The Third Reich

Chapter 1204: Fate is doomed

"Lechkalov, what are you going to do?" In the infirmary, a nurse who was administering Lechkalov called out loudly.

This female nurse has big moving eyes. At this time, her eyes are full of worry. She looked at Lechkalov and immediately turned over after hearing the explosion outside. As a result, the needles were twisted and the needles were stuck. That place has become a big hole, blood flowing.

But Lechkalov didn't care, he put on his pants and ran out.

This made the female nurse very worried. She followed to the door and saw Lechkalov running towards a nearby plane.

These men are all desperate! However, such a man is more likeable.

When Lechkalov heard the explosion, he knew that the enemy had attacked his base. At this time, he would either rescue the plane or take off.

Lechkalov ran forward and ran, but before he reached the tarmac, he saw the scene that made him most worried.

Another missile flew. This missile was in the middle of the apron here. Dozens of MiG-3 fighters were hit by the small round ball. One fighter plane was hit and caught fire. The entire apron was all A sea of ​​fire.

"No!" Looking at the plane on the tarmac, Lechkalov knelt on the ground and shouted loudly. For him, the plane is life, and every plane is like his family, and now, These planes all fell into flames.

This was the saddest day for Soviet aviation. The nearly three hundred MiG-3 fighters they had just transferred in one day were destroyed on the ground.

If the enemy's bombers came to sneak attack, they would definitely not fail so miserably. The sentry they deployed on the coast would find out in advance, and then the large group of aircraft would take off. There would be no enemy to bomb, at least not the whole army. Annihilated.

Even if the opponent flew overhead, he would dare to take off with his old Maozi personality, but it was different now.

The opponent's attack came silently, at a speed as high as Mach 8, and they were too late to do anything.

There were burning fires everywhere, screams everywhere, and soldiers who had not been bombed but were stupid.

"Boom!" One of the most accurate missiles actually deviated from the target by only a dozen meters. It was regarded as an absolute center and dropped bullets over the runway. With the explosion, the runway was riddled with holes and was completely abandoned.

More than 20 missiles took about three minutes. When the missile attack ended, the entire air base had been completely scrapped.

There is no intact fighter plane, and the entire base is in flames.

Alexander came out slowly from the tower stairs, every step carefully, for fear of stepping on the terrible non-explosive bullet, he looked at the burning car in the distance, no one came out inside.

Marshal Voroshinov was killed, the air base was destroyed, and the entire Petersburg has become an undefended city!

"There are planes, we have planes, and there are fighter planes under maintenance in the hangar!" A voice came from Alexander's ear. He raised his head and saw Lechkalov who was still having a high fever.

Lechkalov ran all the way, and he didn't step on a bullet.

He also knew that now is the most critical juncture, when a large number of his own fighters have been destroyed, who will guard the sky of Petersburg?

The fighter planes outside were all destroyed, but there were also planes in the hangar. The small bombs were not powerful enough to destroy the solid hangar.

Of course, all the planes there are still under maintenance. No matter the level of maintenance, as long as they can fly, they must take off.

Rechkalov was quite determined, but Alexander shook his head: "No, we are here. We can't move anymore. Those little **** that don’t explode will make us sacrifice more. Moreover, the runway is no longer possible. Take off the plane."

If the runway still exists, they can not be afraid of sacrifice, risk stepping on the small ball, push the plane onto the runway, and then take off for combat, but now the runway has been destroyed, it is impossible to take off the fighter in a short time, maybe It can be repaired in a few days, but now they only have half an hour left.

"Yes, we still have Captain Pokreshkin in the air!" Lechkalov suddenly thought of something: "Tell Captain Pokreshkin to fight the enemy hard!"

Damn, if I don’t have a cold, I should be fighting with Captain Pokreshkin. I didn’t expect that there are hundreds of fighters, but now there are only two fighters to intercept. These hateful Germans actually used this. Despicable means!

When the fighter jets in the air base were destroyed, the fate of Petersburg was already doomed.

The intelligence transmission this time was almost without delay. Just after the air base was bombed, the intelligence was transmitted to Stalin in less than five The Germans actually used a secret weapon, V- 2 missiles, destroyed the large and small air force bases in Petersburg, accompanied by a large number of MiG-3 fighters, were also destroyed on the ground!

In fact, this is not the first time the Germans have used such tactics. They used it once when they were fighting against France, and when they landed across the sea, they used it again, but after that, they disappeared.

When the Germans aggressively attacked the Soviet Union, including the raid on the first day, the German bombers flew several times in a day, and even the pilots didn’t have the energy to get off the plane. They were carried by the maintenance crew. At that time, the Germans did not use their V-2 missiles.

As a result, everyone had forgotten that the Germans still had such a big killer. The MiG-3 fighters they assembled, the only fighter that could intercept the Germans' high-altitude bombers, were thus scrapped.

Unable to intercept the German bomber, then Petersburg, the end can be expected.

How to do?

Stalin bit the big smoking pot with his mouth. The smoking pot did not light up. He just bitten it habitually. He knew that now he had no time to hesitate.

"Immediately give an order to Petersburg to retreat all citizens." Stalin put down the smoking pot, gritted his teeth, and said this.

Still failed. He wanted to persist in the resistance of Petersburg, but the Germans shattered all his hopes. The cradle of the October Revolution might be destroyed.

Hearing what Stalin said, the others were also taken aback, retreating all the citizens? If this order had been issued yesterday, it would be almost the same. Now, there are only twenty minutes left. Can you retreat? This is nonsense.

Leave this difficult task to the people of Petersburg. ()

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