The Third Reich

Chapter 1262: Night attack

This improvement, of course, is relative to the past. In the past, the commander of the Italian army would only order soldiers to charge in swarms, without any complicated tactical command.

In fact, it is useless even if there are complicated ones, because Italian soldiers will not seriously execute orders. For an army that wants to run away when seeing the enemy's tank charge, it has no ability to perform complex actions.

Now the situation is different. The situation of the Italian army has been greatly improved. After Major General Aresca issued the order, the basic commander can quickly understand Major General Aresca's intentions and implement them according to his plan.

Half of the tank troops will stay in place and launch a feint to attract the attention of the defenders. At the same time, the other half of the tank troops and a large number of infantry will take advantage of the night to touch the other side of the city. At this time, the eastern part of the city must be negligent, and the infantry rushed into the city with the tank.

At the same time, which tank unit, which street to attack, and which infantry was accompanied, all carried out detailed plans. Their actions were almost methodically copying the training programs of German instructors.

After planning for more than half an hour, the night was completely dark.

"Boom, boom, boom!" A huge roar sounded from behind the Italian position. It was the artillery belonging to their armored group, firing violently on the Soviet army's position!

No wonder the Italian army did not launch an offensive, and it has been delayed until now, it turns out they are waiting for their artillery!

The ground was shaking, and the large-caliber grenades exploded on the ground. It was a big pit in an instant. The faces of Soviet soldiers hiding in the fortifications were very ugly.

The bombardment scene was enough to make the recruits pee their pants in fright, especially the broken soldiers who had just organized, there were already signs of military instability.

"German's shells have a small charge. Under the same caliber, they can't be compared with our guns." In the trenches, company commander Boris spoke with his throat. His words really attracted those who had already retreated. Of soldiers.

"Back then, on the Polish battlefield, we killed hundreds of Polish cavalry with a single shot. Later, we ate horse meat for half a month, and now we can smell the horse meat. You kid, laugh. What! Don’t think about eating horse meat, you really want to eat it. It’s only if you eat our commander’s horse."

"However, when it comes to eating, everyone should be thankful that there are boxes of canned fish in the warehouse of our train station. These days, we don't have to worry, we can eat canned food every day."

"When the gunfire is over, the cans should be delivered later."

Boris's ease infects everyone, and the organized soldiers are gradually no longer afraid. They looked at the traffic trench dug out just this afternoon behind them, hoping to bring cans from the rear.

Sure enough, in the fierce gunfire, footsteps came from the traffic trench behind him.

"Supper is here, canned food, everyone has it, don't worry." The people dressed up as citizens shouted while bending over and walking.

In a short period of time, Lu Jin not only reorganized the defeated soldiers, but also organized the citizens, relying on these citizens to send food to the front lines.

The battle is about to begin. Lukin knows that this will be a fierce offensive and defensive battle. There will be a large number of soldiers who will die in this battle. Therefore, he is not stingy. Anyway, it is lost here and all the supplies will be cheaper. Germany People, it would be better to give it to the army now.

Canned food, everyone has!

Most of the people who came spontaneously were young people. Under the leadership of the old Bolsheviks, they braved the artillery fire and brought food to the front lines.

Holding the canned food, even Boris had his eyes glistened. When did he eat the canned food last month? It seems to be six months ago? After that exercise was over, canned food was distributed.

This time, everyone has it.

Picking up the bayonet and picking up the can, Boris was about to pick up a piece and put it in his mouth when he felt the ground shaking.

not good!

After the artillery fire, the opponent's troops came up.

"Attention, the enemy tank is coming up, blasting team, get ready!"

Hearing his order, several young soldiers agreed and picked up the bundles of grenades.

The night is actually beneficial to the defenders. In the daytime, tanks can fire from a few hundred meters away and strike various firepower points. Infantry soldiers can only be beaten, but it is different at night.

Needless to say the anti-tank guns on your side and the tanks that disperse the defense, even these infantrymen on your own side can eject with grenades, crawl over and blow up the opponent's tank, and the darkness will cover them quite well.

"Don't worry, eat first!" Boris said, looking at his soldier.

It's easy to start the meat once, let's eat first.

Suddenly, the sky was shining, and a few flares cut through the darkness of the night sky. Under the shining of the flares, the anti-tank gunners of the defending army started fire first.

The 45mm armor-piercing projectile whizzed and flew to the opposite side, but in the dark, their accuracy was not very high, and there was almost no result.

Benz’s opponent’s tanks are also firing. It is almost equally ineffective to eliminate these firepower points. In the dark, no one can fight particularly accurately.

However, I still saw the large number of infantry following behind the opponent's tank.

"Blasting team, come on!" Boris gave the order.

As the opponent's tanks continued to approach, the fierce battle began.

Inside the city, Lu Jin was looking at the city defense map hung on the wall. The enemy's attack made him a little puzzled.

If it is to attack at night, why should there be such a massive shelling? Ordinarily, the night attack should be a sneak attack!

Moreover, the time of the night attack is not right. They should wait a few more hours. By the early hours of the morning, when the defenders are the most sleepy and exhausted, they will have the highest control at that time.

Now, the IQ of the opposing commander seems to be lowered, and he actually launched such a night attack?

"Commander, the enemy's attack was repelled by us." At this moment, the adjutant came in and said to him: "Now, the frontline fighters are very motivated."

The defeated soldiers were organized, and they were afraid of retreating. As a result, they repelled the enemy's offensive, and those defeated soldiers became more excited. After such a battle, after a few times, the military will be greatly encouraged.

Lu Jin nodded his head. With such a massive attack, he retreated after a little contact. This is definitely a feint. Then, where is their main attack? His eyes looked to the east of the city, and his expression suddenly changed: "Hurry up, gather the reserve team!" ()

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