The Third Reich

Chapter 1395: Scared the Turks

"Boom, boom, boom!" In the rear, the artillery began to shoot, one after another, with tracers, flew towards the opposite border post.

These Armenian outposts were reimbursed in the dark, in their sleep, the earth was trembling, burning, and rain of death everywhere!

After the shelling, the Turkish cavalry rushed up to this land, holding high sabers in their hands, and their faces filled with excitement.

"There is an Armenian village ahead!"

"Kill them all and leave none!"

These pagans, **** it!

From this night on, the Armenians were shrouded in war again!

At the same time, the news was quickly reported to the higher authorities, and it was quickly passed to Moscow.

After hearing the news from the Caucasus, the atmosphere in the entire Kremlin suddenly became cold. Now that summer has entered, they actually felt the cold, and they started to get goose bumps.

"The Turks definitely want to take the oil fields in the Caucasus. The Germans are really damned. They actually encouraged the Turks to beat us!"

Regarding the Baku oil field, the people present had long been mentally prepared, believing that the Germans might take action on the Baku oil field. They added more aviation power and increased artillery, just to protect the oil field when German aircraft bombed the oil field. effect.

Who knows, the Germans did not use planes and bombers, and they actually encouraged the Turks to send troops!

The effect of aerial bombardment is not good, because the oil fields are scattered, even if it is bombed once, production will soon be restored, unless it is the terrible weapon that the Germans use to destroy the entire city.

In the recent war, the Germans did not use it. Even in Odessa, where the Romanians suffered so much casualties, the Germans did not use the terrible bombs once and for all.

This shows that that kind of weapon is risky, and the Germans are very cautious and will not use it wantonly.

Now, the Germans urged the Turks to send troops. In the Caucasus, it became complicated in an instant.

"Never let the Turks' offensive go smoothly." Stalin put down his smoking pot and said: "Move all the troops that can be mobilized nearby. We must teach the Turks a lot! Fight them!"

Although the entire western front of the Soviet Union is tight, this does not mean that some small countries can arbitrarily use force against the Soviet Union. In Stalin's eyes, Turkey is a weak chicken. How dare such a country come to fight the Soviet Union?

They must be made aware of the cost of attacking the Soviet Union and causing them to suffer heavy casualties. If they are afraid of them, they will be extremely honest and never dare to attack the Soviet Union again!

This is Stalin's purpose.

"If we want to teach the Turks, we have three reorganization divisions." General Kirill said: "Move all the garrisons in the Caucasus region, and strike hard at these unpredictable Turks!"

Now, the construction of the second Baku is in full swing, but if you want to replace Baku immediately, that is not enough. If the Baku oil field is taken down by the Turks, there are so many tanks and planes on the Soviet front. All of them could not be used due to lack of fuel. At that time, I could only watch the German tank troops advance to Moscow!

Stalin was not particularly afraid of Turkey. As long as there are three reorganizers, the Turks can be beaten to a horrible cry!

His eyes are still focused on the current situation, Smolensk, it looks bad!

"General Rokosovsky is still insisting on Yaltsev, and the Germans are also continuing their efforts in Yaltsev, trying to enclose the opening. At present, the troops in the encircling circle are being ordered to break out."

In this war, a group of weak commanders appeared, but at the same time, there were also a group of new generals rising. Lukin was one and Rokosovsky was the same.

You know, Rokosovsky is facing Germany's elite ace armored division! Rokosovsky has persisted for three days without encircling the German armored forces, which is simply a miracle.

Because of his firm and courageous actions, he delayed the encirclement of the German encirclement, thus creating opportunities for the troops within the encirclement to break through.

At the same time, the troops inside the encirclement did not panic. They were breaking through the encirclement in an orderly and organized manner. For example, the group led by Lukin was using the most aggressive offensive in an attempt to break out of the German encirclement.

"Boom boom, boom boom." In the southern part of the city of Smolensk, I heard a voice. Leohard, commander of the 56th Mechanized Infantry Regiment of the 17th Armored Division of Germany, raised his head and looked at the sky.

That was our own Junker-290 bomber. At this time, these bombers were not here to bomb. When they flew over the city, they carefully did not enter the range of the Soviet anti-aircraft artillery. Then, only the fuselage was seen. At the end of the ship, barrels of materials, carrying parachutes, fell down.

"Attention, we are ready to receive our supplies, but we can't let the Soviets **** them away!" Leohard shouted loudly.

All of his men are riding light motorcycles. These motorcycles were also airdropped last time. Now, the 17th Armored Division is mainly supported by airdrop supplies.

The 17th Armored Division failed to occupy the entire Smolensk because of its rash advance. Lukin’s regiment was blocked across the river. Following that, the Soviets used four armies and surrounded the 17th Panzer Division from the outside. .

Seeing this, the 17th Armored Division immediately turned to the defense. They did not rush to break through, because they used themselves as a bait to successfully attract the large Soviet troops.

After that, the following legions caught up and wrapped up the group armies outside.

Now has formed layers of encirclement.

At the innermost is the 17th Armored Division, outside is the Soviet Army, and outside, there are other German armies.

The two sides have played ping-pong for several days.

For the armored division, the supplies needed are astronomical. After being surrounded, the supplies cannot be transported in by car.

If it were in history, once the armored divisions were surrounded, their fate would be terrible, and they might have to break out as infantrymen.

But now, they have no pressure, because Germany already has the terrible air resupply capability. Those large Junker-290 bombers can carry either 20 tons of bombs or 20 tons of supplies.

In this way, the Junker-290 fleet only needs to fly dozens of sorties a day to meet the supply mission to the 17th Armored Division.

It's just an airdrop supply, sometimes there will be omissions, for example, due to the effect of the wind, blowing to the opponent's position!

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