The Third Reich

Chapter 1278: Coming to Osad

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As the ignition order came in, I saw the rocket on the TV screen. At first, a white smoke appeared from the bottom, and then a flame, hot gas, instantly surrounded the entire launch pad.

On the launch pad, the rocket vibrated slightly for a second, and then it began to take off.

At the beginning, it flew very slowly, and you could see the three engines at the rear, emitting three flames.

This is the simplest way. When the thrust of one engine is insufficient, connect several engines in parallel to increase the thrust. Your own rocket can develop a secondary rocket so quickly, which is also the reason for this plan.

However, this is not the most optimal. If the required thrust is large, more engines must be connected in parallel. Think about the later Soviet Union, in order to be the first to land on the moon, they came up with a rocket with 30 NK-15 engines in parallel. Thirty stations were arranged in a circle, which seemed to have a violent aesthetic. Unfortunately, the reliability was greatly reduced. As a result, the launch failed once and the moon landing plan had to be abandoned.

After learning from it, the Soviets woke up from the Great Leap Forward and began to build large rockets steadily, and finally yielded great results. It was a pity that the Soviet Union had disintegrated at that time. As a result, the Energy rocket had only been launched twice, and it ended without a problem.

Germany’s current rocket plan is one step at a time. Although the current technology is used for speed, three V-2 engines are connected in parallel, but the subsequent high-thrust engines are being developed in an orderly manner and wait until they are successfully developed. , Then there can be long-range missiles, even intercontinental missiles.

Now, watching the rocket gradually lift off, everyone present cheered.

The rocket kept rising, and the speed got faster and faster. Finally, what the camera captured was only the tail smoke, so the picture switched to the launch hall again.

The development of computer technology has brought great convenience to the German aerospace industry. For example, now, on the giant display in the launch hall, there are two lines, one is a predetermined orbit, which is calculated by the computer and output to The one on the screen, and the other one, is the track observed by the large radar inside the launch base.

These two orbits almost coincide, which means that the rocket is flying along the correct route.

At this moment, the experts inside were all staring at the screen nervously. They watched the flight of their own aircraft suddenly stopped, and then continued to accelerate. "The first-stage rocket fell off normally, and the second-stage rocket ignited successfully!"

Suddenly, everyone cheered. For them, a successful launch is not considered a success. It must be ensured that the first level falls off and the second level fires, then it is considered a success.

There were cheers everywhere, and everyone in the wolf's den was full of smiles.

"According to our current technological development, in two years, we will have missiles that can directly hit the United States." Keitel said: "At that time, even if we do not use bombers, we can directly threaten the United States with missiles. ."

Many weapons developed by Germany were prepared to deal with the United States. Now, watching the rapid progress of missiles, Keitel's words have won the praise of many people.

"Yes, but for us, there are missiles that hit the United States, which is just a small target. Our big goal is to launch artificial satellites, land on the moon, and explore deep space." Cyric said with a smile.

The use of rocket technology to develop missiles is only one aspect. In the later generations, artificial satellites are an important way to change human life. Just navigation satellites have brought such tremendous changes.

Cyric’s vision has always been long-term. If other people talk about landing on the moon, they must be joking, but since the head of Cyric said so, it must be possible.

"It's a pity, this rocket is too big, if we want to launch mobile, transportation is a problem." Scherner said.

Germany’s existing V-2 missile is improved by using the chassis of an all-wheel-drive off-road truck, while the new missile is three times longer than the existing one. It is not appropriate to use this vehicle again, and it must be improved. .

In Cyric's mind, there was a big man like the Soviet missile launcher of later generations. It seems that it is time to develop this kind of chassis, but it seems that he has a ready-made one now?

"What do you think of our mouse tank chassis?" Cyric said with a smile.

The large size of the mouse tank has been improved, and the piggyback of the missile is completely fine. What's better is that the chassis is tracked, which is more convenient to move than wheeled.

"Head Cyrek, what you said is reasonable, but this kind of chassis transportation is not very convenient." Speer said with emotion.

The 502nd Heavy Armored Battalion encountered this problem.

After receiving the order, the 502nd heavy tank battalion was anxious to rush to the battlefield immediately. They took the train all the way to the border between Romania and the Soviet Union. After getting off the train from here, they fell into a speechless situation.

They can no longer take the train, they can only rely on the trailer they brought, dragging the rat tank to the battlefield.

However, the bridges along the way cannot bear the weight of the mouse tank.

The mouse tank is 150 tons, plus the reinforced trailer, it has a full 200 tons. The bridges along the way have a carrying capacity of tens of tons. Therefore, the engineers can only strengthen the bridge all the way in front.

Although the off-road of the mouse tank is no problem, its off-road range is quite limited. Good steel is used on the The mouse tank will only get off the trailer after entering the battlefield.

But now, their progress is quite slow.

"Long, rumble." The 8*8 tractor uttered a roar. In front of it, there was a tiger tank with a tow rope behind it, pulling the trailer.

Now it is equivalent to towing the trailer behind the tiger with the tractor, because it is uphill.

There are mountainous areas around Osad. If you want to fight in Osad, you have to climb over these mountains.

Traces of fighting can be seen everywhere on the road. The Romanians fought very stubbornly, all the way to the outskirts of Osad, and now they are advancing along the road of the Romanian attack.

Come on! Battalion Commander Mark shouted loudly from the side.

He watched the engine of the Tiger tank emit black smoke, and it just didn't move. The 8*8 trailer at the back, with four large off-road tires on one side, all idling, but the trailer at the back just didn't move!

The back is too heavy and the **** is too steep, almost reaching the limit of traction.

"Go!" Hans shouted loudly. Behind him, dozens of young men followed him and came to the side of the trailer. Their bodies were leaning forward, and their hands were pushing the side of the trailer. The military uniform on his body had long been stained gray with dust.

"One, two, push!" Hans shouted. As they pushed hard, only the wheels of the off-road trailer in front of them moved forward again!

Mark nodded with satisfaction. He knew that the officers and soldiers under his hand had a lot of history. Now, these officers and soldiers behave like ordinary Imperial soldiers. They are not afraid of hardship, tired, and selfless dedication. They are all empires. The best soldier!

Finally, the trailer drove to the top of the mountain. Hans wiped the sweat from his face and suddenly raised his head. What was flying in the sky in the distance?

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