The Third Reich

Chapter 1338: 1 go ahead

The waves slapped the warship, and it was dusk now, the setting sun was shining on the Black Sea, and the sea was glowing with sparkling waves.

Gorshkov was standing on the bridge of the Red Caucasus. He still remembered the battle just now.

In fact, they didn't count as a victory. When they rushed past with indomitable strength, they had a fierce exchange of fire with the Italian warship. After that, the Italian warship gave way after being hit by a shell.

As a result, one by one of their warships, with their high posture, interspersed in the queue of Italian warships, and when the two sides passed by, the shelling almost stopped.

On the Soviet side, it was mainly because their guns fired too slowly. After a round of salvo, it took a long time to complete the reloading. At this time, the Italian Navy had already run far away.

After the two sides staggered, the warships of the Black Sea Fleet did not intend to go back and continue to fight with them. The target of the Black Sea Fleet was the German fleet, not these Italian warships.

Therefore, they continued to sail at high speeds, and all the battleships reached a high speed of nearly 30 knots. The Italian battleships were also chasing them behind, but they were chasing farther and farther. The Italian battleships were designed in the Mediterranean Sea. Those sailing inside did not consider the long voyage at all. The area of ​​the Mediterranean Sea is not very large, and they do not need high speed. Therefore, the maximum speed of Italian battleships is only more than 20 knots, which cannot catch up with them.

In this way, there was the Italian Navy behind, and the Black Sea Fleet’s warships did not have the slightest fear. They continued to sail forward, and the seaplanes released in advance had even observed the position of the German Navy's fleet.

"With one hundred nautical miles, we will be able to meet the German fleet." Tikhonov said: "When we see the German fleet visually, the sky will definitely darken, which is good for us."

At the beginning, with an anger, they were not afraid of the disparity in power between the two sides and directly chased them out, but along the way, Gorshkov had a plan in his mind.

They couldn't beat the German fleet. The German naval guns were accurate and ruthless. They were able to kill the British navy in naval battles. They were quite powerful. Not only were their guns weak, but their guns were not big enough.

So, if you want to get the result, you can only fight the bayonet at sea!

Relying on the spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice, they have to move to the other side, one or two kilometers, or even hundreds of meters, with ship shells, or even hit with their own bow, so that they can sink the other side!

During the day, they had no chance. Now, when they encounter the German fleet, it happens to be dark. In this way, the aim of both parties will be very difficult, and they have a chance to get close!

His thoughts were very good, but it was a pity that the next news broke his dream.

"The German fleet took off a large number of carrier-based aircraft, about thirty or so, are approaching our fleet, pay attention to air defense!" After these calls came from the radio, the pilot's tone became hurried, as you can imagine, At this time, the pilot is making a large overload maneuver and wants to avoid being hit by the opponent.

Unfortunately, it didn't work. A few seconds later, there was a roar of cannons on the radio, and then I couldn't get in touch anymore.

At such a distance, the two sides could quickly see it visually. Now, the German carrier-based aircraft have attacked them in large numbers!

"Order our artillery, we must protect our warship!" Gorshkov shouted, and just after he gave the order, the voice of the lookout sent out: "Attention, German bombers!"

For an airplane that can fly to four or five hundred knots, this distance of one hundred nautical miles is simply too close. After taking off, it has almost just climbed to a high altitude and cruised for a few minutes before it is time to descend.

Lieutenant Steinkamp flew in the forefront. When he saw the Soviet fleet from above the clouds, he immediately found his goal: the largest warship, the Red Caucasus!

That is my goal, this time the attack is to destroy the Soviet's largest cruiser!

Pushing his joystick, HS129 began to dive down from the clouds.

On the Red Caucasus, the anti-aircraft gunners were waiting.

The Soviet Union is good at learning. When the Germans used air superiority to kill the British warships in Scarpa Bay, the shock of the Soviet navy was unparalleled.

They looked around and found that their warships couldn't stop such bombing at all, so they were also making rapid improvements.

Therefore, the Red Caucasus has been equipped with a variety of anti-aircraft weapons from its service to the present.

It was originally installed with a 1914-1915-style 76mm anti-aircraft gun, and later it was replaced with an Italian 100mm "Minizini" anti-aircraft gun. It was also equipped with a 1935-style 34-K 76mm anti-aircraft gun.

At this time, in the middle of the ship's hull, the position of the Italian 100mm "Minizni" anti-aircraft gun had begun to fire into the sky.

This type of artillery is the main force of high-altitude air defense. It is an Italian production model that imported the K10 and K11 artillery from the Skoda Arsenal in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The maximum range is 19570 meters, and the maximum height is 10,000 meters. It can kill or drive away the opponent's aircraft from a long distance.

"Boom, boom!" The double-mounted gun barrels alternately emitted two black smoke, and two high-explosive shells flew out of the gun barrel and flew toward the target in the sky.

With the firing, the gun sits behind him, looking quite imposing.

At the same time, it is still firing intermittently without interruption.

"Boom, boom!"

The angle of the turret was fine-tuned. The second round of firing began before the first shot could reach the target. At this critical juncture, the Soviet high artillery broke out to the greatest potential. The performance is used to the extreme.

Twelve shells can be fired in one round in five seconds, and each time the double tube fires two shells. And such antiaircraft artillery, on the Red Caucasus, arranged four!

If you look from the air, the Red Caucasus at this time is like a hedgehog, with thorns all over its body, and the continuous shots seem to kill any enemy aircraft that dared to dive down.

However, in the eyes of Lieutenant Steinkamp, ​​this is simply a bluff.

For an excellent attack aircraft pilot, they are not afraid of large-caliber anti-aircraft guns. Although they shoot high, the rate of fire of such anti-aircraft guns is slow, and the distance is far, so the advance is large, and the aircraft maneuvering avoids , It is easy to avoid.

Unless there is a killer like a proximity fuze, its hit rate is quite low. In contrast, the small-caliber rapid-fire gun is more threatening. For example, current pilots are unwilling to face Bofors. The antiaircraft artillery dived, and they had to cooperate with tactics to destroy it.

Continue to dive!

In the firepower net of the Red Caucasus and the anti-aircraft artillery of other warships, the HS129 has never moved forward.

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