The Third Reich

Chapter 1403: Guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines

It is summer now, and the dense Naribek Forest in the Novogludok region of Belarus is becoming lush everywhere.

As night falls, although the sun has not yet completely set, the forest is already dark because of the obstruction of the leaves. Only through the gaps of the leaves, there is scattered light shining down, like candles in the dark night. same.

A man, holding a Monashingan rifle with a bayonet, was walking slowly in the forest. The Red Army uniform on his body was so dirty that he couldn't see the original color. He didn't know where he dropped his hat. Go, his beard is very long, as if he has become Santa Claus.

He was still walking slowly, walking, and suddenly, his footsteps stopped.

There is movement in the bushes!

When he gently opened the bushes, it happened to hit the opponent's rifle together. The same Monashingan rifle, the same bayonet, the same dirty soldier.

"It's my own!" The person opposite suddenly shouted excitedly: "Which part are you from? I'm from the 326th Infantry Regiment. We were broken up. Now we don't know where our troops are."

Looking at these people, the man said, "My name is Nekhtyyaev. I was also broken up, but now I have found the organization again. The New Gruddok Regional Party Organization has organized a place. Guerrilla, now we are contacting the separated fighters and welcome you to join the guerrilla."

Guerrillas? Hearing Nekhtyaev's words, the men hesitated: "We are regular troops. We are hiding here, hoping to break through the German blockade and return to our troops."

Because the Germans attacked too quickly, many Soviet troops dispersed during the retreat. These soldiers were stranded in the German occupation area in groups of three or five. For them, they did not want to join the guerrillas. Instead, I hope to return to the regular army.

Seeing the hesitation of these people, Nekhtyaev was quite clear, because his heart also experienced such a struggle: "Yes, our ultimate goal is to return to our troops, but now, we must We must regroup, form a group, and gradually expand our organization so that we can avoid German searches and find opportunities to break through and return to the front. During this time, we can use guerrilla warfare to deal heavy blows to the enemy."

After finishing talking, Nekhtyaev pointed to the distance and said: "Just five kilometers away from our side, there is a railway. The railway that the Germans helped build at the beginning was completely prepared for us to aggression Most of the German military supplies are transported through this railway. If we destroy this railway, we will help the front line. Think about it, these trains are transporting ammunition and fuel. Our comrades in arms!"

These people were finally moved, and the leader Labannock said: "Okay, then we can join the guerrillas, but we don’t seem to be able to do anything. We have no supplies, no food, in fact, we are already hungry. It’s been a few days and I’ve started to eat tree roots."

They have thin faces and are undernourished. If they can catch animals in the forest occasionally, it is definitely a good meal. If they don't rely on firm perseverance, they can't keep going.

Nekhodyaev looked at his watch and said, "In two hours, our supplies will arrive. Let's go, I will take you to pick up supplies."

Replenishment arrived? Labannock swallowed and spit, and said to the people next to him: "Go, let's go together."

During this period of time, they wandered in the forest and were already familiar with everything nearby. They could feel that Nekhtyaev was heading south with them.

A few people didn't speak, only rustling sounds when they walked. As they walked continuously, they were getting farther and farther away from their active area, and it even made people feel indescribable.

What if this Nekhodyaev is a puppet army? What if he is a member of the damned Belarusian Liberation Army who came to lure himself to surrender?

Thinking of this, their pace slowed down, and they winked at each other, feeling that they were a bit too hasty just now.

At this moment, suddenly, the eyes lit up.

The surrounding trees disappeared, and this place became a not-so-spacious flat ground, and here, they saw several other people.

"It's a good harvest." One of them stood up and said to Nekhtyaev.

"Yes, Captain, I found a few comrades, they are all starving, should you give them some food first?" Nekhtyaev said.

The captain took out a few pieces of hard, dry brown bread from the side pocket, and walked towards Labannock. Suddenly, there was an inexplicable excitement in their hearts.

The man in front of him has the same dirty clothes, but you can see his epaulettes, he is actually a major!

"Comrade Major, we were broken up," Labannock said.

"Yes, we were all broken up." The major said: "I sent people and looked around, hoping to find more of our comrades in the woods. Fortunately, today's harvest is good. You must be hungry. Have some bread first."

Labannock took the bread and ate it immediately. They were indeed very hungry.

The major looked at his watch and said, "Let's light it, our plane is coming."


Several piles of firewood were caged in this clearing a long time ago. Now, after receiving the command of the major, they immediately lit the firewood. It was not burning very well, but if you look at the sky, you can clearly see the piles of bonfires. , Forming a straight line, that is the clearest sign of landing.

There is no A small biplane U-2 airplane, just follow this straight line and land easily. When its wheels touch the ground, the airplane tipped slightly. A moment, then it fell steadily.

Its propeller didn't move, its engine had stopped rotating, and it was actually gliding over!

Labannock's eyes widened. He watched the plane fall, and the back seat of the plane was piled up with bulges, and there were supplies!

"Yuri, it's been hard work." When the plane stopped, the major shouted, obviously it was not the first time they knew each other.

"It's no hard work, you quickly unload your things, and you have to fly again tonight to send supplies to other guerrillas." Yuri said.

The U-2 trainer with a simple structure is an absolute all-rounder of the Soviets. It can take off and land only in an open space of several tens of meters, so it is also the most suitable for the guerrillas in enemy-occupied areas.

Rabanok and a few people followed to help move things. The boxes were heavy with explosives. They were used to blow up railway bridges. It couldn't be better!

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