The Third Reich

Chapter 1253: Only 1 chance

The sky gradually brightened, and the sun flooded the Warren area, and the fiery red sun was shining on the ground. At this time, the ground was also extremely red.

Strips of red liquid gradually converged into small streams and flowed into the nearby rivers, dyeing the river water red.

After fighting for a whole night, the German soldiers were very tired. They looked at the Hungarian army coming from a distance, and naturally there was no good expression on their faces.

Is the army of the servant nations such a fighting force? At this point, the Soviets broke through and actually tore a hole from your line of defense! If it weren't for the German army to arrive in time, these thousands of Soviet troops would have to break through!

Now, there are corpses everywhere, at least a thousand people have fallen, and the rest have surrendered.

Tick ​​sat in his infantry chariot, smoking a cigarette, and staring plainly at the incoming Hungarian commander.

His battalion is fully staffed, and the standard of the battalion is strengthened. There are more than 400 people, divided into nearly 50 wheeled infantry fighting vehicles, and the division’s guards. There are about 20 wheeled infantry fighting vehicles. There were only six to seven hundred people, and the Soviet army rushing out was blocked.

An hour later, another reinforcement unit came. When the reinforcements arrived, they united and completely wiped out the Soviet army in the encirclement.

The results are in sight.

In fact, if it is daytime, they really can’t stop them. In the dark, the Soviets can’t see clearly. They don’t know that Germany’s encirclement is only a thin layer. They thought there would be more troops behind. The army did not rely on the help of night vision goggles to set up a perfect encirclement in advance. The Soviets would definitely break through. If it weren't for the German army's continuous weapons and powerful firepower, it would still not be able to stop it.

There are not too many ifs, in short, the results of the battle are in sight.

"Thank you for your support." For a long time, the Hungarian commander said to Tick.

"No thanks, your defense line is now taken over by us. Your army is deployed behind us. Your task now is to clean the battlefield."

The corpses all over the floor, but also to look at these Soviets, the imperial army would not do this kind of rough work, it was enough to hand over to the Hungarian army.

The performance last night shows that the combat effectiveness of the Hungarian army is quite poor. They stay here and can only continue to add chaos to their side. It is better to let their side defend here.

"Yes." The Hungarian commander said: "Order our troops to clean the battlefield!"

The Hungarian soldiers withdrew and began to sweep the battlefield with all their hands.

Just look at the battlefield to see how tragic the battle last night was. The more the position of the German defense line, the more powerful the Soviets’ charge. The corpses piled up here are piled on several layers. It seems that the Soviets are also at the end. Furious, he actually piled up the corpses for fortifications, and wanted to continue to charge and break through.

The Germans are so tough.

They began to move the corpses, one after another. Just when they were moving the bottom corpse, they found that the corpse actually moved. When they saw the epaulettes on the corpse, the Hungarian soldiers became happy: "Here is a major general. Still alive!"

The major general of the Soviets did not expect to arrest a senior official!

In Uman City.

When Dongfang showed his white belly, Lieutenant General Muzichenko walked out of his command post with red bloodshot eyes in his eyes and got into the car outside.

The headquarters has been emptied, all confidential documents that cannot be taken away have been burned, and they are about to conduct their first and last breakout.

"General, the 12th Army was dispersed into many columns in the middle of the night yesterday, breaking out in all directions." As he got out of the car and came to the prepared troops, his adjutant said to him.

"What's the result?" Muzichenko asked. In fact, the movement outside last night could be heard in Uman. Muzichenko knew that after he and Ponetjelin broke up yesterday, the first The 12th Army wanted to break through on their own strength.

Although the two had conflicts, Muzichenko also hoped that his old partner could break through.

"I don't know, their organizational system has been disrupted, and we can't get in touch. Now, we can only see from the German broadcast. The Germans claimed that they eliminated more than 100,000 Soviet Red Army in the anti-breakout last night. A major general was also captured."

Hearing this, Muzychenko's heart suddenly froze. He didn't want to believe the German broadcast, but it turns out that the German broadcast is more accurate than his own intelligence system. The Germans are not exaggerated. They don't. need.

Disperse and break through at night, the analysis is sensible, but in practice, there will be many problems, the biggest one is that the Germans have the advantage of night vision devices, which will make the darkness at night beneficial to them.

Muzichenko knew that his old man had failed to break through only a fraction of what he could run out, and that his troops broke through, it was Alexander.

"The Germans are still continuing to shrink the encirclement. If we don't break through today, we probably won't have a chance again." After reading the information on the surrounding defense lines, Muzichenko said: "Are our tank troops ready? ?"

"Yes, we are ready. A total of 263 tanks, of which 108 T-34s, and eight Stalin tanks, our tank troops will certainly tear open the German line of defense from the front. , So that the troops behind us can withdraw." said Christoph, the commander of the tank unit.

Collecting the tanks of the entire group army made them feel that the power at hand is still good. Now, except for the scattered guards left on the surrounding defense lines, all the remaining troops are concentrated here, Uzbekistan To the east of Mann, they have to open a hole from the front and then break through.

Perhaps the defense in the south was more relaxed, but Muzichenko didn't plan to do that. To break through, he had to go to the east to meet the main force. How could the infantry be able to run past the German tank troops in the wilderness.

Even if it breaks through to the south, it will be overtaken by the Germans and surrounded again. Therefore, it is better to attack directly and directly from the east!

"Commander, I left you a Stalin tank. Would you like to go out with us?" Christoph asked.

Until now, on the battlefield, Stalin tanks still belonged to the strongest category, and were rarely penetrated by German tanks frontally, and tank troops must have been the first to break through.

"No, I'm at the end." Muzichenko said: "We have left so many soldiers behind, and I should also be behind once." ()

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