The Third Reich

Chapter 1344: Impatient

A round of deep bombs took half an hour, and then it was time to see the results.

The battle against submarines is quite a long one, and the comparison is patience.

When the sound waves of the deep bomb blast passed, the sonar crews began to work again, and at the same time, the sailors began to carefully observe the sea.

On the sea, something seemed to float up.

There are large patches of oil, a few pieces of rotten wood, and a few boxes of cans.

"We just went down in a deep bomb, and they must have blown up their submarine!" The captain happily shouted over the radio on the Z19 Herman-Kuner destroyer.

"It is true that we bombed one submarine, but we have more than one submarine underwater." On the destroyer Z18 Hans-Lüdmann, Captain Linde shouted: "When we just came, At least two sonar echoes were heard."

Linde’s brain is very clear. The floating objects below indicate that he did blow up one ship, but there are more than one underwater, and even if there is only one submarine, it is very troublesome. If you are sailing at high speeds , You will lose your attention to underwater, when the time comes, the opponent's submarine will easily make a surprise attack on your side.

"Then what shall we do?"

"It's very simple. We gradually slow down the power of the turbine. Pay attention. We must stop slowly and within ten minutes." Linde said to the other warships on the radio. At this time, he was the commander of the formation.

"Understood!" said the captains of the remaining warships.

When the underwater explosion sound disappears, when the echo is completely attenuated, the sonar can work normally again.

Bristof sat on the ground of the control tower, finished a box of canning rulers, and returned his strength to his body. He walked to the sonar room: "How is the situation outside?"

"The German fleet is leaving," the sonarman said.

He heard the noise of the fleet on the water, which became smaller and smaller, indicating that the Germans were leaving, and indirectly confirmed his own speculation.

The submarine that came with oneself had already been sunk. The German fleet must have found traces of the sunk submarine and then left.

My side came all the way, thinking that the main battleship that could touch the Germans suddenly attacked, and as a result, one of them was blown up by a depth bomb here. It was depressing how to think.

"How is our electricity?" Bristof asked.

The submarine is underwater and relies on batteries. Therefore, the bottom part of the entire submarine is equipped with batteries. Even so, the power is quite tight. If you sail at the highest underwater speed, it will consume all the power in one hour.

Now, they are almost silent, so electricity consumption is not much.

"There is still ninety percent left," said a sailor.

"Go ahead at full speed, we catch up to the German warship!" Bristof said.

Bristof was at first uncomfortable.

If he continues to stay silent in the sea and consumes a small amount of electricity, he can stay underwater for two or three days, the German surface ship will definitely be gone.

But now, he wants to catch up!

Because he still remembers the destruction of the Black Sea Fleet, his mission is to avenge his own fleet!

He must find the German fleet and use his torpedoes to destroy the opponent. This is his mission, he has no choice!

Now that the German fleet has evacuated, it means that they must think that this water area is clean, and they can just catch up and prepare for a sneak attack!

Following his command, the marine engineer activated the tail motor. In an instant, the interior of the cabin was dimmed, and only the sound of splashing water at the tail could be heard.

The submarine is dispatched again!

Bristof didn't know, his judgment was wrong again. However, even if he knew this was the result, he had no hesitation, because he was going to fight!

The submarine moved, and the noise spread far through the sea.

At this time, Dongfang has gradually revealed its whiteness.

"Found underwater noise, five nautical miles away, behind us," the sonarman said.

There was a smile on Lind’s face. As expected, the Soviets couldn’t hold back their breath, thinking that their fleet had slipped away. Who could have imagined that they would continue to reduce the power of their turbines, and finally the propellers stopped spinning to leave the sea. Illusion?

Now that he found the Soviet submarine, he shouldn't leave alive anymore!

"The rear cannon is ready." Linde exclaimed: "As long as you find the Soviet periscope, fire immediately!"

To deal with submarines, in addition to anti-submarine deep bombs, artillery can also be used. After all, submarines are often buoyant, and artillery makes it easier to greet submarines.

Now, the Soviet submarines must think that they are gone, and want to chase them in a hurry. Their underwater speed is very slow. If they want to chase surface ships, they can only surface and use diesel engines.

If it is a reckless captain, he may directly order to float and quickly start the diesel engine to catch up. If he is more cautious, he may rise to the depth of the periscope to take a look.

As soon as the opponent's periscope shows up, the fight will begin immediately!

They are all ready, and the radar is constantly searching the sea surface, as long as the other party shows up, it can be found.

"Listen to the sound, they are floating up from the deep water area." The sonarman continued.

The depth of one hundred meters is already the design depth of the submarine. It is dangerous to sail at this depth. If it encounters a descending current, it will suddenly go down. Maybe the hull will be crushed. At the same time, the battery power will change. The submarine is sailing at high speed and is being quickly consumed.

Bristof was carrying his submarine, chasing forward and floating up.

The sonar crew did not hear any sound, and the surrounding sea was silent, which showed that the German fleet had gone!

"Attention, prepare to float and start the diesel engine." Bristof shouted.

"Should we not observe first?" The deputy next to immediately asked when he heard his order.

"We don't have time. Now it's dawn, we have to speed up our voyage and look for fighters." Bristof said.

Bristof decided to take the risk and he could not wait.

The water tank in front was emptied of sea water, and the bow of the boat was tilted. The M-98 submarine rushed out almost directly under the water, like a water dragon.

The bow of the boat was at twenty degrees to the sea, and it rushed directly out of the sea. On the top of the submarine, countless outlets began to flow downward.

Almost the control tower was about to emerge from the water, the bow of the boat fell, and the water splashed. Every time the submarine floats up, it will make people excited. This action is very enjoyable and fully conforms to the style of Lao Maozi.

Each person has his own task. The rear hatch is opened. With the influx of fresh air, the diesel engine is preparing to start. The hatch on the control tower is also opened. The watchman hurriedly came up to take a look. At the beginning, he immediately shouted in horror: "German battleship, we are surrounded!"

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