The Third Reich

Chapter 1249: Hungarian servants

Gavoron, southwest of Uman.

In terms of location, it is not suitable for the Soviets in the encirclement to break through. The Soviets should break eastward is the correct plan. Therefore, in the entire Uman encirclement, the defense here is relatively loose.

It was not garrisoned by German troops, but by the Servant States of Germany, the Hungarian Rapid Corps.

Hungary was not conspicuous throughout World War II, but it was a real German assistant.

This has to start with the Kingdom of Hungary before the First World War. As a theoretically independent kingdom of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it ruled a large area of ​​land, including not only the present Hungary, but also Transylvania, Slovakia, and Lucini. Asia (Transcarpathian Ukraine), Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, now northern Serbia and other large tracts of land.

It is conceivable how splendid the Kingdom of Hungary is in history. It is a pity that the Austro-Hungarian Empire fell apart during the First World War. Hungary established the Soviet regime, which was destroyed by the Allied forces. The original Austro-Hungarian Admiral Horti was elected as Hungary's regency continued until the end of the war.

The defeat of World War I, Hungary ushered in a terrible ending, it was cut off a large area of ​​land, forced to pay indemnities, the army was restricted to 35,000. Every Hungarian is full of hatred for World War I.

In the post-war situation, the Hungarians began to diverge. At first they used Italy as their backing. However, they soon discovered that the Italians were "not meaningful enough". They paid more attention to Austria and hooked up with the Yugoslavs. What was especially annoying was their consciousness. Going to Italy does not want to see a "Greater Hungary" in the Western Balkans. With the gradual restoration of German power and the increase in economic and trade exchanges between Hungary and Germany, the Hungarians also hope to get German support.

After that, the terrible economic crisis that erupted, Eastern European countries were hit hard, and Hungary was no exception. This became an excellent opportunity for Germany to expand its influence in this region. Although Eastern European countries were extremely short of funds, There are various raw materials that Germany dreams of, and Hungary's grain and oil are all Germany needs.

In this way, the German-led barter trade spread throughout Eastern Europe, which not only made Hungary gradually dependent on Germany economically, but more importantly, brought more pro-German forces. This is just the beginning.

As the German military progressed step by step, the Hungarians were jealous.

Germany tore up the Versailles contract, re-armed the army, the German army moved into the Rhine area, Germany annexed Austria, the 4D flag has appeared on the border of Hungary, and the Hungarians were shaken.

They have realized that the Czech Republic has been clamped, and Germany's next goal must be it. If you want to divide something, you must choose the right position as soon as possible.

When the Czech Republic was partitioned, Hungary also dispatched troops to gnaw down a piece of territory in eastern Czech Republic and tasted the sweetness.

Since then, Hungary’s policy has become more skewed. Watching Germany continue to grow stronger step by step, dividing Poland, killing France, and killing Britain, smart people know how to choose.

If Hungary does not follow Germany, it would be easy for Germany to destroy Hungary.

However, the attitude towards the Soviet Union is still a serious challenge for the Hungarians. At this time, it is time for the weak prime minister, Bardohi, to take office.

He didn't want to go to war with the Soviet Union, because the Soviet Union was a huge country. He was afraid of Germany and the Soviet Union, but the Hungarian military was eager to try.

For Hungary, this is a good opportunity, an opportunity to expand its territory. In particular, Romania has already started. If Hungary does not follow along, it will not only be a problem of not being able to divide the spoils, but even Romania will invade Hungary’s land. Germans will also watch.

After the Hungarian cabinet voted against the request of the Chief of Staff for an immediate declaration of war against Russia, the day after Germany invaded the Soviet Union, some planes bearing the emblem of the Soviet Air Force bombed Raho and Kosice in Hungary.

With this excuse, Wirth immediately put pressure on Bardoshi, and then announced a declaration of war on the Soviet Union, Hungary, can't hold back!

Since Hungary was not ready for war, there were not many troops sent out in the early stage, only the so-called rapid corps, or armored troops. In the middle of World War II, Hungary sent out 200,000 troops at its peak. They were definitely the main force among the servant nations on the Eastern Front. They not only fought with the Soviets, but sometimes even once with Romania.

In a village north of Gavolon, Warrant Officer Amper of the 9th Tank Battalion of the 1st Motorized Brigade leaned on his tank.

On his head he wore an Italian M1937 leather tank and helmet for motorized crews, and a mechanic's jacket. The coat is equipped with a blue cornflower mobile force collar badge, and a 9mm pistol is stuck in the waist.

At this moment, his hands are oily, and the gearbox of the tank just after repairing makes him look sloppy at this time.

As a former member of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Hungary also has a certain industrial foundation, but they cannot design advanced tanks like Germany. Up to now, they are still imitating foreign tanks.

Their brigade had a total of 81 Toldi light tanks, 60 Italian CV35 tanks and 48 Alvis-Straussler Csaba armored vehicles at the beginning of the operation. But now, the length of the march and the hardship of the battle have caused many tanks to be reimbursed, and they only have less than 30 tanks left.

"Our tanks are simply too primitive compared to the Germans." Next to him, tank commander Youssef said: "Now we are fighting side by side with the Germans, and the Germans should support some of our tanks. That’s right, I heard that the Germans still have some stocks of Panther 2 tanks, which are better than our current tanks."

Looking at these light tanks on our side, there are only 20mm Danish Madsen machine guns. They are very enjoyable. With a rate of fire of 350 rounds per minute, they roar very coolly, but they are useless. They are used to deal with an enemy infantry. That's all, if you run into a Soviet tank, you will definitely stop cooking.

"I heard that Germany has exported the technology of the Panther tank to us, and in a few months, we will be able to drive the Panther tank." Ampel washed his hands with gasoline and said to Yousef: "At that time, we won't have to repair these tanks every day. But this way, the Germans have never let us rush to the front line. The chance of us playing against Soviet tanks is very small."

Just after this sentence, they seemed to hear a rumble in the distance.

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