The Third Reich

Chapter 1339: Dive attack

In the past, the main force in the dive bombing of the German air power was Stuka. This kind of bomber that can emit screams brought death to the entire European sky. But when the HS129 came out, Stuka soon It's in the second line.

The reason is simple. Because Stuka has no armor protection, this effective dive bomber is still dangerous in the face of enemy anti-aircraft artillery, and not every time it can retreat.

And the heavy armor protection of HS129 allows pilots to be safer when performing tasks. Now this kind of anti-aircraft fire dive attack against the enemy is the unique skill of HS129. From the perspective of its role, it is similar to the later American A-10. The same effect, no matter how violent below you, I will throw bombs safely above.

When Lieutenant Steinkamp continued to dive, the small-caliber anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns all fired together.

Eight 70-K 37mm guns and eight 20mm Oerlikon guns are all firing into the sky, intertwined into a dense firepower net, so that any aircraft that tries to cross this firepower net will be hit!

In addition, there are an unknown number of Maxine 7.62 mm anti-aircraft machine guns and Mk3 4-unit 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine guns. The entire Red Caucasus is like a hedgehog.

Fire was everywhere, and when seeing this sight, Lieutenant Steinkamp knew that he could no longer take risks.

He has chosen the most tricky angle, and he will still be patronized by a lot of firepower. In order to avoid unnecessary risks, it is impossible for him to dive to several hundred meters and then bomb the target.

Using the corner of his eye, he glanced at the altimeter, which is now 1,500 meters.

"Boom!" A 37mm high-explosive bomb blasted near his plane, rising up a small black flower, slowly dissipating in the air, Lieutenant Steinkamp continued to hold on, and at the same time Countdown.

"Ten, nine... launch!"

When the countdown finally reached zero, Lieutenant Steinkamp pressed the red button.

As soon as the fuselage was light, it could be felt that the bomb on the pylon had separated from the pylon. Lieutenant Steinkamp suddenly pulled his control lever into his arms, and he had to pull up the nose quickly.

Unlike other aircraft, HS129 has the iconic 40mm Bofors cannon under the nose, as well as 100 rounds of shells, which makes a big bag bulge under the nose.

Therefore, the use of HS129 to dive and drop bombs is limited. The dive angle is too large, such as the current nearly 90-degree dive. If he does not pull up, then maybe the bomb will meet the front bulge. This bomb is all It was a collision fuze, which exploded at the first touch.

Therefore, Lieutenant Steinkamp had to pull up, and the bomb just brushed past his nose and fell down.

At this moment, he felt his fuselage tremble again, it seemed that he had been hit, but he didn't worry, he didn't have to be afraid of getting a few shells, he had confidence in his plane.

The PC500RS bomb fell from the sky, and the lookout spot found it the first time.

"Attention, there is a bomb!"

Captain Tikhonov was very calm.

Due to the violent interception of its own anti-aircraft artillery, this German dive bomber did not drop its bomb when it dived several hundred meters as before. Now it is still a thousand meters away from its own side. The bomb fell, what happened? It takes more than ten seconds, and you have enough time to judge the impact point of the opponent first, and then move to evade.

Now, if you rush to the left or right full rudder, if you collide with the opponent's bomb, wouldn't it be too unlucky?

Don't worry too much now, his warship is sailing at a high speed of nearly 30 knots, and he is confident in the steering of his warship.

However, at this moment, the lookout found that the situation was not good.

The moment the bomb fell, it was superimposed on the speed of the plane's dive. It was not slow at first, but just after it fell for a second, suddenly, a fiery flame emerged from its tail, and the bomb went wild in an instant!

"Alert, that is a rocket boosted bomb, which is expected to arrive in three seconds!" the lookout whistle shouted loudly.

No weapon can be kept secret. The weapons used by Germany in its sneak attack on Scarpa Bay in the UK may be top secret, but after a few years, they have long been known, and even the islanders have imported them. This kind of rocket booster bomb is used to hit the American fleet, how could the Soviet Union not know?

It's just that they have always thought that this kind of big bomb can only be mounted in a large bomber. They did not expect that the German light bomber could also be mounted!

The lookout post predicted that it was correct, and it arrived in about three seconds, but his warning took at least one second!

Then Tikhonov reacted, and he shouted loudly, "Right full rudder!"

From when he gave the order to when the helmsman started to turn the steering wheel, one second was probably not enough. At this time, the huge body of the Red Caucasus, under the influence of the rear steering gear, just started to turn, the tail dragged The bomb with flames has already arrived!

It was aimed at the rear of the warship.

At this time, the rocket boosted bomb has accelerated to 400 meters per second, and the speed brings huge energy. When it hits the aft deck of the Red Caucasus, it is almost effortless and it is 20 mm thick. The armor of the deck directly penetrated, and a large hole appeared in the center. The steel plates around it were twisted to this large When it got in, only a huge explosion was heard.


A billowing black smoke came from the tail of the Red Caucasus, and the hit position was exactly where the boiler room and the engine unit were. This shell instantly lost the power of the Red Caucasus and it could no longer sail at high speed!

On the bridge, Gorshkov's face was unwilling.

He is ready to lead this warship to hit the enemy’s main battleship. It is his final destiny to die on the battlefield, but now, there is no German fleet in sight. His flagship has been lost. Motivation!

"There is a lot of water in the engine room, and our sailors are rescuing, but if the situation is not good, it is expected to sink in ten minutes." Tikhonov received the report of the damage pipe and said to Gorshkov: " General, please transfer to the lifeboat immediately."

Transfer to a lifeboat? Gorshkov looked at the tail fire, listened to the roar of the surrounding anti-aircraft artillery, and looked at the bombers that were still diving down in the sky. Instead, the expression on his face calmed down: "I want to be with my flagship. ."

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