The Third Reich

Chapter 1285: Tractor fight

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The N1 tank came up. After learning that the Romanian army on the opposite side had received tank reinforcements, Petrov at the rear immediately sent the tractor tanks he had just obtained. Anyway, these tanks were behind the position, so act Soon, finally arrived at the battlefield.

The internal space of the tractor tank is narrow. In fact, it is the position of the original tractor cab. Steel plates are welded around and a turret is added to it. The entire tank can only hold three people.

One driver, one commander and gunner, one loader.

At this time, Lieutenant Badakhov in the vehicle was observing the front through the observation hole. When he saw the terrifying German tanks that were climbing up, his face changed.

"Quick, armor-piercing bullet!"

Badakhov didn’t have the confidence to destroy the opponent, but he had to try at least. Just before he came, the order he received was that the Romanian army had tank support. They thought it was a light tank of the Romanian army, 45mm. Anti-tank guns can be easily destroyed, who knows that they came up, and what they saw was such a big guy, it was really terrifying!

"Boom!" The 45mm anti-tank gun sounded loudly. With the sound of the gun, the gun smoke filled the entire turret.

The so-called tanks that have been hurriedly transformed are only capable of firing. The turret lacks effective smoking equipment. So after firing, it is like this scene, which can not be seen clearly by other people tens of centimeters apart.

Badakhov moved his eyes closer to the observation hole while coughing. Their anti-tank gun didn’t have an effective sighting device, so he didn’t know if it hit or not. It’s just that the opponent was so big, it was simply You can hit even with your eyes closed.

Yes, the only shortcoming of the mouse tank is that it is too big, allowing the opponent to aim easily and then hit, but the 45mm gun is almost tickling to it.

The shell hit the main armor on the front of the mouse tank. The 240 mm thick armor was only hit in a shallow pit. Even the mouse tank did not intend to fight back.

Use the 128mm gun of the mouse tank to hit such a thing, which is too big to use.

Of course, without the mouse tank, a tiger tank on the side of the formation would have opened fire.

Lieutenant Zwidi’s eyes were fixed on the sighting device. His car body, following his firing command, gave a tremor. The interior of this brand-new tank still smelled of fresh leather, even tank guns. Only one shell was hit.

The 88mm blunt-headed armor-piercing projectile flew to the opposite tractor with a sharp whistling.

Because it was an upward attack, the position where the shell hit was on the diesel engine more than two meters in front of the tractor.

The tractor’s engine is in the middle of the front. Just like all cars of this era, the outside of the engine has been wrapped in armor. It’s a pity that the armor of a few millimeters thick, in front of the 88mm armor-piercing projectile, is simply It's papery.

When the warhead and the armor came into close contact, a large opening was opened in the front armor, the armor-piercing projectile penetrated, and then it encountered the high-horsepower diesel engine.

The armor-piercing projectile continued to drill forward, opening a large hole in the cylinder of the diesel engine, and flying the connecting rod and piston. At the same time, the speed of the armor-piercing projectile became slower and slower.

When it almost pierced the engine compartment more than two meters long, it finally stopped.

At this time, the engine had been completely destroyed, various flying parts made the outer shell ping-pong, and the three people in the turret behind survived the attack.

The engine can block armor-piercing projectiles, so in later generations, Israel’s Merkava tanks deliberately placed the engine in the front, which was intended to block the projectiles. Although it was effective, it could only be shot once, and it was immediately scrapped.

The engine stopped working, and the N1 tank became an iron lump. The three people in the turret did not intend to give up.

"Armor-piercing bullet!" Badakhov continued to shout.

He knew that the remaining time for his side was already calculated in seconds. During this time, they had to fire as many shells as possible to hit the enemy, even if they were unable to penetrate, they would also damage their external equipment. Pour out our shells to them!

The loader also recovered from the shock just now and continued to load the shells. At the same time, Badakhov shook the wheel by hand to start a new aim.

It is a pity that their speed is too slow. In front of the skilled German tank soldiers, they only have one chance to fire!

"Boom!" The second shell of Lieutenant Zwidi's tank was fired again. This time, his gunner aimed a little higher.

The 88mm blunt-headed armor-piercing projectile pierced the air and issued a Doppler scream, then hit the upper turret.

The armor in front of the turret suddenly bent, and a big hole appeared. Then, a big hole was cracked in the back of the turret.

This blunt-headed armor-piercing projectile penetrated the entire turret!

When it came out, there was still a lot of speed, and it continued to fly forward. At the same time, under its lead, the entire turret fell to the The turret of the N1 tank was exposed. internal.

The inside was covered in blood and flesh, and there was no complete corpse in sight. When the shells penetrated, it was carrying a large number of fragments. These fragments turned all three people inside into pieces of meat.

It did not explode.

The engine compartment in front was sloppy, and the turret on it flew open and turned into an open-top tractor. It just stayed on the battlefield quietly, seeming to be telling something.

"Go around, let's hit each other's side!" On the other N1 tank, Belenko shouted loudly.

The tanks that rushed up were too powerful, and they couldn't fight from the front at all, so they could only go to the side to destroy the opponent.

No choice!

The driver Trojvich pushed the lever, and the engine in front of the tractor emitted a puff of black smoke and began to rush down.

"Turn left, turn to the left." Belenko shouted.

Troivic pulled the left lever to make the tractor turn to the left, but unexpectedly, when he pulled it, the tractor turned to the right instead!

"Operate in the opposite direction, you idiot, didn't you mean that you had operated a tractor on the farm before?" Belenko cursed loudly.

The steering of a crawler tractor is complicated. Specifically, when turning on the other side, pull the operating lever on either side to stop the crawler on this side, and continue walking on the other side, and then turn around.

However, if you pull one side when going downhill, although the power is cut off, it turns faster because of the downhill, and it turns in the opposite direction.

Trojvic wanted to say, I have not driven a mountain road! But he couldn't say anything. He released the lever and pulled the other side at the same time. As a result, he tried too hard.

The ground under the feet suddenly turned over.

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