The Third Reich

Chapter 1346: 2 forts

Before dying, the M-98 submarine actually fired two torpedoes. This is considered sufficiently well-trained. The average submarine force has no time to shoot a torpedo. What is more terrifying is that one of the torpedoes actually hit a river. level.

This kind of frigate originally had a displacement of only one thousand tons, and it was impossible to obtain comprehensive protection capabilities. When it was manufactured, it was made with a simple structure and could be manufactured in large quantities. Similar to the Soviet Union, it is a one-time consumable.

Now, after being hit by a torpedo, several unfortunate sailors were blown up in an instant. The remaining people struggled to rescue them for half an hour. They did not rescue the ship and had to board other warships.

Anti-submarine warfare is very dangerous. This is also the meaning of the existence of destroyers. Even if they are torpedoed and sunk, they don’t feel distressed.

When the anti-submarine warfare here ended, the main force of the fleet had already approached the Crimea Peninsula and approached Sevastopol.

"Unfortunately, it's not yet the time for the government in Sevastopol." On the bridge, Marshal said regretfully.

At present, the German navy is still in a state of preparation. If the German navy attacks this fortress alone, it can be taken down, but it will pay a huge cost of casualties, which is unbearable by the German navy and the empire.

Therefore, they have to wait, waiting for the Romanian Army to advance all the way, after conquering the opposite Ukraine, and coming over on land, the navy is only playing an auxiliary role.

Now, with the destruction of the Black Sea Fleet, the importance of this fortress has declined. The Soviets cannot continue to provide reinforcements through the sea, and can lock them down.

"Commander, our aircraft carrier is ready to take off the carrier-based aircraft." On his side, Fredberg said: "They will take off and bomb the Soviets' coastal defense turrets."

Marshal nodded: "This time, first use our bombers and then use our naval guns to completely destroy their coastal defense turrets. Let the Soviets know that from today onwards, the Black Sea belongs to our German Navy. "

Sevastopol is the gateway to the Black Sea Fleet. This important fortress, of course, has a coastal defense gun position. According to the layout of the city, a total of two huge battery positions have been established, namely Gorky 1 and Gorky 2. Fort No.

These fortresses have a lot of history. They have to start in 1904, when the Russian government decided to strengthen the coastal defense facilities of the Sevastopol naval base in Crimea by adding two huge armored naval forts.

As an important naval base, there were originally 11-inch naval guns here. After more than 40 years of history, these old shore defense guns were uncovered and all loading operations were performed manually, resulting in a rate of fire as low as 2 minutes. One shot, and at the same time, all the fortresses were concentrated on the relatively small coastal area from Cape Tolstoy to the Quarantine Bay to guard the entrance of the Sevastopol Bay.

When facing the battleships of the various powers of this era, the opponent can easily bombard the Serbia 30 kilometers away from the coastal areas of Balaklava and Cape Violence across the mountains of Meghenjiye and Cape Khersones. Vastopol, therefore, the old shore artillery defense system must be completely updated and rearranged.

It's a pity that too much time has passed, and construction began in 1928, and it was basically completed in 1934.

This fort is equipped with a 305mm naval gun built in St. Petersburg in 1913 for battleships of the First World War, and is equipped with a modern optical rangefinder and automatic fire control station "barricade".

At the same time, in order to ensure the firing of coastal defense guns, there is a support network composed of 6 observation stations, which are distributed at Lucules Point, Alma Estuary, Kacha Estuary, Khersones Cape, Violent Cape, and Balaklava Bay West Coast. After all, the gun battery has a very long range, and such a huge network of observatories is indispensable.

The firepower of such a fort can reach as far as Nikolaevka, Pohtovi or Bakhchisaray, and control an area of ​​about 5,000 square kilometers.

At that time, it was assigned the number of Fort 30, which is now Fort Gorky 1.

When the Germans had already started sailing in the Mediterranean Sea, the Soviet Union was keenly aware of the risks, so several of the same 305mm naval guns were added to the Sevastopol city defense system to cover Sevastopol. The sea passage to the south of Seoul.

This sister fort was built at Cape Khersones and received the number 35, which is the Gorky 2 fort.

In this way, fort No. 30 guards the wide fan from Cape Lucules in the north, while fort No. 35 controls the southern fan from Cape Khersones to Cape Violence, which can effectively control the entire front of Sevastopol Fortress. In the vast waters.

If the German Navy wants to sail unscrupulously in the Black Sea, it must destroy the Soviet Black Sea Fleet, including the fleet's base. The coastal defense gun positions here are the focus of their efforts.

Now, Marshal was in high spirits and had already begun to plan a strike against these shore defense artillery positions, and Fredberg couldn't help but began to pour cold water on him: "General, our bomber may return without success. After all, The Soviets arranged there closely."

If it is on an endless and vast coastline, those shore defense guns are clear and can be seen at a glance, but the Soviets are obviously not so stupid. They deployed shore defense guns in the woods, especially, they still With special camouflage nets and metal-made fake trees and fake bushes, bombers flying through the air are not easy to find their targets.

On the ground, the penetration of one's own special forces is not easy.

"So, I suggest that we move the fleet to within their range, attract them to fire, and then expose the location of their turrets. In this way, we can easily find their Then destroy it."

Listening to Fredberg's words, Marshal certainly knew his intentions.

If you travel within the range close to them, then your own naval guns will be enough. At this time, what kind of bombers are still used, and your own naval guns are enough.

But this will put our own fleet in danger. The 70,000-ton warship is the pride of the entire German Navy, and it cannot suffer losses in such a confrontation.

Therefore, it is impossible for Marshal to agree to such a risky move.

"Before our bombers destroy the turret, our fleet can't get close." Machar said clearly.

Those shore defense guns have thick armor protection, but they can be easily destroyed in front of their own special bombs. If they can be solved by bombers, don't use battleships.

He heard the grumbling on Fredberg’s face: "I really don’t want to understand, what is the purpose of the huge Hindenburg-class battleship we built? We can’t participate in all kinds of battles, but must be strictly protected. stand up!"

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