The Third Reich

Chapter 1279: The big bomb that brought the earthquake

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He could only see one bright spot. When the warhead of the ballistic missile came down, it already had a speed of more than Mach 10, and the current medium-range missile fell faster than the speed of Mach 15.

Now, it is not just Hans and the others who are observing this missile, but also the army in Osad, and the reconnaissance plane in the sky.

This reconnaissance plane is designed to observe the impact point and determine the error range of the warhead. The reconnaissance plane is using optical equipment to record the flight of the warhead.

Its impact point is the semicircular square in the center of Osad.

This is a landmark building in Osad. From this semicircular square, there are "Potemkin" memorial stone steps leading to the sea. They have 192 steps and are 30 meters wide. This is to commemorate Potemkin in 1905. Named after the warship uprising.

In peacetime, the citizens of Osad often walk on this step. There are lovers, couples with children, and elderly people looking up at the sky, quiet and peaceful.

But now, there is no one here, and when Osad faces the Romanian attack, there is no peace here.

Only in one corner of the square, there are anti-aircraft guns added up. They are used to defend their city and attack enemy bombers.

Now, the artillerymen looked at the sky in astonishment. The terrible warhead was almost vertical. Although it had not yet reached the front, the warhead compressed the air in front of it due to its high-speed movement, forming a terrible sonic boom, which formed at the front end of the warhead. A sharp cone-shaped sonic burst cloud was created, and at the same time, the compressed sound was also violently transmitted.

"Bang!" The voice was extremely loud, as if a big bomb was exploding in the ear, and the eardrum buzzed. For a moment, they couldn't hear anything. They could only look at the sky with horrified eyes. The bomb in the middle fell.

The warhead quickly dropped to the ground. Almost after they saw it visually, the warhead hit the ground. It was 500 meters away from the center of the semicircular square, and only hit the steps outside.

This smashed the land and fell apart.

With the warhead as the center, a terrible shock wave on the ground is formed, spreading to the surroundings, just like ripples on the water surface, this is a terrible seismic wave formed by collision!

A nearby house collapsed instantly under the impact of this shock wave. Only the concrete frame was still there, and the bricks built up inside were all in ruins.

This is just a collision!

When the speed is very high, the energy brought is quite huge. Simply put, if a steel ball can be accelerated to one-tenth the speed of light, it can pass through the entire sun and blow up the sun. , It's so terrible.

Now, this warhead, which comes down at fifteen times the speed of sound, weighs a full ton. When it is in close contact with the ground, it can smash two large pits in the area of ​​a football field, enough to cause a level 6 or higher earthquake!

Of course, this was just the beginning. At the moment of impact, the warhead exploded.


This warhead did not use a special weapon, it was the most common high explosive warhead, and the technology of this explosive was originally exchanged with the Soviets.

The one-ton warhead has a shell of 200 kilograms, and the remaining 800 kilograms are all of this high explosive.

In the violent explosion, a huge fireball appeared, and black smoke evaporated.

The anti-aircraft artillery was the first to bear the brunt. At the same time there was a shock from the ground, their lives almost came to an end. The shock wave formed by the explosion instantly split their bodies into pieces of minced meat, and then accompanied by the high temperature, they Was gasified.

At this moment, there was only one thought in their minds. Was it the kind of weapon that destroyed Petersburg?

The various ruins of the building that were destroyed by the shock just now are all lifted up in the explosion. With the explosion as the center, it spreads over a kilometer. This terrible attack, without any warning, is simply a matter of the will of the defenders. The biggest blow, can they resist such an attack?

In the downtown area of ​​Osad, the Defense Command.

"We just suffered a terrible attack." Major General Ivan Yefimovich Petrov, commander of the 25th Infantry Division, walked into the command post and said to Rear Admiral Zhukov who was in command: "I don't know where it is. The heavy artillery that came with only one shot destroyed our central square and caused hundreds of casualties."

They didn’t know what weapon they had just attacked, not a bomb dropped by a bomber, because no bomber was found, the sky was clear, and it was clearly visible even at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and this kind of damage could only be of large caliber. It's hit by heavy artillery.

The main force of the current Odessa defense area is the Red Army Independent Coastal Group, the Black Sea Fleet Odessa base and the militia. Three lines of defense consisting of trenches, bunkers, and anti-tank gun positions have been built around the city of Odessa.

Among them, the outer line of defense is 25-30 kilometers away from the urban area, with a total length of 80 kilometers; the middle line of defense is 6-8 kilometers away from the urban area, with a total length of 30 kilometers; the last line of defense is the downtown area of ​​Odessa.

The Soviet Army’s defensive forces were the 25th and 95th Infantry Divisions, the 9th Cavalry Division, the 421st Naval Infantry Brigade (consisting of the Black Sea Fleet sailors), the 54th Infantry Regiment and 1 Internal Affairs Regiment, with a total of 35,000 and 240 Artillery and 111 aircraft.

In the current situation, the Black Sea Fleet is trapped in the Black Sea waters, and they can’t get out at’s naval power is too strong, and Moscow also ordered the navy to attack, so the navy commander Kuznetzo Under his husband’s suggestion, the navy came ashore and formed a ground force, playing out the dignity of the Red Navy.

Therefore, the navy came ashore and jointly formed the Osad Front to fight to defend Osad. Although they are only an infantry brigade in terms of organization, they are the most powerful force in combat. Every naval soldier can fight to the end. He would rather kill the enemy with a grenade than never Will surrender.

The fight is cruel.

Now, they have been fighting fiercely with the Romanian Army for more than half a month. The battle has fought from the mountainous area outside to the current suburbs. Although they are retreating, they have also dealt a heavy blow to the Romanian army. It can be said that the Romanian army has suffered losses so far. , There are already more than 10,000 people. Rear Admiral Zhukov turned his head, looked at Rear Admiral Petrov, and said: "No matter what weapons they use, it will not change our determination. We will guard Osad and fight to the last minute!"

In the early days of the Soviet-German War, the army’s performance was blushing and retreated steadily. However, the Red Navy showed their dignity, whether in Petersburg or Osad.

And now, Rear Admiral Zhukov has long decided to fight to the last minute. He looked at his colleagues: "Good news, our tractor factory installed 45mm guns on tractors to form a simple tank. You are not Have you been complaining about insufficient firepower? You can go to the tractor factory to receive it."

With that said, Zhukov handed Petrov a document. With this document, Petrov was also excited: "Okay, this is what we need. In the urban battle, we need to be able to move quickly. Heavy weapons, comrades from the tractor factory are good!"

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