The Third Reich

Chapter 1284: Make observation holes

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The observation hole is relatively small, so it needs to be close.

Now, Schmidt's eyes are tightly attached to the observation hole, looking forward through this slit.

Although his tank is at the back, the triangular array and the three tanks all have their own field of vision. From here, Schmidt can see the rear of the mouse tank in front of him, and he has a field of vision for the right half of the circle. .

Schmidt didn't know that the little observation hole in front of him was all worried about.

Distance, 1,500 meters, crosswind 3, Lyudmila is calculating quickly and carefully. In addition to these data, there is also the opponent's forward speed. In this case, you should estimate the advance.

Lyudmila held the rifle in her hand and slid down very calmly, and then she pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" A flame came out of the muzzle, and along with the flame, a 7.62 mm bullet flew out of the barrel and flew forward.

In less than two seconds, it was in close contact with the huge tank, and, just right, the bullet penetrated into the slit!

At this moment, it encountered something hard and was blocked abruptly.

"Wow!" Schmidt only felt a flower in front of his eyes. Then, the glass cracked with fine lines, and there seemed to be something inlaid in the glass.

Schmidt suddenly screamed: "There was a sniper on the other side and hit my observation hole. I can't see anything!"

Schmidt was quite unfortunate and quite lucky.

If it was a Soviet tank, it would be a slit, an observation hole, and nothing on it. However, the German tank has a thick layer of bulletproof glass.

The Soviet Union’s industry was not as developed as Germany’s. The glass of Soviet fighter cockpits often had scratches, making the pilots unable to see the outside clearly, not to mention the tanks. Everything was about simplification of production technology and expansion of production. So Soviet tanks It's just a slit, nothing. If a bullet really flies in from the slit, it can only be said that the tanker's luck is too bad.

But Germany is different.

Historically, starting from the No. 3 tank, the observation hole of the German tank was glass, and now, the German Panther tank has glass from the original model.

There are many benefits to having glass. It prevents the blown sand and small flying insects from fascinating the eyes of tankers. It is helpful to seal the tank when crossing the river, and similarly, it can also block bullets!

For example, now, without this piece of glass, Schmidt would have been passed through his head by the bullet and died in his driving position. Now, it is just the glass that is spent, and he can't see anything clearly.

"Continue to advance at the current speed!" Commander Kurt shouted: "Kill their snipers!"

When needed, the driver can operate blindly. For example, in the past, the tank could only rely on infrared headlights in the dark, but only the captain had an infrared receiver. Then the driver listened to the captain, the captain said Open as you please.

Although he couldn't see clearly, Schmidt was still moving the tank steadily, and at the same time, Hans was ready.

The turret of the mouse tank is quite heavy. Although the power of the hydraulic drive motor is increased, the turning of the turret is similar to that of the Tiger. It is very slow. Fortunately, it is almost straight ahead.

Just as Schmidt was shot, the gun smoke from the muzzle just rose from the opposite position, and Hans caught sight of it all at once.

In other words, just after the opponent shot, in less than five seconds, Hans' foot stepped on the trigger.


The 128 mm tank gun made a huge roar.

The entire rat tank was shaking. At the muzzle, black smoke came out several meters high, covering the entire tank. In the black smoke, a 128 mm high-explosive grenade flew out.

Originally, tanks cannot be loaded directly. They are loaded before shooting. This is because of the problem of the type of bomb. Only when it encounters a target, it can be loaded by the commander.

However, the 128 mm tank gun of the mouse tank was stuffed with a grenade when it set off.

They are going to attack the enemy's position. In this case, the grenade is the most suitable type of shell. At the same time, even if there is an enemy tank, the 128mm grenade is powerful enough.

At the same time, the greater advantage of using grenade is that there is no need to worry about accuracy.

If it is an armor-piercing projectile, it must be precisely aimed to hit the target, and for a grenade, the target should be within its own kill radius.

Therefore, during the shelling, the mouse tank did not stop and fired completely while on the move.

With the howl of death, the 128mm shell splashed and fell to a place about ten meters away from the location where Lyudmila! "The sound of a violent explosion sounded, and a large crater was exploded on the ground in an instant, countless shrapnel flew horizontally, and the dust rose more than 20 meters.

With the explosion as the center, it is impossible for anyone to survive within a radius of 20 meters, and within 50 meters, if there is no protection, they may be scratched by shrapnel.

The violent explosion sounded on the battlefield, making everyone's eardrums hum. When the smoke from the shells cleared, the first thing they thought of was the safety of Lyudmila.

Where is Lyudmila? Was it bombed just now?

"Cough, cough." Lyudmila coughed twice, her body was covered with dust, and her face turned pale.

Sure enough, being a sniper is the most terrifying, because they are facing the enemy's cannon!

Just after firing a shot, Lyudmila immediately ran to the next position. Her caution saved her life. Even so, she was still affected by the afterglow of the explosion.

She coughed up blood from the corner of her mouth.

"Comrade Lyudmila, are you injured?" The company commander said with concern: "Now you immediately withdraw from the fight."

Lyudmila was not injured by the shrapnel, but she was lying on the ground at a nearby shooting position. As a result, when the 128mm grenade exploded on the ground, the vibration came along with the ground, abruptly. Hurt her internal organs.

Lyudmila's eyes looked at the tanks in the distance. The tanks painted with the black cross mark were moving rumblingly!

"No, I won't withdraw!" Lyudmila spit out blood mixed with saliva and said: "I want to live and die with the battlefield!"

"Christopher, immediately withdraw Comrade Lyudmila!" the company commander shouted.

At this time, a rumbling voice came from behind, and the company commander turned his head to see that his own reinforcements were coming up!

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