The Third Reich

Chapter 1340: Sunk with a warship

The Red Caucasus lost power in the Black Sea and could only drift on the sea. Thick black smoke came from its tail. Up to now, the sailors are still struggling to rescue them. This is their battleship. They It won't let it sink into the cold water.

And Germany will not let it continue to float.

Two kilometers away, an FW190 fighter jet was flying low above the water. After checking the launch data for the last time, the pilot pressed the button.

A direct torpedo fell off the pylon in the belly of the plane and fell into the sea. The propeller at the tail spins at a high speed and rushes towards the Red Caucasus!

"Attention, we have a torpedo on the starboard side!" The watcher was still faithfully performing his mission, and when he found the opponent tossed a torpedo, he immediately sounded the alarm.

If the power system of the Red Caucasus is still intact, you can easily avoid this direct torpedo, and you can accelerate or decelerate. But now, everyone in the bridge is watching the water splashing on the sea. It was a high-speed thermodynamic torpedo, but they were helpless.

"Accelerate, accelerate!" Just to the right of the Red Caucasus, a destroyer bravely moved up, and the captain shouted loudly, seemingly unaware that the marine crew had already adjusted to five forward.

The destroyer blocked the torpedo's course with its hull, and then a huge explosion sounded, and the flames burst into the sky.

In the fleet, the main battleship is protected in the center, and the outer **** warships use their bodies to block torpedoes at critical times, just like bodyguards must block bullets at critical times.

This brave destroyer helped block the torpedo, but it could only help once.

At the same time that it was igniting the fire, on the port side, another FW190 dropped a torpedo. This torpedo is an electric torpedo, and there is no bubble churn on the water at all. Everyone is watching this When the destroyer was burning, it had already rushed to the front of the Red Caucasus!


Just like the position where the dive attack was hit, it also hit the rear of the Red Caucasus just right. This ten thousand-ton class warship, when it was manufactured, did not consider any underwater protection. Now, with The torpedo exploded, and the back was immediately torn apart.

Turbulent water poured in, and the hull sank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"General, leave quickly, the ship is about to sink!" Thiele shouted to Gorshkov.

Gorshkov shook his head: "No."

"If you don't go, then I won't go either!" Tiller said: "All the officers and soldiers of our ship, with this ship!"

"Tiller, you still have an arduous task." Gorshkov said: "No matter how hard you put in, you have to return to the shore, go to Moscow, and give a report to Comrade Stalin on this battle of our fleet. ."

The fleet is almost completely wiped out, so Moscow still does not know how the Black Sea Fleet was annihilated. Now, it is up to Thiele to report.

Hearing this, Thieler became dissatisfied. At this time, the hull had begun to tilt and was almost unable to stand under her feet. Thieler almost roared, "No, why should I go? You are the commander of the fleet. , You are going to go!"

No one knows Thiele's mentality at this time.

anger? Such a shameful matter, why don't you do it yourself, let me report it?

Anxious? Only in this way can Gorshkov be persuaded to leave?

"I'm sorry." Gorshkov actually said such words to his subordinates, his face was helpless: "I have no face to see Comrade Stalin. I have lost the entire Black Sea Fleet, I know. This request is too much for you. However, the Black Sea Fleet did not admit defeat in this situation. It has been fighting until the last minute. We must carry forward our spirit and let the Soviets know that you The task is arduous, forgive me, I am a coward."

"No!" Tiller still disagreed. He reached out to Lagorshkov, but found that he couldn't pull it anyway. Looking at it again, Gorshkov had tied his armed belt to the seat. At this time, he straightened his collar, with seriousness: "Now, in the name of the fleet commander, I order you to report this battle to Moscow. Do you want to disobey the military order?"

The Red Caucasus sank within three minutes of being hit by a torpedo.

Thiele sat on the lifeboat and watched the sea pass the hull and the bridge, and finally the mast was small. In Thiele's heart, everything was perfect.

It was not only the Red Caucasus that sank, but other warships also suffered bombs and torpedoes during this time. The entire fleet was burning, and they had disappeared as an independent fleet!

This day is the end of the Black Sea Fleet.

At this time, the sun was about to set, and at the other end of the sea, the huge German fleet had already been seen. Unfortunately, they didn't even have the ability to fire a single shot.

Clenching his fist, Thiele felt two tears flowing down his cheeks, and he was mourning the destruction of the entire fleet.

Where the Red Caucasus sank, the sea converged into a whirlpool, and it refused to stop at the sinking point, as if it were a memorial.

The sorrow of the Black Sea Fleet has long been doomed. After Germany occupied the entire Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea Fleet became the Inland Sea Fleet, and they were shut down and beaten up.

From a tactical analysis, Germany is very exciting, allowing the Black Sea Fleet to expose its aviation base, attacking with carrier-based aircraft, and using submarines to attack the main force of the Black Sea Fleet first. These tactics are enough to become classics.

However, if the essence of is determined by national power, when the Soviets cannot even build a large battleship, when the Soviets want to buy the 406 naval gun from Germany and the aircraft carrier, the Soviets The end of the Navy’s Navy is doomed.

It is impossible to become stronger by purchasing. Only your own industrial strength can make you truly stronger!

For the Black Sea Fleet, their battle is not over yet.

The darkness gradually enveloped the Black Sea. After completely killing off the main force of the Black Sea Fleet, Marshal ordered the fleet to advance to the Crimean Peninsula. It was finally his turn for the battleship to appear and thoroughly bombard their naval base with naval guns. level!

Then, it was time to go north to support Osad, while cruising in the Black Sea to prevent the Soviets from continuing to support Osad at sea.

(In the history of the Soviet navy, Gorshkov was a great man. He presided over the Soviet navy for decades, even in the Khrushchev era. He eventually turned the Soviet navy into an ocean navy. The heavy-duty carrier cruiser sounds funny, but it is indeed a symbol of the strength of the Soviet navy. The East China hero also respects this man very much, so he arranged such a heroic ending.)

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