The Third Reich

Chapter 1355: Shore shelling

"Target, Gorky 2 turret, fire!" At this time, Fredberg finally entered the state of his own real battleship captain. The front school plane had reported to him that the target turret had been destroyed. Therefore, his naval gun needs to adjust the angle and fire at the opponent's No. 2 battery.

This is the most exciting time. The captain of any battleship is expecting his cannon to fire fiercely at the enemy and destroy the enemy's target. Now, they will conduct a fourth salvo.

"Boom!" The hull was pushed a metre away again in the sound of the sky-shaking artillery. The fire illuminates the entire sea. The shooting of this battleship is so magnificent and spectacular that everyone who sees it Breathtaking.

And just as the shells flew past, the school fired plane sent another notice.

"The Gorky 2 turret has been destroyed by dive bombers."

When the turret was not exposed, they were safe and sound, and when the turret fired, the German Stuka bomber was already ready to use rocket-boosted bombs to accurately hit the target.

"Boom!" The ending of the No. 1 turret of the No. 1 turret was almost the same. The PC1000RS passed through the top of the turret accurately, smashed to the bottom, and then ignited the internal ammunition.

The explosion sounded violently, and the fire splashed outwards. Wherever they went, there was no longer any living person. They were torn to pieces by the airflow and burned into coke by the flames. The entire gun position was exploded. The big crater is like a terrible meteorite hitting the earth!

Standing in his position, the gunner Grostov looked at the hot air wave and rushed towards him. Almost the next second, he was swallowed by this fiery air current, and his body became chunks. Yes, his pain lasted only a second.

In the next second, he has turned into coke.

The fire rushed into the sky, even illuminating the river on the shore, the river reflected the huge flame, like fireworks in a festival.

On each fort, there were thousands of defenders, and at this moment, all of them were killed.

They held their ground, even at the last second, none of them gave up.

The explosion caused a tremor like a major earthquake. For the soldiers of the Sevastopol Fortress, this day was simply a disaster day.

"Our turrets are all destroyed." Lieutenant General Kosrov, the city defense commander, was in his headquarters, watching the chandelier dangling above his head and listening to reports from his subordinates.

"Defend our position and fight to the last minute!" Lieutenant General Ksrov said: "The Germans will definitely land across the sea after destroying our shore defense artillery. Let us destroy them on the landing site for us. Revenge for the fleet!"

The Black Sea Fleet is left with them. They must fight for their honor.

"Boom!" At this moment, a terrible explosion reverberated near them, the earth was trembling, and the fortress was burning!

Lieutenant General Kersrov was not afraid. He watched all the glass in the window shatter, and walked slowly over, looking at the open space just outside of his headquarters, which was the size of a football field. The crater is a masterpiece of large-caliber naval gun shooting.

Come on, Germans, the Black Sea Fleet will not succumb!

Five rounds of volleys passed, and Fredberg’s ears were also buzzing. The shelling just now was really enjoyable. After the fourth round of firing, he ordered a turn around and fired into the opponent’s fortress. Anyway, Lieutenant General Marshal agreed to him, he didn't want to waste these opportunities.

Five rounds of shooting passed, the smoke cleared on the sea, and the voice of Lieutenant General Marshal made everyone sound so excited: "The whole fleet attacked, approaching the fortress 20 kilometers away, and salvos, Let the Soviets taste the power of our naval guns."

Now that the threat of shore defense artillery has been eliminated, our fleet can move to the vicinity of their fortress unscrupulously. Raise the cannon and shoot!

Full speed ahead!

After receiving this order, Fredberg almost kissed Marshal's furry cheek twice, and he immediately ordered to move forward at full speed.

The high-pressure turbine steam engine made a roar, and the 70,000-ton battleship began to accelerate, and other warships in the fleet were also accelerating, approaching the coastline!

At this time, the Italian fleet, which had received the order, took the advantage of the near-water platform. They recklessly approached the position of 15 kilometers. Then, the 320 mm naval gun fired violently.


A huge shelling sound rang out on the sea, and a huge high-explosive grenades shot at the opposite fortress!

Every artillery shell will bring a terrible scene, and the huge craters are proclaiming the strength of Germany to the Soviet Union.

"Boom!" A bunker flew up into the sky. The solid concrete fortifications couldn't stop the bombardment of naval guns at all. The Soviets in the fortifications followed the heroes.

The entire fortress has become a sea of ​​flames.

"Commander, let's go down to the basement first." A voice came from Lieutenant General Ksrov's ear.

"No, our soldiers are holding on in the fortifications, and I also want to hold on in my own position." Lieutenant General Kersrov's voice was quite calm.

"Boom!" There was another huge explosion, the air wave hit, and the entire wall Lieutenant General Kerslov's body fell back weakly.

"General!" the adjutant shouted: "Quickly, send the general to the basement. Find a doctor. The general was shot!"

The German fleet bombarded the sea for ten minutes. After the bombardment, the fortress here had been turned into rubble, with collapsed walls and broken fortifications everywhere, and countless corpses scattered all over the place.

The soldiers who survived by chance had fear in their eyes and buzzing in their ears. The nightmare that accompanied many people was a lingering nightmare in their lives.

Artillery was originally the **** of war. The guns of battleships have huge calibers and terrifying power. Using naval guns to bombard the fortifications on the shore is simply a big killer.

If the only disadvantage is that the naval gun wears out relatively quickly, due to the high kiln pressure, the rifling of the naval gun wears out very quickly, almost all have a life span of a few hundred rounds.

Historically, the German battle against the Sevastopol fortress cost tens of thousands of soldiers to be taken down. Now, the German navy has destroyed the fortress in ruins, but the German navy did not launch a subsequent landing operation. , The time is not yet.

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