The Third Reich

Chapter 1341: Discover the submarine

German submarines have always been top secret.

When the submarine is in the base, it is in the cavern, and no one will see it. When the submarine leaves or returns, it will enter the cavern directly at night or submerged.

As for the ocean, unless it is absolutely safe, it is in a snorkel state. Therefore, until now, the outside world has no idea about the shape of a German submarine, and has long abandoned the hull-like structure that emphasizes surface navigation. Changed to the shape of an elongated water drop suitable for underwater navigation.

At the same time, the snorkel used by German submarines is also a great secret, and it is not known to the outside world at all.

Except for Germany, submarines in other countries are also the most common diesel-electric submarines.

When sailing on the water, the diesel engine is used to power the submarine and at the same time to charge the battery. Once underwater, you can only rely on the battery.

Therefore, Soviet submarines, most of the time, like ordinary surface ships, are in a state of buoyancy. They will only dive after they have discovered their prey and when they attack and withdraw. This is also the case of submarines in this era. Common combat plan.

At this time, the M-98 submarine was floating on the surface, two diesel engines rumbling, and a lookout post on the submarine’s command tower was looking at the distant sea.

The Soviet navy could not wait to replicate the German tactics and ambushed the German fleet at sea to avenge their Black Sea fleet, but now they find themselves still facing difficult problems.

For example, how to find the enemy fleet?

In the vast ocean, it is not easy to find the target, especially at night, it is even more difficult.

The German tactics cannot be replicated. German submarines besieged the Soviet Black Sea Fleet at the door of the Black Sea Fleet. They were moored in the port at the time, and they were ambushed after leaving the port.

Germany was able to arrange an ambush by intercepting Soviet intelligence ahead of time. At the same time, German submarines have advanced sonar equipment that can detect their whereabouts.

But the Soviets cannot.

The German fleet is sailing on the Black Sea. With such a large sea area, it is difficult to find the German fleet. They do not have any intelligence support and can only rely on themselves.

Although there are sonars on submarines, they are the most primitive and backward, and their range is quite limited. Now, they can only rely on luck.

Their luck is not bad.

Just before midnight swaying on the sea, at midnight, the watch post suddenly shouted loudly: "Found a surface target, thirty degrees port side!"

When the fleet sails in formation at night, the navigation lights will be turned on. Only in this way can the formation be able to see each other clearly. Otherwise, in the dark, it is easy to get lost or collide.

And now, what the M-98 submarine has discovered is the lights on the sea. As long as you see those lights, you will know that it is a fleet!

With the surface ships and naval aviation of the Black Sea Fleet killed, the formation on the sea can only belong to the Germans!

"Attention, prepare to fight!" Bristof was extremely excited: "Dive down, go up the periscope."

The M-98 is a first-class small submarine. There are only more than 20 people operating it. Now, after receiving the order, the lookout post went down, drilled back into the command tower, covered the top cover, and then, more than 300 tons. The submarine, like a big fish, dived into the water.

The offense is about to begin!

At the same time, M-172, who was with him, found the German target almost at the same time and began to dive into the water. Everyone's heart was full of excitement. For them, the task was great, and they wanted to avenge the fleet!

The periscope stretched out of the sea, and a tumbling wave was drawn. At this moment, they found that the target fleet was actually turning!


On the top of the bridge, the huge radar antenna is rotating, and the target data is refreshed every time it rotates.

This is the latest air and sea search radar developed by Germany. By adopting the latest transistor processing circuit, the processing ability of sea clutter has been greatly improved.

Like now.

"Found two small targets on the water." The radar hand looked at the two small echoes that flickered on and off on the screen, and said loudly: "The target tonnage may be several hundred tons, and it is less than 20 nautical miles away from us."

At this moment, these two small echoes suddenly disappeared.

"Are you dazzled?" the officer on duty asked.

"No, I'm sure it must exist. It was on the radar screen just now, and now it has disappeared. There is only one possibility!" The radar operator said, "It has dived. If it is close to a distance of five nautical miles, my radar can Find out its periscope!"

The radar hand was quite certain, and this news immediately reported upwards, and reached Marshal who had fallen asleep.

At this moment, Marshal was lying in his clothes, lying on a comfortable bed. After receiving the report, he almost jumped up and instantly turned into a sober state.

Suspicious echo found, suspected submarine? Upon receiving this news, Mashaar immediately issued an order: "Leave two A-type Z-class destroyers and two frigates here, sweep the Soviet submarine here, and other warships in the fleet, immediately change course and head east. Sixty degrees, let's take a detour."

If Gorshkov had not entangled with the submarine force, he would not have lost so much. After all, surface ships have a huge speed It’s no problem at 30 knots, and it’s a little faster. Even more than 35 knots, the submarine can't catch up.

Now, of course, Marshal would not use his entire fleet to play peek-a-boo games with Soviet submarines. Four destroyers and frigates were enough to deal with them, and the rest turned away!

At certain times, Marshal was quite adventurous, even desperate, such as sending out to bomb the Soviet aviation base on the island, but sometimes, he was prudent, such as now.

It is not wise to expose one's huge fleet to the threat of submarines. Although one's own warships are specially designed for extra protection underwater, it is okay to be hit by a torpedo, but if it is hit on a propeller or rudder, then Not good.

As long as a few destroyers and frigates can deal with it, there is no need for one's main force to take risks.

Following his order, the huge German fleet began to turn, only two Z-class destroyers and two River-class frigates separated from the fleet and went to intercept.

On the dark sea, an anti-submarine warfare kicked off.

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