The Third Reich

Chapter 1257: Suicidal charge

Anti-tank gunners have long been aware of the problems they are facing. They must be in front of their positions to be able to hit the enemy's tanks, but their existence is the greatest threat to the enemy's tanks, so the enemy will definitely treat them. Also regarded as the primary goal.

If it is those lightweight anti-tank guns, 37mm or 50mm, you can easily push and run, but this kind of 75mm is not good, it is too heavy, then how can it be quickly transferred at a critical time position? The answer, of course, is to find auxiliary tools.

For example, the lightweight motorcycles they have equipped in the army are a good choice.

The R75 has a displacement of 0.746 liters and an engine power of 26 horsepower, which is enough to drag the anti-tank gun away.

When they were in the preset position, they were ready. There was a flat retreat channel behind. Now, the BMW motorcycle is dragging the anti-tank gun and retreating quickly.

As for the other people, when the tank gun was towed, they pushed it with their hands. After the tank gun started to move, they quickly followed Siyazi!

"Boom, boom!" At this moment, the T-34 tanks opened fire. The targets they aimed at were all the places where the anti-tank guns hadn't moved. Now, the shells were all empty.

These Germans are like long legs, running so fast. Well, this analogy is wrong. After all, they have legs.

The anti-tank gunners quickly withdrew to the second position. In fact, the shells just now exploded almost against their hind feet. There was even a shell that rubbed Locke's calf. It was so hot that it must have been painted!

This second gun position is relatively strong. In fact, the front gun position can be regarded as the one they took the initiative to attack. The current gun position is almost on their line of defense. Other people around are also All ready, light machine guns, heavy machine guns, rifles, all kinds of guns are ready, greet each other at any time.

At the same time, they also have a certain amount of psychological pressure. After all, those tanks still have more than one hundred vehicles, and they are pressed up in the dark. It is very risky for them to fight on their own.

Moreover, the anti-tank guns can no longer retreat. If they retreat, they will withdraw to the back of the position. They will stay here and fight forever, which also means bloodshed and sacrifice.

However, they did not usher in such a terrible time. Just after the anti-tank guns retreated to their gun positions, just behind their positions, there was already black smoke billowing, accompanied by the tremors of the ground, one after another. The Tiger tank with its barrel high, crossed their line of defense and rushed up!

Relying on the fearless spirit, the infantry delayed the action of the Soviet tank unit. At the same time, the German tank unit also quickly dispatched and rushed toward the Soviet tank unit!

The actions of the Germans are really fast!

When the tank passed by on its own position, cheers were heard everywhere, and the infantry knew that when the tank arrived, it was the end of the enemy!

"Boom!" A tiger tank stopped briefly and then fired. At this time, the distance between the two sides was only a few hundred meters, and the hit rate was quite high. It instantly penetrated the T-34 in front.

One after another, tanks continued to move up. They not only charged from the front, but also charged toward the Soviet tanks from the side, and there was a faint tendency to surround them.

This immediately caused tremendous pressure on the Soviet tank forces.

"Rush, continue to rush forward!" At this time, Christoph certainly knew that his breakthrough might have failed, but he knew that he could not retreat, even if there was a glimmer of hope, he had to make 100% efforts!

At the same time, in the rear, Muzichenko was also aware of the mistake he made. This time he broke through, he was too hasty.

He should divide his troops into two parts. One part breaks through the siege first. Relying on the awareness of not afraid of sacrifice, he attracts the attention of the defenders. After they successfully attract the nearby tank troops, he can open from the position where he was transferred from the troops. There is a gap, a dozen kilometers is the most suitable distance.

But now, he had to face the more powerful German tank troops. He just hesitated and issued the order: "Charge, the whole army charge!"

Can you go out? In one fell swoop, now, the cavalry behind is temporarily intact. While the tanks are fighting, they have opened a hole next to the tank fighting area.

Throw away the tank unit, let the tank unit attract the attention of the Germans, and break through from another direction!

Muzichenko mounted his horse. He originally planned to go out with the last troops as a member of the back of the palace, but now, he has to charge with the cavalry.

Having served in the cavalry for many years, Muzichenko's riding skills are quite superb. He stepped on his horse and drew out his command knife: "Cavalry, charge with me!"

A very interesting Most of the high-ranking commanders in the Soviet army are almost all from cavalry. This is also understandable. After all, just ten years ago, cavalry was also the dominant player on the battlefield. Strength, only the most elite troops will have horses and become proud cavalry.

Now, Muzichenko got on his horse, with a large number of cavalry, headed southeast, bypassed the tank troops, and marched toward the flanks!

Behind them, a large number of Soviet infantrymen, armed with rifles, launched a mortal charge.

This is the most tragic scene in the history of World War II. Cavalry and infantry, although they know that there is a rain of bullets waiting for them, they are still charging, they want to break through!

"Da da da da da..." Countless machine guns were firing. Whether it was the cavalry in front or the infantry in the back, they all fell in large numbers. The cavalry fell, the infantry went on!

Although they knew they were about to die, they were still charging. The ones in front only hoped that they could consume the enemy's bullets and provide opportunities for the infantry behind. Unfortunately, this was just a naive idea.

The birth of the Gatling machine gun made the cavalry withdraw from the stage of history. Now, the assault rifle in hand has made large-scale intensive charges a terrible suicide.

Rows of Soviet soldiers fell down in rows as if they were cutting rice in autumn. For them, their lives were only a few seconds.

On the entire battlefield, the smell of gunpowder smoke, accompanied by the smell of blood, was extremely bloody.

The sound of tanks and guns stopped, and the sound of gunfire stopped, and the battlefield was silent. Only the wind blew across the ground, making a whining sound, as if in silence for the dead.

The breakthrough of the 6th Army failed. ()

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