The Third Reich

Chapter 1343: Dive to avoid

In this era, the only way for a submarine to attack is to use a periscope to aim, and under the command of the captain, the torpedo out of the water, relying on the captain's experience to attack the target.

If there is no periscope to aim at, then no attack can be talked about. The Soviet Union does not have advanced German sound-guided torpedoes, and only direct torpedoes, which is the same as striking the enemy with a sniper rifle.

And now, the despicable means adopted by the Germans has only one purpose, which is to prevent the submarine from using the periscope to aim!

In fact, the Germans did. Under this circumstance, it is possible for anyone who uses a periscope to lose sight of sight for a short time even if he is not permanently blind. If he wants to issue an attack order, he must Continue to observe the target and make sure to shoot at the Yuan Yuan. Now, this opportunity is gone.

He cannot attack the opponent, so what will the opponent continue to do?

Without even thinking about it, of course, I used a deep bomb to blow myself up!

"Dive down to fifty meters!" Bristof shouted loudly. After regaining his vision, he shook the dial with his hands to lower the periscope. Now, he can no longer use the periscope, but the Germans will. Use a deep bomb to blow him up.

When using a deep bomb, there are many restrictions. You must estimate the depth of the target to be able to explode. Now he has a periscope depth, which is only less than 20 meters. Then he can dive to 50 meters and it will be perfect. Dodged.

At the same time, after waiting for the opponent to pass, he can float up again quickly and attack him from behind.

The battle is not over yet!

The M-class submarines are small and exquisite, with a displacement of several hundred tons, which makes their movements very fast and effective. With the movement of the rudder surface, the submarine quickly dives into the water.

At the same time, the entire submarine began to remain silent. The sailors even walked on tiptoes. The sonar was the focus of the boat. He was wearing headphones and listening to the movement on the water.

At a depth of fifty meters, the submarine was flattened, and the motor at the tail also stopped. The entire submarine seemed to be a fish that stopped swimming in the sea, floating with the sea.

Time is passing little by little, and the fleet on the sea is already approaching.

"Om, hum!"

In the sonar, the sound of the anti-submarine deep bomb falling into the water is so clear, the sonarman whispered: "The distance is about one nautical mile, and the other party has begun to drop the depth bomb."

After speaking, he was counting in his heart, one, two, three... When the count reached twenty, he heard the sound of the bomb exploding in the sea.

"The depth of the explosion of a deep bomb is about fifty meters." He calculated a little carefully and got this terrible figure.

"Go forward three, dive, and immediately dive to a depth of one hundred meters!" Bristof shouted loudly.

At fifty meters, the opponent is simply the devil! Bristof is now a little unbelievable, how could the opposing commander know where he is now.

The battle between a submarine and a surface ship is often more like two gamblers, guessing each other what card they have in their hands.

Since the other party fired the flash bomb, it was to prevent oneself from attacking, then oneself should still be in the depth of the periscope, and a depth of 20 meters is the most suitable. It is enough to be insured to dive to fifty meters.

Who knows, the other party actually set the anti-submarine deep bomb to a depth of fifty meters, and the opponent throws the deep bomb like this, and it is easy to blow up oneself.

If you want to avoid it, you can only continue to dive!

Their hundreds of tons of submarine, one hundred meters deep is almost the limit.

Upon receiving his order, the marine engineer quickly adjusted the power to the forward position three, and the propeller at the tail began to spin quickly. At the same time, in the cabin of the submarine, all the people who were idle quickly moved toward the front cabin. Run away.

At this time, don't worry about making a sound.

Unlike on TV, when the deep bomb is released, the deep bomb stirs the sea and makes various sounds. It has long covered the noise of the submarine, and then reflects through the seabed. As long as you start using the deep bomb, within an hour , Sonar is in a state where it cannot work.

At the same time, if you want a submarine to dive, there is also a fixed mode. If the submarine is still underwater, it will not be able to achieve the goal of diving. It must move first, just like an airplane diving. Keep going down.

Only when it moves, the rudder surface has force, and in order to increase the speed of the submarine's dive, additional manpower is required.

When all the crew ran to the front compartment and increased the weight of the front compartment, the front would sink and the tail would be upturned. At the same time, as the tail propeller rotates and pushes the sea, the submarine starts to move downstream. Sailing down like a piercing child.

The floor of the submarine has already felt a noticeable tilt. When the battery is used, the lights inside the submarine have become extremely dim. Everyone is holding the handrail beside him, waiting for the unknown fate.

When the depth gauge reached ninety meters, Bristof ordered the submarine to be leveled.

The people in the front cabin began to run to the rear cabin, preparing to balance the hull, and at this moment, the huge explosion of the anti-submarine deep bomb came from far to near.

"Boom, boom!"

The sound of explosions one after another, continuous, makes people hear the roots of the teeth soft, the inside of the submarine is a cavity, the cavity effect will amplify this sound, and it sounds even more terrifying.

Smoking is not allowed inside the submarine. The sailors have no way to relieve this pressure. Only the most determined person can survive on the submarine. Therefore, even the Soviet Union, which is the most scarce of materials, treats submarines exceptionally. Okay, all kinds of supplies will be given priority to Now, the sailors are holding the canned food that has just been sent out in the hands of the sailors. , The taste is very good.

The explosion sound gradually became louder, indicating that the other party was approaching.

Bristof was leaning against the wall of the command tower. The wound on his head had just been bandaged, and blood was still leaking out. In a damp submarine, this wound is not easy to heal and may even ulcerate, but he Didn't care about anything.

He is waiting. As a submarine commander, he must have enough patience.

"Boom!" At this moment, a unique voice came to the submarine.

It was not the explosion of the anti-submarine deep bomb, nor the sound reflected from the bottom of the sea. This sound seemed very low, like the sound of huge sea water exploding something.

Bristof's face suddenly became ugly. He guessed it all at once. The M-172, which came with him, was probably at a depth of fifty meters. It seemed that it was bombed by an anti-submarine deep bomb!

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