The Third Reich

Chapter 1201: I want to fly higher

In the vast sky, there are no clouds. It should be good weather for searching. However, any pilot knows that it is not so simple to visually find the plane in the opposite sky.

The pilot's eyes were sharp, but the plane that the opponent flew was just a bright spot, and it had to take advantage of the sunlight. If the opponent's plane was distinguished, the opponent must have found his own.

For every pilot, visual search for a target is the most common subject, and one must get a full score.

Kararikshin didn't know that this visual search would be so simple.

Twenty minutes later, he saw a white line flying in the sky.

When the weather is right, the jet can easily form a white trail in the sky, which cannot be eliminated, and this trail exposed the Lightning bomber to the Soviet pilots in advance.

The white line that appeared in the blue sky was clear, and when they saw this white line, both of them were shocked.

What it is?

UFOs in this era have not yet prevailed. In fact, in later generations, the so-called alien invasions are also grandstanding, and if an abnormal situation is discovered, it is undoubtedly the latest weapon of the Germans.

"Quickly, continue to climb up, prepare to intercept." Pokreshkin shouted over the radio.

With experience, he has seen that the opponent’s flight altitude is about 10,000 meters similar to his own. However, if they want to intercept, it is best to accumulate more energy and fly to a higher altitude. It will be easy to get up.

The front engine roared, the throttle lever was pushed to its maximum, and the two MiG-3 fighters continued to climb upwards. At the same time, Pokreshkin switched the radio channel and briefly warned to the rear: "The enemy is found The plane is three hundred kilometers away from us. But there should be only one observation target, and the enemy's large fleet may be behind.

At this time, the distance between the two parties was already rapidly approaching.

At an altitude of 12,000 meters, Pokreshkin leveled the plane. At this time, he was condescending, and at the same time the distance between the two sides was rapidly approaching, so that he could already see the other's plane clearly.

What kind of plane is that? From the outside, it doesn't seem to be much different from other bombers, but the two engines hanging under the wings are really weird. It seems that the propellers are not visible!

At almost the same time, the bombers on the opposite side had also spotted the two Soviet fighters coming to intercept.

"The enemy plane was found, the altitude is twelve thousand." Yang Sen said to his partner: "According to the aeronautical chart, we are still 300 kilometers away from the target, and we can continue to increase the altitude."

Their lightning bomber only carries a ton of bombs. Besides that, there is no self-defense weapon. Now that they have discovered the opponent's interceptor, all they need to do is to fly higher.

"Climb to fifteen thousand." Klegel said, slowly pulling the throttle lever with his left hand to fully open the power of the two engines. At the same time, slowly pulling the control lever with his right hand, the bomber began to climb.

The engines on both sides slowly entered the full power state, the speed increased again to 9000 rpm, the tail of the engine began to spray orange flames, and the bomber climbed upward.

In the eyes of the Soviet pilots, the climb of this bomber was simply beyond their imagination.

The engine under the wing will spit fire to the rear! But now that the distance is closer, they have already seen that the two white smoke in the sky are formed behind the engine. This is simply too strange. With the engine's fire, the opponent is climbing and climbing.

"Oops, we will miss the interception and continue to climb!" After a few seconds of observation, Pokreshkin realized that it was not good, and continued to climb with his wingman.

But at this time, their engine has reached the limit state, the air in the high altitude is thin, the engine cannot absorb enough air, and the combustion is not complete, and the power of the engine will drop.

The exhaust pipe of the engine in front has already begun to emit black smoke. The two MiG-3s tried their best to climb up to a height of 13,000 meters. If viewed from a distance, they could be somewhere with the lightning bomber. The trajectory intersection is their only opportunity to intercept.

However, compared to them, the lightning bomber's climb speed is faster.

Flying all the way, the internal fuel of the Lightning bomber is constantly being consumed. After the weight is reduced, the aircraft climbs more rapidly. At the same time, because of the turbine engine, it is naturally suitable for high altitude.

It doesn’t matter if the air is thinner. It has a larger cross-sectional area. The entire front of the engine flies against the air. A steady stream of air enters the engine. Under the agitation of the compressor, it enters the combustion chamber at the back, and the aviation fuel burns fiercely. Moving forward, spraying backwards, transforming it into power, pushing the aircraft forward.

Climb, continue to climb.

Soon, they climbed twelve thousand, then thirteen, fourteen.

While the two MiG-3s were still climbing towards an altitude of 13,000 meters, the aircraft on the opposite side had already flown to an altitude of 14,000 meters. At this time, even the best pilot wave Kreshkin did not grasp any shooting opportunities.

They can only look up, watching the bomber disappear behind them, watching their plane pass through white Their necks are already hurting, and their hearts are extremely shocked.

What is the secret weapon of the Germans?

When the two sides passed by, they had already seen the black cross on the wing. It was indeed a German bomber. At the same time, they could see that the plane had no propellers.

"It's definitely more than fourteen thousand high, and it's still climbing!" Kararikshin shouted on the radio. At this time, he could no longer hide his shock: "Also, it flies faster than us. !"

Last time, Soviet pilots used the tactics of jumping to fly higher, but there are restrictions. For example, their current MiG-3, no matter how much it jumps, it can’t exceed 14 thousand. The opponent can actually fly to a higher altitude!

At the same time, the opponent's speed is quite fast, this kind of bomber, beyond the combat range of the MiG-3, they cannot intercept.

Kararikshin was shocked, and Pokreshkin was shocked too. He turned his head and gave up the pursuit of the bomber.

"The German bomber, at an altitude of more than fourteen thousand and a speed of about seven hundred, is expected to arrive in Petersburg in half an hour. At present, it seems that there is only one bomber. We continue to fly west and patrol." Pokreshkin said Called on the radio, he flattened his fighter and decided to continue flying west.

If there is only this one, it's fortunate to say that if all the following aircraft are of this kind, then there will be no possibility of interception by the MiG-3 fighter unit, and Petersburg will have a tragic end.

Pokreshkin tried his best to suppress this thought. Now, what he needs is brave fight. Their aircraft can intercept bombers like Junkers-290. ()

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