The Third Reich

Chapter 1258: Talk to General Zhukov

The siege of Uman lasted for only two days. When the German troops surrounded the entire Uman, the defenders sought to break through the siege in the shortest time. After all, the German armored forces were too strong. They would break through the siege one day later. One more point.

Unfortunately, this made them unable to fully prepare for the breakthrough, and the plan was very simple. In fact, no matter how complicated the plan, all of them would be shattered in front of the forces with absolute superiority.

The Battle of Uman ended. The German army wiped out nearly 200,000 Soviet troops and captured less than 100,000 people. Up to now, the Southern Army finally achieved a beautiful record. This kind of siege, the Central Army It has appeared many times, and Nanlu is only the first time.

However, there is a bigger war of encirclement and annihilation waiting for them on the South Road. Kiev, where there are millions of troops, encircled and annihilated the Kiev defenders and solved the Ukrainian problem!

At this time, in Kiev, after receiving the news that the Uman defenders were annihilated, Budjoni had already smelled a conspiracy.

As a veteran, Budjoni has a stinky problem. It doesn’t matter how much he wins. In short, he has a high-profile appearance, except for Stalin, everyone does not give face, this veteran, it seems that the Soviets can best fight. The same as the generals.

No matter how big he is, after becoming the commander of the entire Southwest Army, he has to cheer up and prepare for the worst.

Commanding operations, like chess, must anticipate the opponent's next move. For example, Budjoni has been thinking about the enemy's next move all day.

I thought it was Kiev last time, but they pounced on Uman. Now Uman has been taken down by the opponent. Then, what is the opponent's goal?

After eliminating one's flanks, one's own Kiev has become a prominent part. There is no doubt that the opponent's target will definitely be Kiev!

So, the next question is, can Kiev hold on?

Budjoni made a big question mark in his heart.

Obviously, can't hold it!

The combat effectiveness of the German army is too strong. Now, if all the southern armies are coming to Kiev, they will definitely not be able to defend themselves. Not only can they not defend themselves, but also impossible to break through. The results of the Battle of Uman show that once they are defeated by Germany Encircled by human forces, one's own destiny is doomed.

So, can we retreat now?

Looking at the map, Budjoni looked at the map for a whole day. Now, for the Kiev defenders, the best option is to retreat immediately, so as to protect the entire team. But, can such an action be approved by Moscow?

Of course not!

How could Moscow tolerate retreat without a fight? Now if Budjoni ordered to retreat, he would be shot by Stalin when he returned, ending with Pavlov.

"Marshal, are you still worried about the current situation?" Hearing the voice, Budjoni turned his head and saw the short and chubby Khrushchev.

"Yes." Budjoni said: "The situation here is very bad, but we can't retreat. We will face the risk of being surrounded."

"Then why not talk about these conditions to General Zhukov?" Khrushchev said.

Suddenly, Budjoni's eyes lit up.

Comrade Stalin was stubborn, but he was able to listen to Zhukov's opinion, and even when it was critical, he would call Zhukov back to discuss it. This honor made Budionni jealous.

But this is better. Budjoni does not want to step on the thunder, so Zhukov can step on it. Anyway, this guy looks mysterious, as if he is the **** of war.

Sure enough, playing with political tactics, Khrushchev is definitely a good hand, much more wise than these generals on his side. Let Zhukov touch this mold first!

"Marshal, there is an order from the base camp to mobilize our 16th Army to Smolensk." At this moment, a new message came.

Now, Kiev is about to face the danger of being surrounded, in this case, it is actually necessary to mobilize its own reserve team! Budjoni pursed his beard at this order from the base camp and was quite dissatisfied.

The only reserve team is actually going to be transferred away!

The 16th Army was formed in the Far East Military Region in July last year. When it was just formed, it was probably in order to cope with the crisis in the east. The deputy commander of the Baikal Military Region Mikhail Feodorovich Lukin was appointed as the commander of the group army. The formation was just completed this spring.

Then, the Great Patriotic War broke out. The 16th Army had just completed its reorganization and accepted the order to move to the west. Now it has just arrived in Ukraine. Budjoni hadn’t touched a small soldier of the Army before he had been ordered. gone.

This makes Budjoni quite dissatisfied, but he also knows that the biggest reason for this is probably the tension in Smolensk.

After the fall of Belarus, the German army seemed to be able to advance to Moscow in another month. On Zhukov’s suggestion, between Minsk and Moscow, the Soviet Union mobilized heavy troops and arranged two lines of defense. In order to protect Moscow, they also racked their brains.

Compared to Kiev, Moscow is of course more important. I don’t know who got the idea of ​​the 16th Army and transferred this unit away.

Although not satisfied, Budjoni was helpless. He knew that Moscow was under greater pressure.

Now, no one realizes that in this magnificent battle, a small figure is revealed like this, he is Lu Jin!

During the beginning of the Barbarossa project, it was as dark as **** to the Soviet Union, and in this darkest period, General Lukin was a shining general who cut through the darkness.

Lu Jin's life is legendary.

He was born in a poor family, studied for a few years at a young age, and later joined the Russian Army, joined the Red Guard and the Red Army, and became a glorious Bolshevik. After the Civil War, he continued to rise. Like other generals, he did not. After escaping the terrible cleaning, he was also thrown into prison, but he was considered lucky and was released later.

Moreover, he continued to rise, and now he became the commander of the 16th Army. On the way, he took the train and fell apart. He finally got to Ukraine. He hadn't reached his position yet, but he received it again. New transfer order, head north, support Smolensk!

The train panted and entered the station.

"Commander, we are at the Shepetovka railway station. Would you like to go out to get some air?" Lukin's adjutant said. ()

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