The Third Reich

Chapter 1347: Can't fire

This is a kind of helplessness.

Battleships are the giants of the sea and the most powerful representatives. At the same time, battleships are extremely expensive to build, and they are also a symbol of a country. It can be said that if a battleship is sunk by the opponent in a naval battle, it will be morale A heavy blow.

Therefore, in history, whether it is Germany or the Soviet Union, the navy's surface warship forces have passively avoided war. This is the helplessness.

The Hindenburg-class armor is thick, supposedly able to withstand the attack of the 305 shore defense gun, but it will also make people worry, if it is hit by a shell, it will hit a weak position, such as the seat of the turret, such as the position of the ammunition. , Will bring terrible results.

Marshal has his own considerations.

It can be said that up to now, battleships have been mainly used as tools for display. When showing off their military power with the later generations of the United States, they deployed their own aircraft carriers. Now, when Germany is displaying military power, it deploys its own battleships.

When there is no danger, let the battleship fire artillery shells. If there is danger, let the carrier-based aircraft, especially in this small black sea, where the battleship comes out to install the face.

Especially now, one of our own **** aircraft carrier has been injured, and a river-class frigate was sunk. Because of this great effort to destroy the Black Sea Fleet, the loss is acceptable by comparison, but if the capital ship suffers even a small amount of damage, it will Make him faceless.

In future naval battles, battleships can only stand aside, and only the aircraft carrier will be the main force in the attack.

Marshal ignored Fredberg's complaint and just waited for his own bomber to attack.

On the **** aircraft carrier, Stigler felt the push of the catapult and took off quickly from the aircraft carrier. Under the belly of his Stuka bomber, PC1000RS bombs were mounted. This one-ton bomb was specially designed Prepared for battleships such as big guys with thick armor, it can also tear apart the strong armored turrets of shore defense guns.

But at the same time, it is already in the takeoff state with the maximum load capacity. At this time, the maneuverability of his aircraft has dropped a lot. If he wants to dive and attack the opponent’s shore defense gun, other carrier-based aircraft are needed. s help.

At this time, on the Hitler aircraft carrier, the HS129 fleet also began to take off. Lieutenant Steinkamp drove his attack aircraft and took off again. The 40mm cannon under his nose was full. Bomb, his task is also very simple, is to use the advantage of his own sweeper to clean the opponent's shore defense artillery position.

The Soviets’ coastal defense artillery was naturally also a key target. The Soviets deployed strong anti-aircraft firepower here, including four groups of 85mm anti-aircraft artillery.

In order for the Stuka bomber to successfully dive and attack, it must rely on sweeping machine guns to clear out those anti-aircraft artillery positions!

Yesterday, when attacking the Red Caucasus, he relied on the strong armor of his plane and bravely carried out the first dive attack, and was hit. When he returned, he found that his plane was densely populated by more than 20 A bullet hole, under his cockpit, he suffered five or six bullets. Without his bathtub, he must have been in another world now.

Therefore, although the space in the cockpit is small and people complain, when he sits in the cockpit, he still feels extremely safe, which allows him to attack more confidently.

He didn't hang a bomb, and his weapon was the aerial cannon. In this way, the maneuverability of his plane was still good.

Therefore, even though they took off almost at the same time, he was able to climb faster and fly towards the Crimean Peninsula in the distance.

The propellers on both sides were spinning at high speed, driving HS129 to fly. Twenty minutes later, he had already flown along the coastline of the Crimean Peninsula to Severnaya Bay. The Sevastopol Fortress was on the side of the bay. , And the coastal defense artillery position is at the mouth of the bay.

Below it was quiet, only the wind blew through the woods and swayed regularly. From here, there was nothing.

The fort is there, but nothing can be seen.

In this regard, they have long been prepared.

The first time he flew, Lieutenant Steinkamp found nothing. When he flew the second time, he lowered the altitude, almost only 500 meters, and flew over the fortress.

At this time, he is also risking. If those 85mm antiaircraft guns shoot at him, his aircraft may also be shot down. After all, this attack aircraft is bulletproof, that is, it is protected against a machine gun bullet. It is 85mm high. If a bomb hits, the plane will definitely disintegrate.

But what's the fear? How many times he got in and out of the opponent's air defense firepower, he had already put his life and death out of his mind.

After this mission is over, he can at least get another Iron Cross. This is what excites him the most. For this reason, taking a little risk is nothing.

If he fires in the direction, it will expose the position of the antiaircraft artillery position, and their shore defense artillery must be near the antiaircraft artillery!

HS129 flew arrogantly through the sky.

"Are we going to fire?" On the side of the No. 30 turret, the gunner asked in a low voice on an 85mm antiaircraft gun position, as if he was afraid that his voice would expose the target.

At this time, their antiaircraft artillery, covered by a camouflage net, was almost exactly the same as the surrounding turf. Needless to say, the opponent was 500 meters away, even if it was 50 meters flying over the head, it might not be found.

There are also a few bushes around, which are not tall and will not obscure the line of sight, but also provide a good view.

The high artillery man put his hand on the high and low machine, and only waited for an order to quickly shake the high artillery to fire.

At this time the opponent flies very smoothly, it is simply a good target.

"No, without an order, we cannot fire, otherwise our position will be exposed." The squad leader of the artillery squad said: "Now, the German aircraft is searching for us. As long as we fire, dozens of bombers will pop up to explode. Our shore defense artillery."

After the squad leader finished speaking, he looked towards the shore defense gun one kilometer away from his position, where the camouflage was more ingenious. If he had not known in advance that the shore defense gun was there, he would definitely not be able to spot it.

There are trees and bushes all around. The camouflage is too good. Anyway, for shore defense guns, their shooting mainly relies on several observation posts in the front to provide ballistic correction, plus the known firing table, in their own fire range. Within, it simply refers to where to fight.

If the German fleet dared to enter the range of the coastal defense gun, then at least one or two German capital ships must be killed and revenge for its own fleet!

While thinking about it, he watched the HS129 attack plane flying over their heads, and found nothing.

However, this attack aircraft suddenly dived!

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