The Third Reich

Chapter 1302: Come on, hurt each other

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"Boom!" Finally, the Soviets loaded the shells and opened fire.

The flames at the muzzle almost burst out.

Originally, when a normal tank gun fired, it would form a fireball about half a meter in diameter in front, with black smoke floating above it, which was the flame of the propellant burning.

But now, the muzzle seemed to be blocked, and there was only a small gap outside, and these air currents could only come out through this gap, which was even more spectacular.

Just like a gorgeous firework, at the same time, the sound of the explosion is louder.

The sound of the artillery fire comes from the burning of the propellant. When the heat flow of the high-temperature and high-pressure propellant comes out of the muzzle, the surrounding air is quickly squeezed, thus forming this huge roar.

And now, when the airflow came out, the roar almost directly covered the car body of the mouse tank, and steel was a good transmission body of sound. Almost instantly, the huge sound was transmitted to the interior of the car body.

Several people felt the rumbling in their eardrums and couldn't hear anything.

After the artillery retired, they were all deaf, and this type was almost shaken at the heel of the muzzle, and symptoms would appear on the spot. In severe cases, the eardrum would bleed and completely lose hearing.

Soviet tankers wear tank caps, which can provide a certain degree of sound insulation, while German tanks are not so particular.

On Hans's ears, he wears headphones. He is not bad, filtered by the headphones. Even so, his ears are rumble.

This is just the beginning.

The 122 mm shell that was fired close to it, almost immediately after it came out of the muzzle, it encountered the armor. It drilled into the armor at a speed of 780 meters per second. The dense nickel alloy armor blocked its way. Drilling, the speed slowed down, not knowing how thick it was in front, it finally decelerated to zero.

No penetration!

For this ending, the Soviet tankers had already prepared, the first one was impenetrable, and there were second and third!

At this time, inside Stalin's tank, gunpowder was full of smoke, and the tanker was quickly loading a shell. For them, time was precious.

For German tankers, their time is more precious. Now they are almost at a loss. They stay here. Their tank guns can’t reach each other. They can only wait for the opponent to fire. As the opponent fires again and again, They will also have a terrible ending.

Go out now?

Of course not. If they go out, the other party will just open fire, and the airflow from the artillery will shock them to death.

Their light weapons, only assault rifles, could not destroy the opponent's tank at all.

Holding a powerful mouse tank in their hands, they are now in a situation where they are only beaten. This is just too irritating.

Just when he was at a loss, Hans was already shouting and making gestures with his hands.

Their ears were still buzzing, and they couldn't hear what Hans was talking about. The loader just pulled out the 75mm grenade quickly due to tacit understanding and loaded it into the barrel.

"Boom!" Hans started firing almost just after the filling was completed!

When Hans stepped on the trigger, Kurt also understood that since the roar of the opponent's shooting just now caused such a big damage to his own side, then in the same way, his own side can also fire and hurt the other side!

The 128mm tank gun muzzle has left the opponent's tank hull and is in front of the opponent's turret. Even if it fires, the movement will not be too large.

However, the 75mm short-barreled gun is different. If it fires, the fireball of the muzzle is just above the opponent's turret!

Kurt guessed nothing wrong.

When the 75mm short-barreled gun fired, at the muzzle, a huge flame surged forward. The position it was facing was exactly the top of the turret of the Soviet tank.

In an instant, the flame surrounded the Soviet tank turret.

"Boom!" A huge noise echoed in the Soviet tank. At this moment, several tank soldiers were uncomfortable.

Come on, hurt each other!

Hans continued to wave his arm, motioning for the loader to reload.

Originally, 75mm shells were light and light, allowing tankers to reload quickly. What's more, there are two loader inside the turret of the mouse tank, and they can load them in turns.

Moreover, Hans does not need to aim, for him, there is only one thing.

Watching the artillery close the artillery door and gesturing, he stepped on the trigger and fired.

"Boom!" Smoke filled the turret.

"Boom!" Five seconds later, the second shell was fired again.

One, another, the German tank soldiers once again created a miracle in the rate of fire, they actually maintained the rate of fire of five seconds, shot 20 shells.

They all seem to be machines, loading, shooting, loading, shooting, the exhaust device in the turret has been working at maximum power, but it is still unable to pump all the gas inside the turret, and the entire turret is filled with smoke.

Loading? Hans saw that the loader stopped and couldn't help but gestured, but the loader still didn't move.

Kurt issued an order for a ceasefire.

Inflaming the gunpowder on the side a few times, Kurt shouted loudly: "They are not moving."

The 122mm shells of the Soviet tanks are very slow to load. Even so, they can complete the task of loading and shooting within one minute. Especially now, they do not need to aim, as long as they are loaded, they can shoot out.

Hans had just fallen into a high-speed shooting state, his mind was blank, he didn't think about it, and now Kurt has made a judgment.

Soviet tankers, it is supposed to fire. Since they did not fire, there is only one result.

"I'll go up first," Hans said, pushing the hatch above his head, and when he showed his head, he saw a scene that made him slap his tongue.

The turret of the Stalin tank was emitting heat. Hans felt the flow of heat as soon as he showed his head. The entire turret became pitch black, and Hans already understood what had just happened.

When the gun was fired, the temperature of the gas going out of the muzzle definitely exceeded a thousand degrees. This gas was originally nothing. After all, the tank would quickly drive away after the gun was fired, and the gas quickly dissipated into the air.

But now it's different.

The muzzle of his muzzle was simply a flamethrower, spraying out a stream of thousands of degrees in five seconds, and under continuous heating, it actually heated the Soviet tank turret into a cauldron.

The temperature inside was not enough to detonate the ammunition, but it was enough to burn the tankers inside. Of course, it might be stunned before it was burned to death.

In this matchup, his side won by relying on a high rate of fire. Hans looked down and saw that his own 75mm tank gun was not much better, and even the gun barrel was about to hit red.

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