The Third Reich

Chapter 1331: Addicted to alcohol

Today, Kozlov knew how dangerous his attack was, so he was even more rude, and drank the vodka he usually hid in one breath.

After drinking, he waited for a long time. After waiting for a long time, there was no order to attack. Therefore, Kozlov felt that he was not too addicted. At this time, he definitely couldn't go out to buy alcohol, so he secretly He entered the sanitation team inside the base and stole two bottles of medical alcohol. Without adding water, he drank half a bottle.

At this time, the order came. A sharp air defense siren sounded from the base. Kozlov had some alcohol on his head. It took him a while to find his flight cap, and then he came.

Now the ground crew actually asks him if he can fly. Is this still necessary?

The rumble sounded, and the M-88B piston engine on one side started smoothly, and then on the other side, his eyes were a little fuzzy, he shook his head vigorously, and finally saw the runway.

"It's time for us to fly." Kozlov released the brake.

The ground crew who was shocked to the side was in a cold sweat, and saw an Il-4 on the other side swiftly stopped and almost collided with Kozlov. If it hits, the plane full of fuel and bombs will fly. If it catches fire and explodes, the base will be damaged, and the bombers behind it will not be able to take off.

Kozlov didn't see the plane that was almost blocked by his actions. He just heard the curse on the radio, but he didn't reply. He knew that he couldn't say it now. If he shouted on the radio, You will find yourself drinking, and you will definitely not be able to fly.

In this battle, you can't lose yourself, you have to throw the bomb on the German warship!

Kozlov just pushed the throttle, the engines on both sides exploded with a huge thrust of 1100 horsepower. The 11.5-ton bomber slid and slid on the runway. Finally, at the end of the runway, Kozlov ran out. Pull the lever to his arms with all his strength.

Seeing that the bomber was pulled up at a considerable angle of attack, the people in the tent tower were frightened.

The bomber is not a fighter. What is Kozlov doing?

Sure enough, the bomber couldn't fly without pulling it too high, and it couldn't even fly horizontally. It actually began to dive down and dropped 30 meters before pulling it up again.

In this way, after repeated flops for several times, it is considered a normal climb.

Kozlov opened the window and let the cool breeze in, so that he stayed awake, but after a while, he had already moved away from his fleet.

As a result, he could only fall behind the fleet and followed slowly.

The blue sky, the endless sea, and soon his bomber flew to the sea. This scene made him feel excited. As an attacking pilot, how could he be without alcohol? So he couldn't help but took out a bottle of wine from his chest pocket, which was filled with the alcohol he had stolen, and took a sip.


"Attention, the fleet is turning against the wind and is preparing to recover the carrier-based aircraft." At this time, on the sea, the German fleet is making a sweeping turn.

The naval aviation troops who attacked have already flown around their own aircraft carrier. At this time, they were all preparing to land nervously and orderly.

Lieutenant Steinkamp, ​​driving his HW129, approached the Hitler aircraft carrier cautiously, and the voice of the deck guide came from his headset.

"The downline is normal and continues to decline."

"Close the throttle and reduce the speed to 100 knots."

"Attention, we are about to touch the ship."

Although the displacement of the Hitler aircraft carrier is large enough, and the deck is more like a basketball court floating on the sea, it is too small to see in the sky.

Every landing is an unforgettable experience for a lifetime.

When he heard the sound of touching the ship, Lieutenant Steinkamp felt the whole body tremble, shaking up and down, his sturdy landing gear, bearing the huge impact of the touching ship, two main landing gears Has successfully touched the ship.

The plane continued to roll forward for several tens of meters, and the small landing gear at the back also touched the deck. Lieutenant Steinkamp slowly stepped on the brakes and the plane stopped.

His landing was perfect.

The deck operator extended his thumb to express his compliment. Then, the tow bar on the deck truck was hooked to his tow hook, dragged his plane, and quickly came to the parking area on the side, giving way The take-off and landing zone on the angled deck allows subsequent fighters to continue to land.

After several years of training, the German Navy’s aircraft carrier operational efficiency has been brought to the extreme.

Lieutenant Steinkamp was still sitting in his cabin, looking at the bow deck not far away. At this time, two FW190 carrier-based aircraft were waiting there.

Most of the decks in this era are rectangular through decks, so that when the plane is landing, the take-off area in front must also be vacated, otherwise if the landing fails, it will go around and collide with the front.

The angled deck perfectly circumvents this problem, allowing the aircraft carrier to have the ability to dispatch at any time while recovering the carrier aircraft, greatly improving their efficiency.

Just as the second HS129 attack aircraft landed, Lieutenant Steinkamp’s aircraft, which had been towed to a side lift, was slowly descending, preparing to enter the hangar.

The space on the deck is limited. This time it is almost fully deployed, so the hangar below is empty. Now some of the attack aircraft must be moved to the hangar to make enough space for the deck~www. If this scene is seen by the U.S. Navy, which is the most proficient in operating aircraft carriers, I am afraid it will be amazed. This efficiency is really quite high!

Captain Thiele stood on the bridge and watched the recovery of his own aircraft. At this time, on his left and right sides, the **** carrier was also recovering the carrier-based aircraft.

For some reason, Thiele had some faint worries in his heart at this time.

For the aircraft carrier, it is a huge weapon that can project carrier-based aircraft at long distances to attack the enemy, but it is also flawed. When the carrier-based aircraft is recovered, it should be the weakest time. .

I hope that the carrier-based aircraft will be recovered soon, so I can rest assured.

However, it was as if it was something to be afraid of or what to come. At this moment, a report from the fighters patrolling in the outer defensive circle came from the radio.

"The 076 report found that the enemy fleet, about 20 bombers, and five fighter jets, were rushing towards us. It was one hundred and fifty nautical miles northwest of our fleet. 076 immediately entered the attack and requested support."

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