The Third Reich

Chapter 1303: Battlefield adaptability

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"What's wrong, Hans?" At this moment, Kurt also came out of the other hatch. Watching this scene, Kurt was also full of excitement: "Our battle was really enjoyable! "

If they were replaced by other tanks, such as the Tiger tanks, it would be impossible for them to achieve a one-to-five victory in this terrible duel. Now, not only did they kill each other, but there are also two Stalin tanks that are intact. , This is simply a miracle.

As for themselves, it is even more impressive.

There were several shells in the tank, leaving large and small pits in the car body. The most terrifying of them was the one that finally approached and fired at zero range. The opponent’s armor-piercing projectiles almost covered the body of the car. It was beaten through.

It can be seen from this side that almost on the boundary of being penetrated, the armor on this side is dented inward. If the opponent sends another shell, it will undoubtedly be penetrated, and the position on your side , Is the ammunition, when the time comes, in the terrible blast, one's own side will die along with it.

The 128-millimeter shells would definitely lift up the turret of the mouse tank.

It was terrible, and it was a fluke.

Fun, this battle, for Hans, was also extremely fun. In fact, the entire battle did not last ten minutes, but it was extremely cruel.

While the two were still sighing on the turret, smoke and dust billowed in the distance. Two Tiger tanks were braving black smoke and quickly returning to help. After receiving a report that the tank under repair was suddenly ambushed, The two tanks of the 3rd company quickly came back and rescued each other.

At the same time, Romanian cavalry also came. When the two sides were fighting just now, in order to avoid accidental injury, the Romanian cavalry did not get close, especially in the last time, the mouse tank fired more than a dozen shells in one minute. Like a rapid-fire artillery, no one dared to approach it.

Now, when the battle is over, they leaned forward one after another. They also admired the performance of the German tankers just now.

"Hey, brother, you look good." Lieutenant Zwidi yelled to them when the hatch of the Tiger tank opened.

"We are very bad." Hans took over the words: "Our tank, I am afraid we will have to repair it for two or three days."

In the beginning, it was just changing the driving wheels. When the change is over, you can go to the battlefield. Now, after a few shots, the tanks are filled with potholes. These potholes need to be filled up, and the side skirts are broken. If it is dropped, the track inside must be replaced, and the tank can only be put on the battlefield until the tank is completely repaired.

Although the possibility of getting two shells in the same place is relatively small, if they get caught, it is definitely a dead end.

It will take two or three days to fix everything. By then, the entire city may have been beaten down. For Hans, only the **** battlefield can make him feel the youth in the war, and he longs for it. fighting.

"It just so happens that our gunner here is sick." Zwidi said: "Captain Kurt, do you mind if I borrow your gunner for two days?"

When the tank is being repaired, the tank's crew needs to help. Now, Hans has to run away or go to war. This is very enviable and hateful, but Kurt is very big: "Okay." Yes, there is no problem at all, but when our tank is repaired, you have to return Hans to me. I must have a gunner like Hans."

The crew members must cooperate closely. In the usual training, they have a deep friendship. On the battlefield, the tacit cooperation can not only destroy more enemy tanks, but also save themselves from death. Pull back online.

For example, just now, without Hans's inspiration, several of them would have to die.

"That's great." Hans jumped out of the mouse tank and replaced the snotty and tearful gunner in this tiger tank. This is a guy who accidentally caught a cold.

Nibbled on the dry food of the field, Hans quickly became familiar with the specific operation of the Tiger tank.

Although the various tank guns are different, the principle of the tank sight has not changed. They all come from the sophisticated Carl Zeiss TFZ9b sight. Even the reticles inside are similar, making it easy to get started.

The mouse tank was closely guarded by a team of Romanian infantry. An anti-tank position was set up nearby. It was not easy for the Soviets to attack again. In fact, these Stalin tanks were the last counterattack of the Soviets. , They can no longer accumulate enough armor force, can only continue to be annihilated under the powerful offensive of the Romanian army.

The battle on Osad’s side was almost exactly reported to Germany. The battle that took place with the mouse tank was placed at Cyric’s desk almost two hours later .

This battle was really thrilling.

"Our mouse tank is very powerful, but this super tank is actually not very adaptable on the battlefield. Therefore, our mouse tank may always be a small batch of trial production. For example, only equipping the current 502 heavy tank battalion is not suitable for equipping our army in large quantities."

Scherner was suggesting to Cyric.

The mouse tank is too heavy, tall and wide. This becomes a good target on the battlefield. In this battle, if the Soviets had more tanks, the mouse tank might be destroyed under siege.

Cyric nodded. In fact, he also holds this view. The purpose of the mouse tank is to verify some technology, not a large-scale equipment, and it is not suitable for the future battlefield.

However, the mature mouse tank chassis will play a huge role in other aspects, such as becoming a ballistic missile transport and launching vehicle, which can maneuver around the vast European land.

"We must block the port of Osad. As long as the port exists, the Soviets will continue to transfuse blood to Osad." Keitel said: "I suggest that we launch an air strike to completely destroy the port facilities and blockade. The port, keep Soviet ships away."

Up to now, Germany has not shown much force in Osad. It is almost the Romanian army fighting on its own. Now, seeing the Soviet reinforcements almost hurt the mouse tanks, they can't sit still.

The myth of the mouse tank cannot be broken. This is a matter of faith.

"If we want air strikes, we can only use naval aviation. In this way, the navy must pass through the Turkish Strait." Scherner said. His words attracted everyone's attention.

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