The Third Reich

Chapter 1250: Ponetjelin Breakthrough

Use tanks intensively to break a gap? That's the wrong way to break through. Look at your own side and disperse to break through, and you will have more hope of breaking out!

Major General Bonjeelin divided his army into 20 detachments, each with only a few thousand people. Such a small group of troops can easily break through.

As for himself, he followed the southwestern one to break through. In his analysis, the Germans will definitely set up heavy troops in the east, and the defense in their own southwest will be empty, which is his best choice for breaking through.

His breakout unit had only five tanks in front to open the gap. The tank unit was followed by cavalry units, and then infantry units.

The cavalry is responsible for guarding the gap and covering the infantry inside to break through. After all the infantry has drilled out of the encirclement, the cavalry will withdraw again. Although this tactic is not very advanced, there is great hope for a successful breakthrough.

Major General Bonjeelin rode a horse and brought his own guard behind the tank unit. At this time, in the clear moonlight, they could already see the enemy's line of defense on the opposite side.

Charge, charge!

The engine of the T-34 tank made a rumbling sound, and the crisp sound of the diesel engine pumping oil was so clear in the dark. There were two T-34s in the middle and three BT-7s next to them. They started to face each other. The line of defense launched a charge!

"The Soviets are coming up, quickly, stop them!" The Hungarian troops here became anxious.

"Long, Rumbling!" Yousef jumped on his Toldi light tank, started the tail engine, and brought his crew members to start the battle.

The space inside the tank was very small. He looked at the dark moonlight, the Soviet tank that had already rushed to his side and looked at the silhouette of the other side, and he knew it was difficult to deal with.

The two in the middle are T-34, right? For this type of tank, its own machine guns will certainly not be able to penetrate, but the tanks next to it will be fine.

"Attention, shoot at the tank on the flanks!" At his command, the gunner pressed the firing button.

"Tum, tom tom." The 20mm rapid-fire machine gun formed a tongue of flame and fired at the BT-7 rapid tank on the side.

"Boom!" The weak armor was immediately torn under the impact of the 20mm shell, and more than one shell arrived. Several shells hit it. In an instant, the entire tank was blown out.

The fire light illuminates the dark night sky, and the outline of the Soviet breakout troops clearly appeared. The Hungarians present were suddenly shocked, so many!

Behind the tank troops, there are a large number of cavalry, behind the cavalry, there are other troops, this is definitely the main force to break through!

"Quickly, ask for help from the German army!" The battalion commander of the tank battalion shouted loudly. He already had a foreboding that his tank unit could not stop the enemy's breakthrough.

"Boom!" At this moment, the terrible T-34 tank opened fire and killed Yusuf's tank in one shot. The small Toldi light tank could not withstand the blow of the 76mm tank gun. The entire car body was destroyed, and the bombing of the ammunition also illuminated the position of Hungary here.

The tank battalion is not all tanks, they also have infantry. At this time, the infantry in the position gritted their teeth, holding their rifles, and started shooting at the cavalry behind the tanks.

My comrade-in-arms, the comrade-in-arms who was still chatting just now, died suddenly, which made Ampere's heart panic.

Can't fire, can't fire.

If you open fire, you will be discovered by the opponent's T-34 tank. Your own weak armor can't stop the T-34's blow. It's not that you are not brave, but that the Soviet tanks are too fierce.

After their tank has passed, fire again!

With this thought, Amper sitting in his tank did not order his tank to attack, but was waiting for the opportunity.

Go, go over!

Although the Hungarian General Wilt was very persistent in attacking the Soviet Union, which was of great benefit to Hungary's expansion of its territory, the Hungarian army was not strong in fighting will, and the gap in equipment prevented them from being tough.

Moreover, they are not mortal enemies with the Soviet Union, Hungary and Romania are mortal feuds. In history, Hungary did not pay much attention to fighting the Soviet Union. As long as the Soviet tanks came, the people on the Hungarian positions would disappear. When it comes to the Romanian army, it is definitely a pinch.

Now, it is not worth working hard to fight the Soviet Union.

In the entire Hungarian position, there were only scattered gunshots, and the other tanks did not fire. Obviously, the death of their comrades in battle gave them too much excitement.

As a result, when a few tanks opened their way, they actually succeeded in tearing apart the defense line of the defenders. After the tanks rumbled past, the cavalry behind charged up.

"Tom Tom Tom!" Seeing the cavalry rushing over, on Amper's tank, the machine gun finally dared to fire. Using your tank to beat the cavalry, is this always okay?

There was indeed no problem. Under his blow, rows of cavalry were seen falling down, horses neighing, and riders struggling. This was simply the most pleasing scene.

"Boom!" It's a pity that Amper's tank was not arrogant for half a minute, and his tank also exploded after being beaten.

Light tanks, weak armor, not so difficult to deal with in front of the infantry, for example, now, a brave cavalry, taking advantage of the night, bent over, rode on the side of the tank, and then tied the smoking bundle. The cluster grenades were thrown on his tank!

Compared to talking about a few tanks used to open the gap, there are much more cavalry behind. There are probably thousands of riders galloping on their horses. Even if they risk death, they can still get close. Next to the opponent's tank.

The second tank was destroyed in this way. At this time, the other tanks on the Hungarian defense line seemed to be aware of the danger and stopped firing. They even put on reverse gear and retreated.

Among the cavalry, Major General Ponetjelin was quite excited. He shouted backwards loudly: "Charge, continue to charge!"

The army on the opposite side is retreating, and the tank in front of one's side has already rushed out of the encirclement circle. This time the breakthrough was successful!

The cavalry turned their horses and attacked on both sides of the breakout gap, trying to expand their breakout gap. Behind the cavalry units scattered on both sides, infantrymen trotting all the way appeared. They were like marathon runners. Run as hard as you can.

Break through, will succeed soon! ()

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