The Third Reich

Chapter 1252: Breakthrough failed

"Da da, da da da." The 6.8 mm bullet shot out from the muzzle, and the flames from the muzzle were seen so clearly in the dark night, which made the people in the encirclement more afraid.

Automatic weapons, the opponent actually has a large number of automatic weapons!

The infantry chariot continued to advance. The soldiers following behind, armed with weapons, shot at any enemy who dared to escape. When they passed by the Soviets, these Soviets raised their hands one after another. I dare not move.

They don't know how many German troops have come, they only know that the firepower here is too fierce, they dare not resist at all, when the Germans walked to them, their eyes were filled with fear.

The infantry that rushed out in the front had already begun to surrender, while behind, the cavalry unit held a hole until all its troops had withdrawn before planning to leave quickly.

"General, German troops suddenly appeared in front of us, and they once again surrounded our breakout troops." At this moment, Major General Ponetjelin heard the report of his subordinates.

After finally opening the hole, the direct troops under his leadership were all withdrawn. Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, they would be surrounded by the Germans again.

Now, if Ponetjelin ignored the surrounded infantry and rushed out with his cavalry, he could still run out under the cover of night.

But he didn't do that.

Major General Bonjeelin was a determined and courageous general. He was not afraid of death. He knew that if he left the troops and escaped by himself, he would definitely escape, but he could not.

It's so easy to rush out of the German encirclement, and actually encountered the German siege again, then rush out!

"Cavalry unit, rush forward, we opened our mouths and rushed out again with our infantry!" Major General Bonjelin holding a Bobosha submachine gun, shouted to his subordinates: "Cavalry, attack!"

The horses stepped on the ground of Ukraine and galloped forward. At this time, no cavalry ran away alone. After receiving the order, they turned their horses and headed towards the crossfire zone that was constantly burning in the distance.

"Suddenly!" The submachine gun in the hands of Major General Ponetjelin fired as he ran. He swept down a few Soviet soldiers who had raised their hands to surrender and shouted loudly: "Coward, bastard, kind of take up arms Come, rush out with me!"

While the trend of surrender had not fully spread, it was only the soldiers in the front crossfire that surrendered. With his cavalry, Major General Bonjeelin launched a new charge towards the German encirclement in front.

Rush, rush!

Galloping on horseback, the submachine gun in the hands of Major General Bonnegelin fired from time to time to kill the German soldiers who were shooting at him. Then he turned to avoid the bullets on the opposite side. All of this was done smoothly, not at all like a year. Nearly fifty generals were like a young and strong Cossack cavalry.

"Tom Tom Tom!" An infantry fighting vehicle fired at him, and a 40mm high-explosive shell hit his horse. In an instant, the horse's whole body was **** and there was a big hole in the middle. But just before, he He had already jumped off his horse, turned over and rolled on the ground twice, in his hand, threw out the empty submachine gun and replaced it with his saber.

Ponnegerin is a generalist among the high-ranking Soviet commanders. He is the most educated among the commanders of the group army. He has commanded infantry divisions, served as the chief of staff of the Leningrad military region, and led Frunze. The Tactical Teaching and Research Section of the Military Academy. He is well versed in advanced corps tactics and is proficient in military academic issues. At the same time, his personal combat capabilities are also very strong.

Up to now, his skill is so agile. When he stood up, behind him, followed by several cavalry who had also fallen off horses, holding their weapons, they continued to rush forward.

Encouraged by them, a large number of infantrymen behind also began to counterattack. They wanted to break through the German defense line!

At this moment, the top of the head suddenly brightened like daylight, and the Germans actually released the flares!

With the flares shining, the entire encirclement was illuminated. With this opportunity, almost all the German soldiers around fired their rifles.

Relying on large-capacity drums, their assault rifles have more powerful capabilities than machine guns. The bullets are like violent storms, blasting wildly at the Soviet soldiers in the encirclement.

A Soviet soldier who broke through the siege screamed and fell, and the horses neighed, and Ponetjelin knew that the decisive moment had arrived.

In order to be able to break out quickly, they threw all their heavy weapons away. If they had heavy machine guns on hand, they would have sufficient firepower suppression capability and could open a gap. Now, they can only rely on their tenacity. Pull the perseverance.

The flares will not stay on all the time, only for a few seconds. At the same time they shoot like that and it is impossible to continue. They also have to change their magazines. This is their last chance!

At the moment when the sky above his head darkened, Ponetjelin held up his saber and shouted loudly: "Charge! For the Soviets, charge, rush out!"

He took his shiny saber and rushed up first, behind him, followed by hundreds of soldiers, rushed forward bravely, unstoppable!

As he had guessed, there was no movement on the other side. They should be changing magazines. Taking advantage of this opportunity, they would definitely be able to rush out!

However, just after he ran forward for a few seconds, the sky above his head shone again.

At this moment, only a dozen meters away from the encirclement of the Germans, the light of the flares in the sky was reflected on Boneterin's command knife. At this moment, the tongue of fire from the front muzzle appeared again.

Change the magazine? There is no need at all, large drums, enough for them to play like this two or three times!

On the real battlefield, no one dared to hold the trigger. Even heavy machine gunners were almost always three-point shots. In the first round of the volley, most people only knocked out two or three. Ten bullets.

If it is an ordinary magazine, it should be replaced, but the large-capacity drum is not needed!

At this moment, Ponetjelin didn't know what he had stepped on, and suddenly tripped forward. The bullet almost scratched his scalp and flew to the back.

A famous charging soldier screamed and fell. The distance of more than ten meters is the distance between their life and death. They are the most determined and brave fighters. Now, they are all fallen on the road of charging!

There was nothing in his ears except the sound of gunshots, his eyes slowly turned black, and Bonetjelin fell into the darkness. ()

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