The engine speed dropped to 7,000 rpm, and the bombers were flying along the route at 700 kilometers per hour. After half an hour, they caught up with the huge fleet.

At this time, it happened to be over the Baltic Sea, with the blue sea below, and the blue sky above. The escorted FW190 fleet also coincided with its own bombers.

"Boss, at six o'clock, I found a new guy." At this time, a pilot in the FW190 fleet exclaimed: "It has no propellers!"

Hearing the call on the radio, Captain Heinz-Barr breathed the air in the oxygen mask and said, "035, pay attention to the radio call discipline."

Needless to say, he knew that it was Merritt who was the most unruly in the army, and he turned his head back while reprimanding him. ()

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