The Third Reich

Chapter 1348: Can not be exposed

After going around two times, he knew that the opponent was under him, but he couldn't find it. This made Lieutenant Steinkamp angry. Now he can only force the Soviets out!

Pushing the control lever, his nose was down a bit, and then a few 40mm cannonballs flew down.

"Tom Tom Tom!"

This was just an unconscious attack, and he didn't know where he was attacking, but just right, the place he hit was only a few hundred meters away from the opponent's shore defense gun position.

"No, the Germans found our coastal defense gun!" The high artillery here exclaimed, trying to shake his gun.

"Calm down, calm down!" The squad leader of the anti-aircraft artillery squad immediately drank the opponent: "You can see clearly, it is only an attack aircraft. Even if it hits our shore defense gun, it will not have any effect. ."

If you want to attack your own shore defense artillery, you must at least have a bomb of more than 500 kilograms. The other side’s small caliber air gun wants to attack your own shore defense artillery, it will have no effect.

Sure enough, the opponent's shell hit the ground, but only one explosion point appeared, and then HS129 pulled up again.

The other party did not notice.

The squad leader of the artillery squad also breathed a sigh of relief. Just now if he got excited and opened fire towards the sky, he would be exposed.

At this moment, I heard the roar of the other party's plane getting closer.

"Attention, no one can move, no one can move!"

"Tom, tom, tom!" The attack aircraft above its head continued to shoot aimlessly. The shell hit the vicinity, and the peculiar explosion sound of the small-caliber shell could be heard, and the dust rose more than one meter high.

The luck of that plane was so good that I almost found my goal every time! The squad leader watched the plane pulled up, flew away, and exhaled again. When he turned his head and looked at his artillery squad, he saw the young guy who wanted to fire, his forehead was already full. Blood.

A fragment of a splashing cannonball slashed across the soldier's ear, cutting off half of his ear. It was really thrilling. If it was a little too close, it would cut off his head.

And this soldier was motionless when the opponent flew past. He endured the severe pain and did not dare to make any movement to reveal his position.

"Sorov, great!" The monitor couldn't help boasting.

A fortress gun position, from the outside, you can only see a turret the same as a naval gun, but there is still a lot of space under it, with several layers of layout.

Now, on Gorky 1, which is the 30th turret, the commander of the Soviet navy Georgy Alexander is getting in touch with his superiors by phone.

"Yes, we will definitely hold our ground. Only when we receive the order, we will fire, and we will never expose our goal." Georgi said.

When the fort had just been built, he was the person in charge here. Now, years have passed. He is familiar with everything about the fort, as if it were his own body.

Their shooting does not need to see the target, as long as the observation posts provide them with data, they will not expose themselves until the German fleet arrives.

"The German plane has been dangling over our heads, and it has just been swooping and shooting." Putting down the phone, he heard his deputy's report.

"Don't worry about the German planes, tell our artillery soldiers not to expose their whereabouts. The Germans do not know our specific location and cannot be exposed." Georgi said: "Our mission is to eliminate the Germans. fleet."

This last wish to destroy the German fleet can only be pinned on the shore defense artillery, and can only be pinned on the Germans' initiative to shell out, and we suddenly returned fire.

Moreover, after one's own counterattack, the fate is almost doomed. Everyone knows the immense power of the 460mm naval gun, not to mention the Germans still have so many dive bombers.

The city defense commander Lieutenant General Ksrov put down the phone. The call between him and the fort had been completed. For him, the task had just begun.

The Black Sea Fleet is annihilated, will the Germans land across the sea and occupy the base here? If that were the case, he would fight to the last moment!

It was time to report to the commander of the Black Sea Fleet. He turned around and walked towards another small building next to him.

"Bang!" When he reached the entrance of the corridor, he suddenly heard a gunshot.

Suddenly, he realized something, and threw his legs away, like a young man, running towards the end of the corridor with a gust of wind.

When he ran to the door, guards had already entered in advance.

The commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Lieutenant Admiral Oktyabski, has fallen on the chair, his back leaned tightly on the chair, as if he was asleep, but the back of his head was gone. .

White brains and red blood sprayed on the wall behind him, with the pistol still stuffed into his mouth.

Oktyabrsky shot himself, put a pistol into his mouth, pulled the trigger, and when the bullet rolled out of his head, he took the back of his head away.

As the commander-in-chief of the Black Sea Fleet, Oktyabrski has no chance of survival.

In fact, when the main force of the fleet was destroyed and even the aviation was knew that he had no hope, but Vladimirsky gave him new hope. He believes that relying on his own submarine, it can also come back.

As a result, of the dozens of submarines sent out, only two found the target. The remaining submarines did not find the German fleet at all, and the two submarines that found the target have also been destroyed.

When he got the news, Oktyabrsky shut himself in the office. He gave the last order to send Vladimirsky to Moscow to report on the failure. As for himself, I chose to end my life.

Seeing all this, Lieutenant General Kerslov took off his military cap silently, and he scratched his hair vigorously with his hands. When the depression gradually passed, his face regained his composure.

This is the territory of the Soviets. If the Germans want to come up, let them pay the price. They will fight to the last minute. Even if the Black Sea Fleet is gone, the Germans will not come up easily!

If the German fleet comes up, use your own shore defense guns to avenge the Black Sea Fleet! Now, Lieutenant General Ksrov, the commander of the city defense, has the highest rank here, and he has a heavy responsibility.

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