The Third Reich

Chapter 1263: Real offensive direction

Hearing Lu Jin's words, the adjutant was taken aback. The reserve team? Where to gather the reserve team? After all the troops were armed, they were transferred to the front. With so many enemies coming outside, it would not be enough if there were no lines of defense!

"Commander, we don't have a reserve team." The adjutant said: "We are waiting for more defeated troops to come and organize them."

"Guard, where's my guard? Quickly, set off immediately!" After speaking, Lu Jin picked up his armed belt.

"Commander, where are you going?"

"Quickly, pull out all the active people and go to the east of the city." Lu Jin shouted.

In the Soviet-German War, Germany attacked and the Soviet Union defended. If you look at the map, you can see the Soviet Union's defense line deployed along the long land.

These lines of defense do exist, but it is simply impossible to defend this long line of defense. This is also the reason for the Soviet Union’s continuous defeat. The Soviet Union’s line of defense along Smolensk to Moscow is equally unbearable. hit.

The centralized application of tank troops has broken the fixed positional warfare pattern of World War I. The defense line is long and not thick enough. It is easy to be broken by tank troops, and then turn around and break the defense line calmly.

This is still for the main goal, and those small goals have no comprehensive line of defense at all.

For example, Shepetovka is now an important material transfer site. According to the deployment of the Soviet military, there should be a tight defense here, but the fact is that it is vulnerable. Without Lukin’s order of resistance, Then here has fallen into the hands of the Germans.

Although Lu Jin organized all the defeated soldiers, he could only build a line of defense on the west and north of the city. He did not have any more power to protect the entire city, let alone arrange a line of defense. The absolute line of defense is here, and it is connected to other nearby cities, so this is actually an island.

Especially in the east of the city, only one infantry company is in charge. Their mission is not to defend, but to prevent the routs from retreating to the east.

This company was Lu Jin's old man. The company commander Sergey was leaning on an abandoned truck with a cigarette in his mouth, looking very ruthless. Only in this way can he scare people.

Although the city has begun to reorganize, there are still some ruined soldiers who want to retreat. When they meet Sergey, they can only go back dingy, and when Sergey's eyes are glared, they are scared. .

"Either go back, join the army, or die!" When Sergey spoke, the soldier behind him pulled the bolt, which instantly frightened the broken soldiers.

The day has passed, and at night, there will be broken soldiers who want to sneak away. Therefore, Sergey will continue to pretend to be ruthless: "Keep your eyes open, don't let any of them go, dare to come from us. Those who run away will rectify the Fa on the spot!"

Sergey's voice was loud and he could almost pass through half of the city. He was warning those people to join the army and don't want to slip away. According to military law, deserters should be shot.

After speaking, Sergey threw his cigarette **** under his feet, stomped on both feet severely, and spit into the darkness in the distance.

Suddenly, he pricked up his ears, there is a sound?

To the northwest of the city, the fighting is now lively, and the enemy has launched a second attack. This night, how many toss? Ordinarily, under such a big movement, he couldn't discern any subtle sounds, but he just heard them. There were different sounds!

He turned his head and looked outside the city. There seemed to be unusual movements in the black hole field.

Suddenly, he understood and shouted loudly: "Prepare to fight, the enemy is coming from our side!"

The opponent's offensive in the northwest direction is all upside down, and your own side is the real attack direction!

After speaking, Sergey grabbed a Monashingan rifle and hid behind the truck. Gradually, when he saw the tank that was tumbling over, Sergey's face changed drastically.

Almost all the anti-tank guns in the city have been moved to the northwest. He only has light weapons here. How can he intercept tank troops?

"Quickly, pile up these obstacles in the middle of the road!" Sergey shouted to his subordinates. The only thing they could do was to create more roadblocks to hinder the passage of the opponent's tanks. Persist until the arrival of reinforcements.

There are some abandoned cars on the side of the road, which should be left by the former garrison. The vehicles either have a mechanical failure or just run out of fuel. In short, they are left on the side of the road.

Now, they hurriedly pushed these cars to the middle of the road, even if the wheels didn't turn and dozens of people pushed them to the middle of the road.

"Grenade, tie up, tie up!" Sergey was very anxious. At this time, he could clearly see that the terrible tank was rumbling over. UU reading

When there are no anti-tank weapons, grenades are the only available method.

Sergey tied the grenades together and was about to hold the grenades and leaned against the obstacle, but before he passed, he was snatched by a subordinate.

"Company commander, let me come!" said the little Cove Parker: "I have an advantage."

He does have the advantage. He is relatively low and hides behind, quite relaxed.

"Retreat, we deployed intercept positions in the back, attacking their tanks from both sides." Sergei continued to command his troops.

They can't stop the opponent's attack. If they stay there, they can only be killed. On the contrary, they are now backing up, and they can take advantage of the buildings on both sides, being condescending and able to better delay the opponent's siege.

As long as the firefight begins here, the headquarters will definitely send people over for reinforcements immediately. What they need is to withstand it!

Just as they retreated backwards, at the end of the road over there, the opposing tank's tank had already rumbling over!

There are obstacles here, but to the tanker, it’s nothing at all.

Tanks have always been able to run rampant. The tank driver stepped on the accelerator. Amid the rumbling sound, a puff of black smoke came out of the tail engine, and the body of the tank slammed into the car barrier over there.

After a few strokes, the car barricade was pushed aside, and the tanker stepped on the accelerator to move on.

At this moment, a violent explosion sounded from under the tank.

"Boom!" With the explosion, a large hole was exploded in the bottom of the tank. Then, the inside of the tank was detonated, and the huge fire light illuminated everything around it.

"Fire!" ()

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