The Third Reich

Chapter 1354: Multiple hits

Many structures of shore defense guns are actually similar to those of naval guns, except that the shore defense guns will not sway back and forth on land, so the hit accuracy is higher.

For example, the shore defense gun of the current turret 30, only the turret and the barrel came out from the horizon. Now, when the barrel is raised and fired, it is so eye-catching that it can't escape at all!

The surrounding anti-aircraft artillery is still firing, but what they have to deal with is the more advanced HS129, a sturdy and armored attack aircraft designed to deal with the most dangerous ground artillery.

As for the Stuka bomber, their goal is the shore defense artillery!

From the anti-aircraft artillery position that had been blown up, Stigler entered the sky above the shore defense artillery. Then, he pushed the joystick. As usual during training, the Stuka bomber dived down quickly, overhead, and attacked. The angle shows at least eighty degrees.

Stuka's dive was getting faster and faster, and the whistle on the landing gear screamed like a urging devil.

The turret on the ground also became clearer and clearer. At this time, the smoke from the opponent's cannon had just dispersed. It was a good time!


Stigler pressed the button on the steering stick, and under the belly of the plane, the PC1000RS bomb left the pylon, and the rocket engine in the tail ignited.

Stigler quickly pulled up his plane, afraid of inhaling the tail smoke of the rocket engine and stalling, his mission was completed.

At this time, an anti-aircraft artillery shell fired at him, hitting his vicinity, and a small black flower bloomed. He pushed the lever hard to avoid the opponent's blow.

The sword is out of its sheath, just waiting to be contaminated with the blood of the opponent.

On the sea, the third salvo of the battleship Stuttgart began.

Under the command of the school firing aircraft, the 460 mm naval gun that fired at Zhu Yuan was re-adjusted, and the sky-shaking roar was issued. One after another 460 rocket extended-range projectiles flew out of their muzzle.

"Boom!" The huge sound of fire resounded on the surface of the Black Sea. The flames illuminated everything around and destroyed the enemy's coastal defense artillery positions!

"Boom!" In the observation post on the west bank of Balaklava Bay, the observation posts watched nervously on the sea. The incoming fleet was being enveloped by puffs of black smoke, and their naval guns also opened fire!

Coastal defense guns have advantages. They have a firing table, high accuracy, and fast rate of fire. Generally speaking, naval guns and coastal defense guns are at a disadvantage when they fire at each other.

But if you have a longer range and dive bombers, the ending will be different!

When the shore defense artillery position was exposed, multiple blows followed. The first thing that came was the PC1000RS bomb with its tail flame.

The bomb was boosted by the rocket, and its speed continued to increase, and then its head accurately hit the turret.

When the collision happened, the huge impact sound reverberated inside the turret, everyone stopped everything in their hands at this moment, and there was a trace of fear in their eyes.

There are only a few who can face death calmly. Fear is human instinct.

"Quick, fire!" Georgi shouted loudly. At this moment, he still had confidence in his turret.

When it was being built, it was considered to deal with various blows. The top of the turret was enough to block a one-ton aerial bomb, which was almost the limit at the time.

Yes, it is the level of a one-ton aerial bomb.

If this bomb was an ordinary one-ton aerial bomb, when it fell, it would not be able to explode the top of the turret, but it is different now. It is rocket-assisted.

The rocket engine at the tail provides thrust, allowing it to continuously accelerate during the attack, increasing its kinetic energy.

At the moment of impact, if you can observe with slow motion, you can see the steel plate on the top of the turret, with the impact point as the center point, starting to spread around, and at the center of the impact point, the steel plate seems to be soft It dented inward, and then broke.

PC1000RS, this is the nemesis tailored by Germany for large battleships, to strike shore defense artillery, it is naturally the same effect, as long as the pilots of the Stuka bomber are brave enough to accurately cast it, as long as it hits, it will definitely be able to destroy!

"Boom!" The 305mm coastal defense gun fired for the last time. Just as the shell flew out of the barrel, the huge bomb above the head had fallen in.

Its remaining power remained undiminished, rushing through the upper platform, and directly hitting the bottom. Then, the delayed trigger fuze finally detonated.


If the German naval gun fire could trigger a magnitude five earthquake at the very beginning, then the intensity this time would be enough magnitude seven, at least a hundred times larger!

In the huge explosion, this shore defense gun, which took countless man-hours to build, was destroyed!

Countless 305mm shells and propellants were ignited at this moment, forming a terrible high-temperature and high-pressure gas, pushing the shore defense gun that had been cracked on the top, flying out of the gun base, thousands of tons The turret was actually topped a few meters high before it fell heavily to the side!

In the huge explosion, the vibration even spread to the nearby fortresses. In the nearby urban area, even the buildings were dangling, as if the end of the world was coming.

A terrible fire emerged from the position of the base. The flames were full of black smoke and rose to a height of more than a hundred meters, forming a terrible smoke, covering the No. 2 turret on the side.

"Fire!" The huge vibration was felt in the No. 2 turret. For a moment they thought they were going to die, but they were still there! Since it is still there, we must fight on!

Just then the third round of the battleship Stuttgart's salvo came.

Although it has been adjusted, it still has a huge deviation after flying over sixty nautical miles.

It was originally intended to shoot at the No. 1 turret, but now its shells have covered the No. 2 turret.

Compared with the rocket boosted bomb of the Stuka bomber, the 460mm rocket extended range bomb on the Stuttgart is faster.

"Boom!" A shell exploded on the ground a few meters near the turret. The large crater that was exploded directly extended to the base of the turret, while the other shell exploded just at the seat of the turret.

"Boom!" Amid the huge explosion, the turret of this coastal defense gun was also lifted off. The sound and shock waves generated by the bomb explosion caused the gunners who were firing inside the turret to have blood in their ears. They were still alive.

"Boom!" The naval artillery shells of the Italian fleet on the sea have also come, and they are still thousands of meters away from the target.

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