The Third Reich

Chapter 1362: 0 cut 1 shot

When Hans was struggling, he turned his head and looked at Schmidt. He saw that Schmidt’s neck was suddenly covered with a rope. However, the rope was not strong, unlike the tightness around Hans’ neck. .

Women are not strong enough after all.

Schmidt's hand has released the steering wheel, and he also wants to attack the person behind him. At this time, Hans exhausted his last strength and shouted: "Brake!"

Schmidt understood and stepped heavily on the brake.

As he stepped on the brakes, the two violent women behind suddenly jumped forward, and the rope in their hands suddenly loosened.

Taking this opportunity, Hans grabbed the rope with his hand and pulled it forward. The underneath of his neck was already strangled. He was gasping for breath, and at the same time, he wanted to pull the rope off.

Hans made so many movements almost at the moment of braking, but after the people behind reacted, they continued to tighten the rope.

Hans grabbed the rope with both hands, tilted his head back, and could almost see each other, that face was full of murderousness, and it was Lyudmila!

Damn, it was a devil who saved it by myself! Hans' head suddenly moved backward and hit the opponent's head severely.

Lyudmila didn’t react, and Hans’ head was placed on the corner of her eye. The corner of her eye was swollen. Lyudmila’s hand couldn’t help but relax, Hans pulled hard and pulled the rope. Pulled away.

If Hans had backhanded now, he should be able to catch the assault rifle in the cab, but Hans had just cleared the siege and saw that Schmidt was strangled and started to stick out his tongue. , So Hans didn't even care about grabbing the gun, and quickly went over to relieve Schmidt.

Nothing was needed, Hans clenched his own hands into fists and slammed them at the woman behind.

"Ah..." the woman screamed. She was hit in the head and fell backward. Of course Hans would not spare any strength at this critical moment of life and death. On the battlefield, being soft-hearted would mean death.

Just when Hans turned his head to relieve Schmidt, he vacated the position behind the right side of the cab again. As he waved his fist, he felt a flower in front of him, and someone was poking out from behind. Half of the body came, the other party stretched out two arms and continued to grab Hans's neck.

Hans turned his head and avoided the woman's choking. It turned out that it was Lyudmila, this woman was really terrifying.

Schmidt on the side was still gasping for breath, and he couldn't help much for the time being. Hans has to do it himself. The most important thing at the moment is to get his gun first.

Just when Hans turned her head, she saw Lyudmila walking along the window and coming over. The woman's body was so soft. When she slid over, she ran directly at Hans' rifle. Up.

Hans was shocked. If Lyudmila got the gun, he would be in trouble. Hans wanted to follow along and grab the gun, but he stretched out his hands from the window behind him, grabbing Hans’s body. Prevent Hans from getting the gun.

In such a slow time, Hans saw Lyudmila’s hand, already reaching his gun!

Hans's upper body was dragged by several women and couldn't move. In a hurry, Hans stretched out his leg and kicked hard towards Lyudmila.

Hans is a full eighteen meters tall, and his legs are more than one meter long. The space inside the cab is not very large. Hans stretches his legs and his feet can be exposed outside.

Now Hans was anxious, and even more merciless, and his feet were very strong. He kicked over and heard the sound of broken bones. Lyudmila screamed and was kicked down the window. Up!

There is no concern about shortage of supplies in Germany, but the cab of a German truck also has only the roof and front glass, and only half of the door is for convenience.

During the war, trucks transporting supplies would be attacked by the enemy at any time, most of which came from the air. If there was no upper half of the door, they could jump out of the car to escape at any time.

And now, Hans kicked Lyudmila down, and Hans's upper body was still firmly grasped by several women, and at this moment, Schmidt on the side finally slowed down. He picked up his assault rifle and shouted loudly: "Don't move, whoever moves will kill anyone!"

Schmidt’s finger was pulled on the trigger. The women behind had already made him out of anger. If I knew it, let you women tremble and groan under the crotch of the Romanian soldier. Today, my mind is definitely going in. It's water, I want to save you women!

If these women were not obedient, Schmidt wouldn't mind firing himself. In the cramped warehouse behind, these people couldn't hide at all and they had to be beaten into a hornet's nest.

Schmidt's neck was so fierce that he was almost strangled to death.

The women's hands were released, and Hans took this opportunity to grab his assault rifle, opened the door of the car, and went down.

Lyudmila, the hero in the eyes of the Soviets and the defender of Osad, killed nearly two hundred people alone. Even Moscow praised her.

Hans had already thought about how to use such a woman, and of course it was handed over to the propaganda department.

If you can instigate a rebellion, but you can't instigate a rebellion, it will also hurt the morale of the defenders.

When Hans pushed the car door down, he immediately shrank his head back: "Schmidt, drive!"

Hans pointed his gun at the women behind him, threatening them, but Schmidt returned to his seat and slammed the accelerator.

On one's side, a dozen Soviet soldiers were rushing toward this side bravely, with rifles in their hands, perhaps because they were afraid of accidentally injuring the people in the carriage behind, they did not open fire. Run quickly to this side.

In the street fighting in the city situation where the enemy and our teeth are intertwined is quite common. The place occupied during the day may be touched by the Soviets at night, and the Soviets have hidden in some places here. Soldiers, just waiting for a surprise attack at night.

It's not surprising that a dozen Soviet soldiers appeared here, and these Soviet soldiers seemed to know that there were prisoners in their car.

"Bang, bang!" Seeing that the car was about to speed up to escape, the Soviet soldiers fired, aiming at the car's tires, but unfortunately their marksmanship was inaccurate. The car accelerated and left without damage.

When they ran here, they only saw Lyudmila lying on the ground in pain. They wanted to pull Lyudmila up, but Lyudmila shook her head and refused, taking it from their hands. A gun was aimed at the tire of the car, and then the trigger was pulled.

"Bang!" As soon as the bullet ejected the muzzle, Lyudmila felt her broken ribs start to hurt again. As soon as her posture crooked, the bullet went flying.

The car disappeared at the front of the street, and Lyudmila eagerly shouted: "Hurry up, there are more than a dozen of our sisters on it, who are being dragged and humiliated by the Germans. They are all our medical staff. Staff!"

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