The Third Reich

Chapter 1361: The price of mercy

Cannot speak, because if you speak, it is easy to hear in front.

This is an ammunition delivery vehicle with a cab in the front and a warehouse at the back, but a canvas tent with a steel frame on the top of the warehouse. When the Soviet Union had begun to use wood for the carriage, the Germans could still use these steels. It can be seen that Germany's war potential is huge.

There are two opposite doors at the back of the carriage, which have been screwed by Hans directly from the outside with iron wires. This is why Hans thinks it has been stabilized. However, in the front of the carriage, there is a window that is the same as the cab. Directly connected.

Therefore, if they speak, they will definitely be heard in front of them, even if the engine is rumbling in front of them, they cannot take any risks.

There is only one chance.

After being thrown into the car, Lyudmila's body hurt because she happened to be thrown onto an empty ammunition box.

When she leaned on the back of the ammunition box, her hand touched the sharp object, which was the iron bar that encapsulated the ammunition box! As a result, her two hands **** from behind began to rub on them.

At this time, the other women almost all collapsed, and they didn't even know to take the initiative to fight for opportunities.

Finally, the rope behind was loosened, and Lyudmila rubbed her wrist and began to loose the rope for the girl beside her.


"Shhh, don't talk." Lyudmila whispered, "Untie others."

The girl knew, after her own rope was untied, she began to untie the rope for others.

The carriage is dark, and the pupils of their eyes are shining brightly, and they still have a chance to escape!

Just as they untied each other's ropes, Lyudmila came gently to the back, and now they wanted to leave, only to jump from the back when the car was still moving.

The speed of cars in this era is not fast. At the same time, the roads here are destroyed. The speed of cars is almost not much faster than that of bicycles. They will be fine even if they jump off.

However, when Lyudmila pushed gently, she couldn't push away.

No, the tailgate is closed from behind!

Lyudmila was taken aback for a moment, what should I do?

At the risk of making a sound, she pushed hard a few times, but still didn't move, it seemed that she couldn't push away at all!

Untie the side tarp?

Lyudmila started to play with the tarp. She fumbled the edge of the tarp and found that it was the thickest defensive tarp. At the same time, the tarp covered the bottom and was tied to the bottom of the carriage. They did not Way to reach it!

If you want a sharp dagger, you can also cut the tarpaulin, but now, this plan doesn't work either!

The back and the sides cannot be opened, so only the front is left!

The front was wide open and connected to the cab. Lyudmila looked at the rope on the floor of the car, picked it up, and showed fierceness in her eyes.

No matter when, you can't forget the fight!

The car was moving steadily, and Hans turned his head from the window. Indeed, he was troubled by himself. How to arrange these women?

Hans felt that there was nothing he could do, his eyes swept around, and he saw a pile of newspapers on the bridge in front of the car, so he picked it up boredly.

The battlefield daily is available every day. This daily newspaper can boost the morale of soldiers and is an important means of propaganda.

But now, Hans is not interested in these newspapers. He picked out a Russian one. These newspapers, not only Romanian, German, but also Russian, of course, were captured and can effectively Find some enemy information from these newspapers.

Although Hans had never been to Russia, he had studied Russian and read newspapers without any obstacles. When he picked up this newspaper, he was immediately attracted by the big picture.

The good daughter of the Soviet, the heroine female warrior of Ossad, the sniper, Lyudmila Mikhaillovna Pavlichenko, she has used her rifle to eliminate nearly two hundred enemies!

The big picture shows Lyudmila holding her sniper rifle and aiming at the position. It looks very professional. Although it is a profile, it looks too familiar!

In the flash of light, Hans suddenly thought of something.

When I was on the sight of the mouse tank, I had seen this kind of eyes. The opponent's sniper once smashed the glass in front of Schmidt and almost killed Schmidt.

And this woman, in her car, the injured woman she just carried was not a female medical staff at all, but a Soviet sniper!

Her hands were stained with the blood of hundreds of friendly soldiers, and even herself almost died in her hands!

When thinking of this, Hans felt every hair on his back stand up. He originally wanted to save these women who were almost insulted. Who knows, what he saved was actually a murderer. head!

"Stop," Hans shouted loudly.

Schmidt hadn't understood yet. Behind him, he suddenly stretched out his hands, holding a rope in his hand, and quickly slipped it over Hans's head. Hanston was stunned and appeared on his neck. The rope, almost instantaneous, and being strangled by the rope from behind, the danger is self-evident.

Hans was still holding the newspaper in his hand, and he let go of the newspaper, trying to catch the people behind.

The instinct of ordinary people is to grab that rope and want to prevent it from strangling their necks, but this is all in vain. The rope will become tighter and tighter, eventually suffocating.

The best way is to catch the person who is strangling oneself from behind. Only if this person is killed, is it safe.

Although he is a tank soldier, Hans is very good at these fighting events. After all, he can meet any situation on the battlefield.

But now, Hans's hand touched the back beam of the car.

The space is too small.

The cab is just a tiny place, the back and the carriage are connected, and the area is not large. People in the back are prepared to make use of these spaces, but Hans can't reach out.

The rope around his neck made Ludhans aching. At this moment, Hans felt like he was suffocating. He was so brave on the battlefield, was he going to die in his bewildered rescue operation?

War has nothing to do with women? Thinking about it just now, Hans already regretted it. In the war, no one can stay aside. Had it not been for Hans himself who suddenly had the heart of the Virgin and wanted to save these women, how could he be strangled by these women now.

It's so wrong.

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