The Third Reich

Chapter 1203: From the sky


After flying for less than a hundred seconds, the V-2 missile turned off the engine and flew according to the preset trajectory. That is to say, after the rocket is turned off, its trajectory is completely fixed, and it will be separated from the shell. Flying out of the cannon.

In this era, it is impossible to have the technology of air-tracking.

The gyroscope inside the projectile is rotating, continuously monitoring the various postures of the projectile, matching the theoretical ballistic trajectory.

In the past, it was difficult to calculate the trajectory of the missile. This is also the reason for the large error of the V-2 missile. But with the success of the first electronic computer, Dr. Braun has begun to use the computer to correct the trajectory. , Found many previous calculation deviations, and revised the missile’s firing table. Therefore, the missile’s flight accuracy has been greatly improved than before.

There are 28 missiles flying to this most important air base. Due to the different order, they are several kilometers apart in the sky.

Now, the first V-2 missile has fallen from the sky.

Whether it is a missile or a rocket, it will rotate during the flight, which can improve the flight stability of the missile. It is the same as the artillery ball. Now, this V-2 missile also rotates in the same way. At the same time, The warhead of the missile head entered the final working state.

Ordinary high-explosive bombs explode only when they touch the ground, but the current missiles have already begun to operate when they are a kilometer above the ground.

When this height is reached, the missile has almost moved vertically downwards. At this time, the anti-aircraft artillery near the base has reacted and fired violently into the sky. It is a pity that the antiaircraft artillery shells cannot be fired at all. Come up to the missile.

When the missile fell, the speed reached 2883 km/h, which was already four or five times that of the fastest aircraft. In later generations, even if it uses rapid-fire guns and phalanx, it must be coordinated with a fire control system. OK, and now, it’s impossible for the missile to be intercepted by the commander’s experience alone.

Amidst the sound of high artillery, the first missile fell and the fairing of the warhead was thrown away. As the warhead continued to rotate, a large number of small things were thrown out, as if it were flowers scattered by a goddess.

It seemed that there was a sense of beauty, but Voroshinov's old eyes knew that it was definitely not a good thing.

This first missile deviated from the center line of the runway by about one kilometer, and the things scattered around it formed a circle with a radius of about 500 meters.

If you catch it with a telescope, you can see that these little things are spherical, scattered on the ground, and have reached the row of MiG-3 fighters parked on the lawn outside the runway.

"Quick, push our fighters away!" Here, the ground crew who has received the order is pushing the aircraft in a hurry. Four or five people can make an aircraft move. When there is no ground tractor, they can only rely on it. This way.

Ground soldier Kochajin raised his head and watched nervously at the falling **** in the sky. A small ball just fell under his feet.

"Boom!" The explosion sounded from under Kechajin's feet. Under the impact of the airflow, Kechajin only felt numb, blood splashed on his body, and half of his leg was already flying.

Every little ball is a little bomb!

After half a second, the numbness receded, and severe pain was transmitted to his brain. He lay down on the ground and screamed.

A small ball happened to fall into the open MiG-3 cockpit. With the explosion, the entire MiG-3 was burning.

The explosion of the small **** one after another, the place covered by those small **** just now has become a purgatory on earth.

The ears can't tell the difference, there are so many explosions, as if they exploded together, and the explosion lasted for a long time!

The best way to deal with air bases is to use sub-munitions. This equipment, like air incendiary bombs, is the killer of Germany. Now, it is used to deal with Soviet air bases!

Each V-2 missile can carry a one ton of warhead, and it contains 1,836 bullets weighing half a kilogram, and the area that can be covered by it has become An absolute death zone.

Seeing Kochakin's tragic situation, one of his companions tried to help him in the past, but, without taking two steps, a chubby ball was stepped on his feet.

The most terrifying part of the cluster bullet is the unreliability of the fuze. After each attack, a large number of unexploded bullets are left behind. Before the engineers completely eliminate these bullets, the entire covered area is the death forbidden area.

Now, this hapless companion also stepped on the unexploded bullet, and when his foot stepped on it, an explosion sounded under his foot.


He was even more miserable than Kochajin. His entire leg was blown to pieces, and the upper half of his body was also lifted several meters away by the airflow in the explosion. Without even screaming, he entered the darkness.

The first missile fired from There are screams everywhere, there is fire everywhere, and the power of each small bullet is not high, but its number is quite large, and its distribution area is wide. The destructive power is also quite high.

None of the MiG-3 fighters that were covered were rescued. They were full of fuel and burned.

And this is just the beginning. In the back, one after another missiles have arrived over the base in no particular order.

When he saw that scene, Voroshinov felt cold to the bottom of his heart. At this time, it was useless to enter the air defense fortifications. They would be trapped here.

He turned his head and jumped into the car: "Quick, get out of here."

His skillful and quick energy is not at all like an old general, just as energetic as a recruit who has just entered the army.

Leaving Alexander, who was still at a loss, Voroshinov tried to escape despite his shame.

Unfortunately, he has forgotten a truth on the battlefield. The more he wants to save his life, the sooner he will die, and the less afraid of death, the easier it will be to live after the war. The God of Destiny likes to joke with people the most.

The driver stepped on the accelerator and after completing the U-turn, he swiftly drove toward the road, and thick black smoke spewed from the tail, which showed that the driver was also quite scared.

Run, run, now, they want to run faster than the missile, is this possible?

If the accuracy of German missiles can reach the standards of later generations, with a circumference error of 100 meters, then they have escaped now, but unfortunately, this era has not reached it.

The second missile deviated from the center line of the airport by about 1,500 meters. This was the largest deviation, and it just covered the area of ​​Voroshinov's Mercedes-Benz.

One after another, the small **** fell from the sky. ()

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