The Third Reich

Chapter 1330: The Black Sea Fleet will not admit defeat

In the point of view of later generations, the best in World War II was the German submarine force. This concept is understandable. After all, the wolves in the Atlantic have really annoyed the Allies for a long time.

However, if you want to talk about the size of the submarine, the Soviet Union is actually more powerful.

On the eve of World War II, the Soviet Navy’s underwater fleet was already the largest in the world. The number of submarines was twice that of the United States and nearly four times that of the German Navy.

This is also for a reason. Although the Soviet Union straddles the Eurasian continent and has multiple outlets to the sea, it is restricted by its geographic location and the Soviet Union cannot compete for control of the oceans. The Soviet Union has free access to the high seas only in the Arctic Ocean and the Far East, but neither region has the conditions for full deployment of naval infrastructure. The rest is closed sea areas, such as the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea.

Therefore, the development of an underwater fleet is the only logical decision compared to the expensive surface fleet. Due to the relatively low construction cost, a sufficiently powerful force can be built to play an important role in the marine battlefield.

In fact, in World War II, the Soviet navy's submarine forces also had certain victories, but these victories were concealed under the brilliance of German wolf pack tactics and disappeared in the long river of history.

But now, the surface ships of the Black Sea Fleet have suffered huge losses. They can only rely on the underwater forces to retaliate. As long as they know the position of the German fleet, they can easily attack the German fleet!

If we set off now, we will arrive near the German fleet at night, and we will do the same, causing the German navy to suffer a great loss!

On the sea, the wind and waves are not strong, and the wave height is less than half a meter. In the waves, the M-class submarine sails forward against the wind and waves. The M-98 on the control tower is very eye-catching.

M, from Malyutka, means baby, so it is sometimes called a baby-class submarine. This submarine has a displacement of about 353 tons. If you look at its appearance, it is very similar to the early German submarines.

Yes, the design of this submarine received great help from the Germans. According to some agreements, Germany handed over the design of their IIA submarine to their Soviet counterparts as a cooperation in the honeymoon period.

Therefore, this submarine was quickly built, and its various performances were satisfactory to the Soviet Union. Although the displacement is not high, it is sufficient to cruise in sea areas such as the Black Sea. It is low cost and convenient for mass production.

So the Soviet Union produced a large number of such submarines, and this M-98 submarine was the third in the first batch.

In the bath on the command tower, Captain Bristof looked at the sea in the distance with a telescope. Next to him, the officer on duty was using a sextant to locate the submarine.

Bathtub is a name for the uppermost part of the command tower. During the submarine’s voyage, personnel will be arranged to look out. If the situation is not very urgent, the crew will take turns to release the wind, but when the wind and waves are strong, Waves often come here, so it has the title of bathtub.

Now, in the distance between the sea and the sky, the German fleet is still far away. Thinking of the latest battle report, Bristof felt that his own task was extremely difficult.

The two diesel engines at the stern were still rumbling. The two diesel engines could only provide 600 horsepower. The maximum speed of the submarine was only 15.5 knots, which made him a little anxious.

He turned to the left, and M-172 was sailing alongside him a few nautical miles to his port side.

When he twisted over, the other party was waving his hand vigorously. Looking at his old friend, Bristol waved his hand.

go ahead! The Black Sea Fleet will not admit defeat!

Just as the submarines were sailing forward in the wind and waves, the remaining bombers of the Black Sea Fleet's naval aviation began to take off.

The German paratroopers observed the hidden airfields on the Crimean Peninsula, mainly to observe their bombers ascending into the air to determine the position. The bombers in these two bases were not prepared immediately, so they were not immediately issued when the order was issued. They just took off, and after a few minutes, when the false alarm came in, they were just getting ready to take off.

Without lift-off, there would be no exposure. Although the German paratroopers were at a distance of about 50 kilometers from their airport, it was impossible to find their presence.

But now, they have survived, and at the same time, they have shouldered even more difficult tasks.

On the tarmac, the bombers that have dispersed are preparing to take off.

These bombers were all twin-engine Il-4, which came from the DB-3. The original model was DB-3M, which was changed to DB-3F shortly after production. It was officially renamed Il-4 in 1942. (For the convenience of naming, the hero of East China now calls it Il-4.)

Like the SB-2, this is a medium-range bomber heavily equipped by the Soviet Union. It has a simple, effective and reliable structure, and has a large bomb load. After the variable pitch propeller was replaced two years ago, the performance has been improved.

Now, they also know the grim situation they are facing, their task is arduous, but the Black Sea Fleet will not admit defeat.

A well-known pilot is entering his bomber, preparing for takeoff, but on one of the Il-4s, the navigator and the machine gunner behind are already in place, but the pilot has been delayed. .

The ground crew was also very anxious. Standing on the starter car, looking into the distance, only a pilot in a flight suit was stumbling over.

Seeing this lieutenant, the ground crew suddenly frowned. Soon, Trofim Kozlov's aviation lieutenant ran over, floating under his feet, and he could smell vodka from a distance.

"Comrade you still take off?" the ground crew asked.

Ground handling needs to maintain the aircraft, and now this lieutenant looks like this, if an aircraft crashes, what if he has a mechanical accident and says he hasn't maintained it properly?

However, they do not have a senior pilot, so they can only ask each other.

"Of course it is." Kozlov said, and then slowly climbed up the gangway and sat in his cockpit.

Seeing Kozlov like this, the ground crew had no choice but to prepare him for takeoff.

This is not the first time anyway.

The navigator in front also frowned. The crew members know each other together. This lieutenant Kozlov is usually carefree and outgoing. He has a good relationship with his comrades, but he is addicted to alcohol!

Lao Maozi loves to drink, which is understandable, but the average person would secretly drink at most one or two sips during the battle, even if it is enjoyable, but Kozlov is different, he must have a good drink.

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