The Third Reich

Chapter 1337: Escort aircraft carrier shot

"The pylon is malfunctioning and can't drop bombs!" the bomber in front shouted loudly.

In the fierce artillery fire, they dived down and dropped bombs, which was very dangerous. Therefore, the bombardier was fully focused at this moment. Their bombers were carrying two 500kg bombs. As long as they dropped down, it was certain This aircraft carrier could be seriously injured or even sunk!

However, at this critical moment, it was discovered that the bomb could not be thrown down. This is simply the most unwilling news to hear.

Long live the Soviets!

Alexander shouted loudly. At this moment, the remaining two knew what Alexander was going to do.

They have no choice.

The losses of the Black Sea Fleet are considerable. They have paid such a great sacrifice, and of course the enemy has to pay a price.

But now?

The German fleet is still unscathed. They are the only aircraft to enter the airspace of the German fleet. They must achieve results!

Since you can't throw a bomb, just go down with the bomb!

Alexander's gaze remained firm, and the other two also shouted together: "Long live the Soviet!"

The Il-4 bomber quickly dived down towards the **** carrier, getting closer and closer and closer to the deck behind.

"Boom!" The 40mm high-explosive grenade hit a wing of the Il-4 bomber, the wing broke instantly, and the Il-4 bomber continued to roll.

"Right full rudder!" the captain shouted loudly.

The speed of the **** aircraft carrier is not high. The take-off carrier aircraft mainly rely on ejection. Now, its turning is not fast enough, and the burning IL-4 bomber crashes onto the aft deck of the **** aircraft carrier.


The nose of the plane first touched the deck, and the navigator inside the nose was squeezed into meatloaf, then the fuselage also hit, and the triggered bomb finally exploded.

A huge flame emerged from the tail of the **** aircraft carrier, and it burned quickly.

"Quick, damage control!" the captain shouted loudly.

Several jets of high-pressure water poured over the deck, and the sailors risked their lives and began to put out the fire for the aircraft carrier. Unfortunately, the **** aircraft carrier was recruited and was the only loss this time.

On the Stuttgart, watching the fire that ignited here, Lieutenant General Marshal's eyes flashed with complicated emotions.

A fish that slipped through the net has caused such a great loss to its own side. Even if the **** aircraft carrier was extinguished, it would have to be returned to its home port for repairs. If the Soviet bombers were overwhelmed, it would be really difficult to fight against. The timing of the attack was a coincidence.

At the same time, he was fortunate that he had made the plan right at the beginning. If they hadn't destroyed their bomber base first, the formation of his own side would have been a bit too big and ran to someone's door to block the door.

Of course, there are other situations. The **** aircraft carrier is not originally an attack aircraft carrier. In order to carry more carrier-based aircraft, its air defense facilities are quite weak. If the other party dares to dive into its own Stuttgart, it will have dense air defense firepower. , Let it become a burning fireball long ago.

The Soviet bomber forces have been cleaned up.

"We received a report from the Italian fleet that they did not block the Soviet fleet. After fighting with the Soviet fleet, the Black Sea Fleet broke through their blockade. Now the remaining warships of the Black Sea Fleet are coming towards our main fleet. "

Hearing the adjutant’s report, the expression on Lieutenant General Marshal’s face became even more strange, and the veins on his hand burst out: "These noodle soldiers!"

The battleship with a displacement of 30,000 tons, with a dozen warships, large and small, to intercept the largest Soviet fleet of only 10,000 tons, was actually broken by others?

Do these Italians really only eat spaghetti?

Fredberg immediately became excited: "General, it seems that we have to be dispatched. As long as we have the Stuttgart, we can destroy the entire Soviet fleet."

Fredberg has been expecting his 460 naval guns to take off and send the remaining ships of the Black Sea Fleet to the bottom of the sea. Now, the Italians have not stopped them. Didn't this give him a chance?

However, Marshal shook his head: "The carrier-based aircraft on the Hitler aircraft carrier is ready to be dispatched again? Order them to carry anti-ship bombs and torpedoes to attack again and destroy the remaining warships of the Black Sea Fleet!"

The control of sea power lies in air supremacy, and the role of the aircraft carrier formation lies in this. The era of traditional naval gun bombing has passed.

Marshal knew this truth well. If there were two Earl Zeppelin-class aircraft carriers in his fleet, he would be able to attack the opponent's land airport as well as the opponent's sea fleet.

Fortunately, after several years of operation, the operational efficiency of the German navy's carrier-based aviation is quite high.

In a short period of time, they completed the operation of recovering the carrier-based aircraft. At the same time, the elevator was lowered to the hangar, and then refueled and bombed. Everything was in order.

When the last batch of carrier-based aircraft was recovered on the deck, the first batch of carrier-based aircraft had already completed preparations for dispatch again.

When he returned to the deck, Lieutenant Steinkamp looked at the bomb under his belly with satisfaction.

HS129 is an attack aircraft. Its main weapon is a 40mm Bofors cannon with 100 rounds of ammunition. It is powerful enough to serve as a sweeper.

However, for the navy, it is not appropriate to only sweep the ground, and the navy also needs aircraft capable of attacking ships.

The Navy’s FW190 is almost a versatile fighter. It can fight air combat, throw torpedoes, or dive and drop bombs, but it does not have thick armor protection. If you want to penetrate the enemy’s firepower net to attack, of course HS129 is more suitable.

Therefore, the Navy’s HS129 can also throw bombs. It has weapons specifically designed to deal with warships. For example, the PC500RS bomb now mounted under the belly ~ ~ This is a 500 kg rocket booster bomb. It’s absolutely no problem to fight a 10,000-ton battleship. If you fight an enemy battleship, it will be a thousand-ton battleship.

"Lieutenant, the order has been issued, please take off immediately. The Soviet warship will soon be within line of sight with us. We are running out of time."

Taking the order, Lieutenant Steinkamp quickly climbed onto his plane, started two engines, and quickly took off from the angled deck.

At the same time, on the bow deck, the FW190 fighter plane with torpedoes also started to take off. The benefits of the angled deck were fully demonstrated in this naval battle.

When landing, the bow deck can take off the fighter at any time to deal with emergencies. When an attack is needed, the angled deck and bow deck take off at the same time, which greatly improves the dispatch efficiency.

With the order issued, the second wave of attacks by the German naval formation began again.

At this time, under the leadership of Gorshkov, the Black Sea Fleet was less than a hundred nautical miles away from the German fleet.

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