The Third Reich

Chapter 1202: Voroshinov's inspection

"What, the Germans have more terrible bombers?" At the Petersburg Air Force Base, Colonel Alexander Golovanov, who was in charge of the command, frowned.

The ceiling has exceeded 14 thousand and the speed has exceeded 700. The performance of the German bomber is too bad, right?

"Commander, do we need to dispatch the interception fighter immediately?" A deputy asked Alexander beside him.

Now that you have encountered the German bomber, your interceptor is about to take off?

"Don't take off, wait for orders," Alexander said.

It’s useless to take off now. That kind of bomber is definitely not something your own fighter jets can intercept. If you take off now, it will only consume a large amount of fuel. If this aircraft is to entice yourself to take off, be your own. When the plane lands because of the exhaustion of fuel, their large fleet arrives, and it cannot cope with it.

At this time, you can't be fooled by the Germans.

"Commander, the marshal is here." At this moment, the arrival of a new report made Alexander stunned.


In the entire Northern Army, who else can be called a marshal? Of course it is the commander of the entire line of defense, Marshal Voroshinov!

Alexander immediately arranged his military uniform, quickly opened the door, and ran out.

Voroshinov's car happened to be parked outside the tower. When he got out of the car, his face was full of sadness.

Voroshinov’s fate has been linked to Petersburg. If Petersburg is lost, Voroshinov’s political career will be completely over, even if the Germans are too sturdy, the cradle of the October Revolution. The responsibility for the fall will also be borne by him, and he will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history, and he will never stand up.

Therefore, he actually came to the air base in person. In the eyes of outsiders, Marshal Voroshinov is simply too approachable, and he is still on the front line with his versatility.

In fact, Voroshinov's arrival certainly had other intentions.

You know, the Germans threatened and destroyed the entire Petersburg. The German bombs were really terrible. It was definitely not empty talk to kill the entire city. There is still an hour left before the Germans threaten, Voloshi Nov was fidgeting in the headquarters of Petersburg, and finally decided to come out and inspect.

If Petersburg is really destroyed, at least he can survive. If he really cares about the air force’s interception operations, it will not be used for air bases, as long as he goes to his subordinate Air Force Command, which is also in Peter. Inside the fort.

The air force base is set up in the suburbs. It now appears that the suburbs are of course safer.

Voroshinov would not be as stupid as Pavlov. He ran to the rear. Now he came to the air base, which was the front line. According to the general view, if the Germans bombed, they would definitely bomb the air base first. He is on the front line, not afraid of danger and death, and is the benchmark for the high commanders of the Soviets.

"Marshal Voroshinov, welcome your arrival." At this time, Alexander had already greeted him: "Our interception operation has just begun, and a German bomber has already arrived."

Alexander hurriedly reported to Voroshinov, which made Voroshinov's body pause: "The bombing has begun?"

"No, that bomber flew high and fast. Now we infer that it is a German reconnaissance plane. Before they carry out bombing missions, they will have reconnaissance planes to investigate in advance. So far, the planes we have sent out There was no contact with the main German bomber force."

It turned out that this was the case. The expression on Voroshinov's face eased a bit. He stepped forward and wanted to enter the tower to have a look. At this moment, an unusual howling came from the distant sky. .

This sound is somewhat similar to the sound of a large-caliber artillery shell falling, but even if the German's largest-caliber naval gun is launched in the Baltic Sea, it is absolutely impossible to project artillery shells here. The air force bases are all deployed in the rear safety zone , Outside the opponent's range.

Now, hearing this scream, Voroshinov did not immediately evade and entered the air defense shelter. Instead, he raised his head and looked at the sky.

In TV dramas, it is often seen that the protagonist hears the sound of the cannonball flying, and then yells to lie down, a few seconds later the cannonball flies over, and then everyone else hangs up, leaving only the protagonist.

In reality, this is impossible.

The flying speed of the cannonball is much higher than the speed of sound. If you can hear the sound of the cannonball flying, it means you are safe.

Because the cannonball flew over his head, the cannonball continued to fly forward, but the sound spread over, so he would definitely not be hit by the cannonball.

Hearing a dull cry instead of a scream, then wait for the glory, this is the sound of compressed air in front of the shell after it flies, and the shell will arrive in no time.

In the civil war Voroshinov also fought many battles, and he was not afraid of this scene.

When he raised his head, he saw some flying objects flying fast from the sky in the southwest. Those things were flying too fast.

At least three times the speed of the cannonball! Voroshinov was sure that he had no dizziness.

According to the flight trajectory of those things, it should be a field standby airport in the northeast of one's own side, where the MiG-3 fleet is also stationed.

and many more! Voroshinov suddenly thought of something. Since the other side has bombed even an alternate field airport, is there any reason not to bomb the main military base here?

"Quickly, withdraw to the air defense bunker and evacuate our plane on the tarmac." Voroshinov shouted loudly.

In order to make it easier to take off at the first time, almost all MiG-3 fighters are on the tarmac on both sides of the runway. They are full of fuel, full of bullets, ready to take off.

Now, Voroshinov's order reminded Alexander that he knew he had missed an important point.

They are to guard against the enemy's air attack, so the aircraft must be ready to attack at any time, but if there are enemy artillery nearby, their arrangement is simply the most stupid.

However, it was too late.

Just when he was about to give orders, his pupils were suddenly placed, and another batch of flying objects hurriedly came towards their base. Seeing the trajectory of the flight, the target was his own base!

It's not a cannonball, it's definitely more terrifying than a cannonball. The thing quickly zoomed in and looked like the size of an airplane. A sound suddenly appeared in Alexander's mind.

The V-2 missile, the German V-2 missile! ()

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