The Third Reich

Chapter 1394: Princess Ashraf's advice

In history, Turkey also has a strong territory. When the country was first established, for some reason, the Soviet Union had to annex Armenia and become a member of the Soviet Union.

And now, just taking advantage of this opportunity to conquer Armenia and occupy Baku, Turkey's national power can develop by leaps and bounds.

Especially now, Turkey has acquired German sophisticated equipment, with Panther tanks, and German fighter jets. For Turkey, with the development of its military strength, their army has also begun to move around.

Under the secret promotion of Gracholu, Turkey has no other choice at all. They can no longer act as a turf, they must participate in this vigorous war!

Iran, Tehran.

"Berlin gave us an order to attack north and occupy Baku." Prime Minister Mansour said: "Of course, we can not implement this order. Germany did not force us."

Iran is also hesitant to be involved in the war. Although the Soviet Union invaded Iran in the past, it was with the support of Germany that Iran finally drove away the Soviet aggressors, but now it is going to actively attack the Soviet Union, then Iran You have to think about everything.

After all, war is terrible.

Reza Khan is already old, and he has long lost the spirit of enterprising. He only wants to maintain his current rule. When he obtains 50% of the domestic oil profit, Iran is already undergoing earth-shaking changes. At this time, His worries are even greater.

When Germany helped resist the Soviet invasion, in fact, according to courtesy, Iran should now agree to it without hesitation. However, thinking of the huge monster of the Soviet Union makes Reza Khan feel like a head, even if the Soviet Union has been beaten. He kept losing, and he didn't want to mess with the Soviet Union.

"It can be said that we have no choice." At this moment, Princess Ashraf with a pie-faced face said: "Germany has helped us so much. It is time for us to reciprocate, although Germany is only a verbal invitation. , We must do the same."

Germany does not enforce it, but Iran has to show its loyalty. If it annoys Germany, it will be difficult for Germany to invade Iran. It is easy to foster new people to subvert its regime.

In the army, there are voices of worship for Germany everywhere, and the party of the 4D flag has blossomed everywhere in Iran. Germany can push itself off at any time if needed, just like it did in Iraq.

So now, Iran has no choice. It's time to show loyalty.

"Yeah, we have no choice." Reza Khan said: "Then we will dispatch troops to attack Baku and occupy Baku. It is also beneficial to continue to increase our income."

As far as Iran is concerned, Baku is not difficult to conquer. After going out from Azerbaijan Province, it will soon be out of the mountains, and when it reaches the Baku Plain, it can be pushed directly.

Princess Ashraf shook her head: "Father, we want to do it, but we don't have to do it right away."

In the royal family, Princess Ashraf was originally unknown, but just last time, she showed amazing talent. After that, Reza Khan let her participate in her own decision-making. Now, Princess Ashraf is simply Became the protagonist.

Her words caught everyone's attention, don't you do it now?

"Since Turkey has also received orders from Germany, in order to compete for the first place, Turkey will definitely do it. Let Turkey do it first, so that all the Soviet troops in the Caucasus region can be attracted to Armenia. They have a good fight in the mountains and wait until The Baku side is empty. We walk directly into the Caspian Sea and land in Baku, and we can directly seize the oil field!"

Princess Ashraf's words made everyone's eyes shine brightly.

Not weak. If Iran starts first, then Iran will definitely be able to reach Baku first, but there is no doubt that the Soviet Union attaches great importance to the Baku oil field. They will send more troops and mobilize all Soviet troops in the Caucasus. Get up, the casualties will increase.

Instead of this, it is better to let Turkey do it first, and wait until they have attracted the Soviet army, and they happen to pick up the ready-made ones.

Princess Ashraf's words won everyone's agreement.

Let Turkey first attract the attention of the Soviets, and then make a surprise attack from behind. This strategic mission can be completed at the least cost. Sure enough, Princess Ashraf is the smartest.

"Pahlavi, you have to learn more from your sister." Reza Khan said: "To master our country, you must rely on your brain. This time, you will be the person in charge of this operation and make a perfect plan for I."

Pahlavi nodded. To his sister, Pahlavi became more and more admired: "Sister Wang, I invite you to work out a battle plan."

Ashraf shook his head: "Forget it, I just give a few suggestions. When it comes to specific actions, I don't have the ability or interest. I will try the new French perfume."

Looking at the back of his sister's departure, Pahlavi's heart is like a mirror, and his sister is really a good helper for him!

Using the Baku oil field as the cake, and attracting Turkey and Iran to divide, no matter what the purpose is, in short, it is to bring Turkey and Iran into this war.

Now Cyric's plan has been successful.

For the Armenians, disaster is coming again.

They are unfortunate. In fact, from the beginning of the last century, the Turks, who were still in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, began to systematically slaughter the Armenians in an attempt to remove this race that might divide Turkey from their homeland. This kind of massacre reached its peak in World War I. Millions of Armenians were slaughtered in World War I. This behavior is probably only comparable to European Jews. .

It's just that for some reason, the slaughter of Armenians is not known to the outside world.

Under the protection of the Soviet Union, the Armenians hid on the land bordering Turkey and began to multiply again. They did not know that for them, a new disaster had come again.

May 6, 41.

Armenian border.

The Panther 2 tanks showed their clear outlines in the dark. On both sides of the tanks, there were a large number of cavalry. The Turkish soldiers looked at the land in the distance with longing eyes.

Rush over, wipe out some along the way, and rush to Baku in one go!

They are not afraid of the mountains, they are not afraid of the Armenians, for them, this is just a feast of massacre!

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